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The Seventy-First (Fayetteville, NC) varsity football team won Friday's home playoff game against Jacksonville (NC) by a score of 43-7.

Final score provided by M. Graybill.
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Box Score Stats

Jacksonville (24-25)

Seventy-First (24-25)

Total Plays
First Downs
Penalty Yards

Game Stats



#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals4545.80011.30020106.3
16Amare Dorsey (Sr)4545.80011.30020106.3


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals7959.7788.41131.3
11Deandre Nance (Sr)7959.7788.41131.3


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals231195.22601
7Eric Griffin (Sr)9273.01600
9Demon June (Sr)7497.02601
16Amare Dorsey (Sr)7436.12300


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals3144514.425
3Jayson Franklin (Jr)813016.312
9D. Frederick (Sr)816921.112
11Deandre Nance (Sr)88110.101
14Shon Pone (So)7659.30


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals44511.3200
7Eric Griffin (Sr)155.050
9Demon June (Sr)11818.0180
15Saronn Thompson (So)22211.0200


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals6599.81
12J. Whitted (Sr)23115.51
14Shon Pone (So)4287.0

Offensive Fumbles and Pancake Blocks

#Athlete NameFumLostPnk Blk
Team Totals11
16Amare Dorsey (Sr)11

Offensive Fumbles and Pancake Blocks

Seventy-First has not entered any offensive fumbles and pancake blocks stats.

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals1194564228
7Eric Griffin (Sr)27532
8Yondez Baker (Jr)44
9Demon June (Sr)4918875
12Juju Pate (Sr)1919
15Saronn Thompson (So)2222
16Amare Dorsey (Sr)4343
21Amaree Betton (Jr)3333

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals4455936540
3Jayson Franklin (Jr)130130
9D. Frederick (Sr)169169
11Deandre Nance (Sr)8181
12J. Whitted (Sr)3131
14Shon Pone (So)652816109
19Nyrus Moore (Sr)2020

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals1194545164
7Eric Griffin (Sr)27532
9Demon June (Sr)491867
15Saronn Thompson (So)2222
16Amare Dorsey (Sr)434588

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals4455959504
3Jayson Franklin (Jr)130130
9D. Frederick (Sr)169169
11Deandre Nance (Sr)8159140
12J. Whitted (Sr)3131
14Shon Pone (So)652893


Jacksonville has not entered any tackles stats.


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals14557016.0
2C. Jackson (Sr)2911
3Jayson Franklin (Jr)1
4A. Watson-bethea (Sr)1452.0
5Hector Bautista (Sr)662.0
7Kalen Lucas (Sr)123
8Dwight Drew jr (Jr)325
9D. Frederick (Sr)1782.0
10Xaiveon Gear (Jr)1231.0
15Javonte Whitted (Sr)11
19Nyrus Moore (Sr)112
23Cordell Hepburn (Jr)33
26Camden Graham (Jr)11
30C. Jackson (Sr)123
34Alfred Jones (So)123
50John Archer (So)774.0
54Marque Winters (Jr)1675.0
81Jordan Williams (Sr)11


Jacksonville has not entered any sacks stats.


#Athlete NameSacksYdlHurs
Team Totals2.0
10Xaiveon Gear (Jr)1.0
54Marque Winters (Jr)1.0

Defensive Statistics

Jacksonville has not entered any defensive statistics stats.

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals21
5Hector Bautista (Sr)1
10Xaiveon Gear (Jr)1
50John Archer (So)1


#Athlete NameKOYdsAvgLngTB
Team Totals29849.056
61James Hoopes (Sr)29849.056


#Athlete NameKOYdsAvgLngTB
Team Totals626544.2
25Rodolpho Joseph (Sr)626544.2


#Athlete NamePYdsAvgLngIn 20
Team Totals27839.0461
16Amare Dorsey (Sr)27839.0461


#Athlete NamePYdsAvgLngIn 20
Team Totals14545.0
12J. Whitted (Sr)14545.0

Kickoff and Punt Returns

#Athlete NameKO RetsYdsAvgLngP RetsYdsAvgLngFCKR Yds
Team Totals7649.11964
8Yondez Baker (Jr)144.044
9Demon June (Sr)188.088
12Juju Pate (Sr)2199.51919
20Amari Pearson (So)100.000
21Amaree Betton (Jr)23316.51733

