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The St. Michael (Baton Rouge, LA) varsity football team lost Friday's home conference game against Plaquemine (LA) by a score of 61-28.

St. Michael7701428
Final score provided by J. Watson.
  • Recap
  • Box Score
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  • Matchup Info

Box Score Stats

Plaquemine (24-25)

St. Michael (24-25)

Total Plays
First Downs
Penalty Yards

Game Stats



#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals1624258.66716.13074142.0
2Nico Victorian (Sr)1624258.66716.13074142.0
St. Michael


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals1624200.66712.52151102.8
9Brock Hamilton (Sr)1624200.66712.52151102.8


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals3032510.88015
2Nico Victorian (Sr)3175.7100
4Tyrese Mosby (Sr)1823813.28014
8Darrell Tate (Sr)66210.33501
11L. Bowers iii (Sr)122.020
25C. Cole (Sr)263.00
St. Michael


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals452174.84112
2Nathan Saylor (Sr)1440.340
7Jackson Samson (Jr)1-3-3.000
8Damian Willett (Jr)34414.7410
9Brock Hamilton (Sr)11615.52101
24John Martinez (Sr)161116.93911


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals1625816.1743
0Dajon Beloney (Jr)614023.3742
4Tyrese Mosby (Sr)2199.512
14John Walker v (So)34816.0301
17T. Henderson (Jr)55110.218
St. Michael


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals1620012.5512
0Johnny Mccarty (Jr)810012.5461
2Nathan Saylor (Sr)26030.0511
8Damian Willett (Jr)4235.817
11Jack Boyles (So)2178.510

Offensive Fumbles and Pancake Blocks

#Athlete NameFumLostPnk Blk
Team Totals11
4Tyrese Mosby (Sr)11
St. Michael

Offensive Fumbles and Pancake Blocks

#Athlete NameFumLostPnk Blk
Team Totals11
0Johnny Mccarty (Jr)11

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals32525886100679
0Dajon Beloney (Jr)140140
2Nico Victorian (Sr)1717
4Tyrese Mosby (Sr)23819257
6R. Bingham (Jr)1010
8Darrell Tate (Sr)6240102
11L. Bowers iii (Sr)22
14John Walker v (So)482472
17T. Henderson (Jr)5151
22Daylan Jenkins (Jr)2222
25C. Cole (Sr)66
St. Michael

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals21720078495
0Johnny Mccarty (Jr)10055155
2Nathan Saylor (Sr)46064
7Jackson Samson (Jr)-3-3
8Damian Willett (Jr)442367
9Brock Hamilton (Sr)6161
11Jack Boyles (So)1717
19Alex Mayeux (So)1717
24John Martinez (Sr)111111
38Codey Doming (So)66

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals325258258583
0Dajon Beloney (Jr)140140
2Nico Victorian (Sr)17258275
4Tyrese Mosby (Sr)23819257
8Darrell Tate (Sr)6262
11L. Bowers iii (Sr)22
14John Walker v (So)4848
17T. Henderson (Jr)5151
25C. Cole (Sr)66
St. Michael

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals217200200417
0Johnny Mccarty (Jr)100100
2Nathan Saylor (Sr)46064
7Jackson Samson (Jr)-3-3
8Damian Willett (Jr)442367
9Brock Hamilton (Sr)61200261
11Jack Boyles (So)1717
24John Martinez (Sr)111111


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals1718354.0
3Avrion Lawson (Sr)112
5D. D'ryan bosley (Sr)1452.0
6R. Bingham (Jr)639
7Cameron Rogers (Jr)56111.0
57Micah Plant (Jr)1451.0
74Paul Smith (Sr)33
St. Michael


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals1940591.0
0Johnny Mccarty (Jr)426
1Blaine Rodrigue (Sr)022
5Knox Poirrier (Sr)358
7Jackson Samson (Jr)156
10Hudson Foreman (Sr)1341.0
17Seth Darsam (So)257
22Payton Dawson (Jr)123
25Grant Baldwin033
32Nathan Contine (Jr)011
36Leandre Dixon (Sr)213
38Codey Doming (So)011
45G. Boudreaux (Sr)257
56Luke Hillman (Sr)101
66Guy Woods (Sr)011
69Aiden Horton (Jr)022
86Ethan Sutton (Fr)224

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals100.01851
5D. D'ryan bosley (Sr)185
6R. Bingham (Jr)1
7Cameron Rogers (Jr)100.0

Defensive Statistics

St. Michael has not entered any defensive statistics stats.


