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The Lake Park (Roselle, IL) varsity football team won Friday's home conference game against Wheaton North (Wheaton, IL) by a score of 20-7.
Lake Park's stats are presented by HudlHudl
The Lake Park Lancers felled the visiting Wheaton North Falcons football team by a score of 20-7 in Friday's league challenge.
At least 1,000
Onside kick to start the game. Lake Park recovery
Lake Park FUMBLES on their first play. 1st down WN. Madness to start this game
Unbelievably weird start to this game. Add a missed 28 yard field goal on top of it
Great Punt.
Double reverse razzle dazzle for a trick play TD. Falcons down 7-0 with no life of offense present
Adam Schilling. Just a sophomore. Making a big catch. WN in red zone
21 minutes for halftime!?
Offense has GOT to get something going
Ref hit on a 10 yard rush. Down for 3-5 minutes. Seems to be ok thankfully
Yes. WN has 7 pts. But so many calls go against the Falcons. Most of them wrongfully so
2 Games in a row. Against 2 of the worst teams in the conference. Scoring 7 pts through 44 minutes against GBN and now LP
Your 2024 Wheaton North offense!! -Disgusting
Johnson throws to Adam Schilling who is WIDE OPEN. No one within 15 YARDS of him And he drops it. Hey siri, sum up the WN season in 1 play
Interception about 4-5 yds away from intended target. Game over. Fitting.
Falcons finish 4-5 on the 2024 season. This one will sting for a LONG time
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