Kickoff and Punt Returns

#Athlete NameKO RetsYdsAvgLngP RetsYdsAvgLngFCKR Yds
Team Totals23618.036
14Shon Pone (So)11616.016
19Nyrus Moore (Sr)12020.020


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals16017
9Demon June (Sr)1606
61James Hoopes (Sr)11


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals6362543
3Jayson Franklin (Jr)21212
9D. Frederick (Sr)21212
11Deandre Nance (Sr)166
12J. Whitted (Sr)166
14Shon Pone (So)22
25Rodolpho Joseph (Sr)55

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals111.00001
61James Hoopes (Sr)111.00001

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals551.05
25Rodolpho Joseph (Sr)551.05


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals1001
9Demon June (Sr)1001


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals516
3Jayson Franklin (Jr)22
9D. Frederick (Sr)22
11Deandre Nance (Sr)11
12J. Whitted (Sr)11


Jacksonville has not entered any conversions stats.


#Athlete NameC RushC RecTotal
Team Totals11
14Shon Pone (So)11
Stat Supplier Logo

Jacksonville's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Stat Supplier Logo

Seventy-First's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Game Story

North Carolina High School Football - Jacksonville crushed by Seventy-First

December 13, 2024: Fayetteville, NC 28304

Seventy-First Falcons (Fayetteville, NC) fans went home in high spirits Friday as they saw their football team triumph over the visiting Jacksonville Cardinals (Jacksonville, NC), 43-7 in a non-league battle.

With the win, Seventy-First improves its record to 15-0 on the season.

The Cardinals now have a 12-2 record.

Myna GraybillCardinals Reporter
david wedlockFalcons Reporter
  • All
  • Q2
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  1. Check In

    2nd Quarter
    0 - 7 The scorer has checked in. JHS 0, SFHS 7
    Posted @ 7:53p
  2. Game Attendance

    2nd Quarter
    Attendance Hundreds
    Posted @ 7:54p
  3. Field Conditions

    2nd Quarter
    Field Conditions Dry
    Posted @ 7:54p
  4. Weather Conditions

    2nd Quarter
    Weather Conditions Cold
    Posted @ 7:54p
  5. 0 - 7


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 2nd down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on their own 19-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 7
    Posted @ 7:54p
  6. 0 - 7

    Long Run

    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - #11 Deandre Nance with a long run. Seventy-First has the ball on Jacksonville's 47-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 7
    Posted @ 7:55p
  7. 0 - 7


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 1st down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on Jacksonville's 36-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 7
    Posted @ 7:56p
  8. 0 - 7


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 3rd down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on Jacksonville's 32-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 7
    Posted @ 7:58p
  9. 0 - 7


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 1st down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on Jacksonville's 21-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 7
    Posted @ 7:58p
  10. 0 - 7


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 3rd down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on Jacksonville's 20-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 7
    Posted @ 8p
  11. 0 - 7

    Red Zone Alert

    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Seventy-First is inside Jacksonville's 20. JHS 0, SFHS 7
    Posted @ 8p
  12. 0 - 7


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 1st down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on Jacksonville's 11-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 7
    Posted @ 8p
  13. 0 - 13

    Rushing Touchdown

    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - #3 Jayson Franklin with a 11 Yd Rushing TD. JHS 0, SFHS 13
    Posted @ 8:01p
  14. 0 - 14

    Made Point After

    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - #25 Rodolpho Joseph PAT Good. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:02p
  15. 0 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Jacksonville2nd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Seventy-First kicked off to Jacksonville. Jacksonville has the ball on their own 38-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:04p
  16. 0 - 14


    Jacksonville2nd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 2nd down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on their own 43-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:04p
  17. 0 - 14


    Jacksonville2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 3rd down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on their own 43-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:05p
  18. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Seventy First calls their 2nd timeout
    Posted @ 8:05p
  19. 0 - 14


    Jacksonville2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 4th down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on their own 40-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:06p
  20. 0 - 14


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Jacksonville has punted to Seventy-First. Seventy-First has the ball on their own 30-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:07p
  21. 0 - 14


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 2nd down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on their own 35-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:08p
  22. 0 - 14


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 3rd down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on their own 35-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:08p
  23. 0 - 14


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 1st down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on their own 47-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:09p
  24. 0 - 14


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 2nd down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on Jacksonville's 48-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:10p
  25. 0 - 14


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 3rd down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on their own 49-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:11p
  26. 0 - 14


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Seventy-First - 1st down, ~1 minute to go, ball on Jacksonville's 42-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:11p
  27. 0 - 14