#Athlete NameKOYdsAvgLngTB
Team Totals833141.449
26Jacobi Collor (Sr)833141.449
St. Michael


#Athlete NameKOYdsAvgLngTB
Team Totals519539.0541
26Benjamin Jones (Jr)519539.0541


Plaquemine has not entered any punts stats.
St. Michael


#Athlete NamePYdsAvgLngIn 20
Team Totals513426.8312
26Benjamin Jones (Jr)513426.8312

Kickoff and Punt Returns

#Athlete NameKO RetsYdsAvgLngP RetsYdsAvgLngFCKR Yds
Team Totals38628.74011010.01096
6R. Bingham (Jr)11010.01010
8Darrell Tate (Sr)14040.04040
14John Walker v (So)12424.02424
22Daylan Jenkins (Jr)12222.02222
St. Michael

Kickoff and Punt Returns

#Athlete NameKO RetsYdsAvgLngP RetsYdsAvgLngFCKR Yds
Team Totals77811.12578
0Johnny Mccarty (Jr)35518.32555
19Alex Mayeux (So)3175.71217
38Codey Doming (So)166.066


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals8482555
0Dajon Beloney (Jr)212012
4Tyrese Mosby (Sr)424226
8Darrell Tate (Sr)166
14John Walker v (So)166
26Jacobi Collor (Sr)55
St. Michael


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals424428
0Johnny Mccarty (Jr)166
2Nathan Saylor (Sr)166
9Brock Hamilton (Sr)166
24John Martinez (Sr)166
26Benjamin Jones (Jr)44

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals57.70005
26Jacobi Collor (Sr)57.70005
St. Michael

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals441.001.04
26Benjamin Jones (Jr)441.001.04


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals5318
0Dajon Beloney (Jr)22
4Tyrese Mosby (Sr)44
5D. D'ryan bosley (Sr)1
8Darrell Tate (Sr)11
14John Walker v (So)11
St. Michael


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals224
0Johnny Mccarty (Jr)11
2Nathan Saylor (Sr)11
9Brock Hamilton (Sr)11
24John Martinez (Sr)11


#Athlete NameC RushC RecTotal
Team Totals101
4Tyrese Mosby (Sr)11


St. Michael has not entered any conversions stats.
Stat Supplier Logo

Plaquemine's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Stat Supplier Logo

St. Michael's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Game Story

Louisiana High School Football - St. Michael trounced by Plaquemine

October 18, 2024: Baton Rouge, LA 70879

Plaquemine Green Devils (Plaquemine, LA) followers went home pleased Friday as they saw their football team triumph over the host St. Michael Warriors (Baton Rouge, LA), 61-28 in a league battle.

With the win, Plaquemine advances its record to 6-1 on the season. The Green Devils host Tara (Baton Rouge, LA) to play the Trojans in a 4A District 6 battle on Friday, October 25. The Trojans go into the battle with a record of 0-6.

The Warriors now own a 4-3 record. They play next when they travel to Port Allen for a non-league battle on Thursday, October 24. St. Michael will play a Pelicans team coming off a 52-6 league loss to Madison Prep Academy (Baton Rouge, LA). The Pelicans record now stands at 3-4.

John WatsonGreen Devils Reporter
  • All
  • Q1
  • Q2
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  • F
  1. Check In

    0 - 0 The scorer has checked in. Plaquemine 0, SMHS 0
    Posted @ 6:31p
  2. Game Attendance

    Attendance Hundreds
    Posted @ 6:32p
  3. Field Conditions

    Field Conditions Dry
    Posted @ 6:32p
  4. Weather Conditions

    Weather Conditions Fair
    Posted @ 6:32p
  5. 0 - 0

    Start of Game

    Plaquemine1st Quarter
    Plaquemine kicking off to St. Michael.
    Posted @ 7:01p
  6. 0 - 0

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    St. Michael1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Plaquemine kicked off to St. Michael. St. Michael has the ball on their own 20-yard line. Plaquemine 0, SMHS 0
    Posted @ 7:03p
  7. 0 - 6

    Rushing Touchdown

    St. Michael1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    St. Michael - #8 Damian Willett with a 15 Yd Rushing TD. Plaquemine 0, SMHS 6
    Posted @ 7:12p
  8. 0 - 7

    Made Point After

    St. Michael1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    St. Michael - #26 Benjamin Jones PAT Good. Plaquemine 0, SMHS 7
    Posted @ 7:12p
  9. 6 - 7