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Seventy-First - 2nd down, Under a minute, ball on Jacksonville's 42-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:12p
  28. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Seventy First calls 3rd Timeout
    Posted @ 8:13p
  29. 0 - 14


    Seventy-First2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Seventy-First - 3rd down, Under a minute, ball on Jacksonville's 38-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 14
    Posted @ 8:13p
  30. 0 - 20

    Rushing Touchdown

    Seventy-First2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Seventy-First - #3 Jayson Franklin with a 38 Yd Rushing TD. JHS 0, SFHS 20
    Posted @ 8:14p
  31. 0 - 21

    Made Point After

    Seventy-First2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Seventy-First - #25 Rodolpho Joseph PAT Good. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:15p
  32. 0 - 21

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Jacksonville2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Seventy-First kicked off to Jacksonville. Jacksonville has the ball on their own 38-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:17p
  33. 0 - 21


    Jacksonville2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Jacksonville - 1st down, Under a minute, ball on Seventy-First's 43-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:18p
  34. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    False start against Offense l
    Posted @ 8:18p
  35. 0 - 21


    Jacksonville2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Jacksonville - 1st down, Under a minute, ball on Seventy-First's 28-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:19p
  36. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Time Out with .5 seconds left on the clock
    Posted @ 8:19p
  37. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Seventy first stops Jacksonville
    Posted @ 8:20p
  38. 0 - 21


    JHS 0, SFHS 21
    We noticed it's halftime, please enjoy this video while you wait for the action to resume.
    Posted @ 8:20p
  39. 0 - 21

    Start of 3rd Quarter

    Jacksonville3rd Quarter
    Jacksonville to kick off to Seventy-First.
    Posted @ 8:38p
  40. 0 - 21

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Jacksonville kicked off to Seventy-First. Seventy-First has the ball on their own 19-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:39p
  41. 0 - 21


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 3rd down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on their own 22-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:41p
  42. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Seventy First Player down on the field
    Posted @ 8:42p
  43. 0 - 21


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 4th down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on their own 17-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:44p
  44. 0 - 21


    Jacksonville3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Seventy-First has punted to Jacksonville. Jacksonville has the ball on Seventy-First's 41-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:45p
  45. 0 - 21


    Jacksonville3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 2nd down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on Seventy-First's 36-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:45p
  46. 0 - 21


    Jacksonville3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 3rd down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on Seventy-First's 36-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:46p
  47. 0 - 21


    Jacksonville3rd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 1st down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on Seventy-First's 23-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:47p
  48. 0 - 21


    Jacksonville3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 3rd down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on Seventy-First's 19-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:47p
  49. 0 - 21

    Red Zone Alert

    Jacksonville3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Jacksonville is inside Seventy-First's 20. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:47p
  50. 0 - 21


    Jacksonville3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 4th down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on Seventy-First's 16-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:48p
  51. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Measuring Jacksonvilles ball
    Posted @ 8:49p
  52. 0 - 21

    Turnover on Downs

    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Jacksonville has turned possession over on downs. Seventy-First has the ball on their own 14-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:49p
  53. 0 - 21


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 2nd down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 17-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:50p
  54. 0 - 21


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 3rd down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on their own 22-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:51p
  55. 0 - 21


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 1st down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on their own 27-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:51p
  56. 0 - 21


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 2nd down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on their own 34-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:52p
  57. 0 - 21

    Long Run

    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - #9 Donavan Frederick with a long run. Seventy-First has the ball on Jacksonville's 25-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:53p
  58. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Time Out
    Posted @ 8:53p
  59. 0 - 21


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 1st down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on Jacksonville's 26-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:54p
  60. 0 - 21


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 3rd down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on Jacksonville's 21-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 21
    Posted @ 8:55p
  61. 0 - 27

    Rushing Touchdown

    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - #9 Donavan Frederick with a 20 Yd Rushing TD. JHS 0, SFHS 27
    Posted @ 8:56p
  62. 0 - 28

    Made Point After

    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - #25 Rodolpho Joseph PAT Good. JHS 0, SFHS 28
    Posted @ 8:57p
  63. 0 - 28

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Jacksonville3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Seventy-First kicked off to Jacksonville. Jacksonville has the ball on their own 37-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 28
    Posted @ 8:59p
  64. 0 - 28

    Fumble Recovery

    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - #5 Hector Bautista recovered a fumble by Jacksonville and has the ball on Jacksonville's 28-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 28
    Posted @ 8:59p
  65. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    False start against Seventy First
    Posted @ 9p
  66. 0 - 28


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 2nd down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on Jacksonville's 25-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 28
    Posted @ 9:01p
  67. 0 - 28


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Seventy-First - 1st down, ~1 minute to go, ball on Jacksonville's 16-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 28
    Posted @ 9:01p
  68. 0 - 28

    Red Zone Alert

    Seventy-First3rd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Seventy-First is inside Jacksonville's 20. JHS 0, SFHS 28
    Posted @ 9:01p
  69. 0 - 28


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter Under a minute
    Seventy-First - 2nd down, Under a minute, ball on Jacksonville's 8-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 28
    Posted @ 9:03p
  70. 0 - 28


    Seventy-First3rd Quarter Under a minute
    Seventy-First - 1st down, Under a minute, ball on Jacksonville's 3-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 28
    Posted @ 9:04p
  71. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    False Start Against Seventy first 5 yard penalty
    Posted @ 9:05p
  72. 0 - 28

    End of 3rd Quarter

    4th Quarter
    JHS 0, SFHS 28
    Posted @ 9:05p
  73. 0 - 28


    Seventy-First4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - 1st down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on Jacksonville's 1-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 28
    Posted @ 9:09p
  74. 0 - 34

    Rushing Touchdown

    Seventy-First4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - #9 Donavan Frederick with a Rushing TD. JHS 0, SFHS 34
    Posted @ 9:09p
  75. 0 - 35

    Made Point After

    Seventy-First4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - #25 Rodolpho Joseph PAT Good. JHS 0, SFHS 35
    Posted @ 9:10p
  76. 0 - 35

    Fumble Recovery

    Seventy-First4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Seventy-First recovered a fumble by Jacksonville. JHS 0, SFHS 35
    Posted @ 9:12p
  77. 0 - 41

    Rushing Touchdown

    Seventy-First4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - #12 Jy’taivius Whitted with a Rushing TD. JHS 0, SFHS 41
    Posted @ 9:12p
  78. 0 - 43

    Two Point Rush Completed

    Seventy-First4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Seventy-First - Rushed for a 2Pt Conversion. JHS 0, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:14p
  79. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Seventy First's #19 recovered the ball after Jacksonville fumbled the ball recieving kickoff
    Posted @ 9:15p
  80. 0 - 43

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Jacksonville4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Seventy-First kicked off to Jacksonville. Jacksonville has the ball on their own 24-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:16p
  81. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Pass Interference against Seventy-First
    Posted @ 9:17p
  82. 0 - 43


    Jacksonville4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 1st down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on their own 40-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:17p
  83. 0 - 43


    Jacksonville4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 2nd down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on their own 48-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:18p
  84. 0 - 43


    Jacksonville4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 3rd down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 48-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:18p
  85. 0 - 43


    Jacksonville4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 4th down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 48-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:19p
  86. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Jacksonville calls Timeout
    Posted @ 9:19p
  87. 0 - 43


    Jacksonville4th Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 1st down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on Seventy-First's 29-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:20p
  88. 0 - 43


    Jacksonville4th Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 2nd down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on Seventy-First's 26-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:21p
  89. 0 - 43


    Jacksonville4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - 3rd down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on Seventy-First's 25-yard line. JHS 0, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:21p
  90. 6 - 43

    Rushing Touchdown

    Jacksonville4th Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - #1 Jaquial Bagley with a Rushing TD. JHS 6, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:22p
  91. 7 - 43

    Made Point After

    Jacksonville4th Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Jacksonville - PAT Good. JHS 7, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:23p
  92. 7 - 43

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Seventy-First4th Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Jacksonville kicked off to Seventy-First. Seventy-First has the ball on their own 38-yard line. JHS 7, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:25p
  93. 7 - 43

    Two-Minute Warning

    Seventy-First4th Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Seventy-First has the ball on their own 39-yard line. JHS 7, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:25p
  94. 7 - 43

    Long Run

    Seventy-First4th Quarter Under a minute
    Seventy-First - #14 Shon Pone with a long run. Seventy-First has the ball on Jacksonville's 40-yard line. JHS 7, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:26p
  95. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Seventy-first kneels
    Posted @ 9:26p
  96. 7 - 43

    End of Game

    JHS 7, SFHS 43
    Posted @ 9:26p

Game Photos

Photos by Matthew Plyler

Players of the Game

Jacksonville (24-25)

Jacksonville has not selected any Players of the Game.

Seventy-First (24-25)

Congratulations to #3 Jayson Franklin (overall), #14 Shon Pone (offensive), #2 Christian Jackson (defensive) and #25 Rodolpho Joseph (special teams) for being selected the Seventy-First Football Players of the Game.

  1. MaxPreps Staff

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  2. r. rigajol

    Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
  3. M. Graybill

    Seventy first recovers fumble from Jacksonville on their 41 yard line
  4. M. Graybill

    Seventy First First Down on Jacksonville 45 yard line
  5. M. Graybill

    9 minutes: Seventy first Second down on Jacksonville's 45
  6. M. Graybill

    8 minutes: Seventy First First Down on Jacksonville's 35
  7. M. Graybill

    7 Minutes: Seventy first second down on Jacksonvilles 34
  8. D. Ferebee

    1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    0 - 0
  9. M. Graybill

    6 minutes: Seventy first First down on Jacksonville's 21
  10. M. Graybill

    5 Minutes: Seventy first First down Jacksonville 1
  11. M. Graybill

    4 Minutes: Seventy First rushing touchdown from number 11
  12. M. Graybill

    Pat Good: #25
  13. M. Graybill

    Score 7-0 Falcons
  14. M. Graybill

    1st Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    0 - 7
  15. M. Graybill

    Seventy First kicks off to Jacksonville
  16. M. Graybill

    4 Minutes : Jacksonville on their own 20
  17. M. Graybill

    3 Minutes: Jacksonville 4th Down on their own 29
  18. M. Graybill

    3 Minutes: Jacksonville 1st down on their own 34
  19. M. Graybill

    2 Minutes: Jacksonville 2nd down on their own 30
  20. M. X

    Graat updates
  21. M. Graybill

    1 Minute: Jacksonville 4th down on their own 35
  22. M. Graybill

    <1 Minute: Jacksonville Punts, Seventy first has the ball on their own 13
  23. C. Hodnefield

    Agree thanks for the detailed updates
  24. D. Hall

    Keep the updates coming, play by play if possible
  25. M. Graybill

    I have moved to Cardinal's game tracker <3
  26. S. Williams

    The game is on the radio.
  27. S. Williams

    WSME is the radio station.
  28. M. Washington

    State championship here we come let's go 71st

Jacksonville @ Seventy-First Football Game Info

Fri., Dec. 13, 2024 @ 7:30p
The Seventy-First (Fayetteville, NC) varsity football team won Friday's home playoff game against Jacksonville (NC) by a score of 43-7.
This game is a part of the "2024 NCHSAA Football Championships - 3A" tournament.

Scoretracker Providers

Myna GraybillCardinals Reporter
david wedlockFalcons Reporter

Rankings & Records

Jacksonville (24-25)

OverallConferenceHomeAwayWin %Conference %PFPA

Seventy-First (24-25)

OverallConferenceHomeAwayNeutralWin %Conference %PFPA

Team Scoring Averages


Team Stat Comparison

289.6Rushing Yards Per Game330.3
83.6Passing Yards Per Game97.3
83.1Receiving Yards Per Game97.4
373.2Total Yards Per Game427.5
62.7Tackles Per Game73.3
1.5Sacks Per Game2.2
37.1Points Per Game42.9

Team Leaders

JacksonvilleSeventy-FirstNational Avg.
#9 Demon June124.5Rushing Yards Per Game#9 Donavan Frederick103.420.4
#16 Amare Dorsey82.8Passing Yards Per Game#11 Deandre Nance102.451.0
#15 Saronn Thompson42.4Receiving Yards Per Game#12 Jy’taivius Whitted49.917.4
#9 Demon June130.0Total Yards Per Game#11 Deandre Nance201.036.6
#4 Emmanuel Lovett9.7Tackles Per Game#2 Christian Jackson8.52.7
#40 Aarmon Randolph0.7Sacks Per Game#99 Johnnie Jones1.00.2
#9 Demon June12.9Points Per Game#11 Deandre Nance11.22.2

Common Opponents

SchoolCommon Opp. Rec.SchoolCommon Opp. Rec.
9/20/24J.H. RoseJacksonville(W) 53-2012/6/24J.H. RoseSeventy-First(W) 48-7
11/29/24Cape FearJacksonville(W) 28-1410/4/24Seventy-FirstCape Fear(W) 43-3

Record Breakdown

Jacksonville (24-25)

Seventy-First (24-25)

Head to Head
Common Opponent