    Passing Touchdown

    Plaquemine1st Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #2 Nico Victorian 17 Yd pass completed to #20 for a TD. Plaquemine 6, SMHS 7
    Posted @ 7:17p
  10. 7 - 7

    Made Point After

    Plaquemine1st Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #26 Jacobi Collor PAT Good. Plaquemine 7, SMHS 7
    Posted @ 7:18p
  11. 7 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    St. Michael1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Plaquemine kicked off to St. Michael. St. Michael has the ball on their own 35-yard line. Plaquemine 7, SMHS 7
    Posted @ 7:20p
  12. 7 - 7


    Plaquemine1st Quarter Under a minute
    St. Michael has punted to Plaquemine. Plaquemine has the ball on their own 15-yard line. Plaquemine 7, SMHS 7
    Posted @ 7:28p
  13. 7 - 7

    End of 1st Quarter

    2nd Quarter
    Plaquemine 7, SMHS 7
    Posted @ 7:32p
  14. 7 - 7

    Turnover on Downs

    St. Michael2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Plaquemine has turned possession over on downs. St. Michael has the ball on Plaquemine's 29-yard line. Plaquemine 7, SMHS 7
    Posted @ 7:34p
  15. 7 - 7


    Plaquemine2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    St. Michael has punted to Plaquemine. Plaquemine has the ball on their own 6-yard line. Plaquemine 7, SMHS 7
    Posted @ 7:42p
  16. 7 - 7

    Fumble Recovery

    St. Michael2nd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    St. Michael recovered a fumble by Plaquemine and has the ball on Plaquemine's 35-yard line. Plaquemine 7, SMHS 7
    Posted @ 7:49p
  17. 7 - 13

    Rushing Touchdown

    St. Michael2nd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    St. Michael - #24 John Martinez with a 15 Yd Rushing TD. Plaquemine 7, SMHS 13
    Posted @ 7:52p
  18. 7 - 14

    Made Point After

    St. Michael2nd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    St. Michael - #26 Benjamin Jones PAT Good. Plaquemine 7, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 7:53p
  19. 7 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Plaquemine2nd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    St. Michael kicked off to Plaquemine. Plaquemine has the ball on their own 45-yard line. Plaquemine 7, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 7:55p
  20. 13 - 14

    Rushing Touchdown

    Plaquemine2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #4 Tyrese Mosby with a 14 Yd Rushing TD. Plaquemine 13, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 7:57p
  21. 14 - 14

    Made Point After

    Plaquemine2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #26 Jacobi Collor PAT Good. Plaquemine 14, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 7:57p
  22. 14 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    St. Michael2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Plaquemine kicked off to St. Michael. St. Michael has the ball on their own 28-yard line. Plaquemine 14, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 8p
  23. 14 - 14


    Plaquemine 14, SMHS 14
    We noticed it's halftime, please enjoy this video while you wait for the action to resume.
    Posted @ 8:14p
  24. 14 - 14

    Start of 3rd Quarter

    St. Michael3rd Quarter
    St. Michael to kick off to Plaquemine.
    Posted @ 8:32p
  25. 14 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Plaquemine3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    St. Michael kicked off to Plaquemine. Plaquemine has the ball on their own 35-yard line. Plaquemine 14, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 8:35p
  26. 20 - 14

    Rushing Touchdown

    Plaquemine3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #4 Tyrese Mosby with a 22 Yd Rushing TD. Plaquemine 20, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 8:38p
  27. 20 - 14

    Passing Two Point Conversion Failed

    Plaquemine3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - 2Pt Conversion Failed. Plaquemine 20, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 8:39p
  28. 20 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    St. Michael3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Plaquemine kicked off to St. Michael. St. Michael has the ball on their own 37-yard line. Plaquemine 20, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 8:41p
  29. 20 - 14

    Turnover on Downs

    Plaquemine3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    St. Michael has turned possession over on downs. Plaquemine has the ball on their own 45-yard line. Plaquemine 20, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 8:48p
  30. 20 - 14

    Long Run

    Plaquemine3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #4 Tyrese Mosby with a long run. Plaquemine has the ball on St. Michael's 25-yard line. Plaquemine 20, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 8:50p
  31. 26 - 14

    Rushing Touchdown

    Plaquemine3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #4 Tyrese Mosby with a 4 Yd Rushing TD. Plaquemine 26, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 8:52p
  32. 28 - 14

    Two Point Rush Completed

    Plaquemine3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #4 Tyrese Mosby rushed for a 2Pt Conversion. Plaquemine 28, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 8:53p
  33. 28 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    St. Michael3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Plaquemine kicked off to St. Michael. St. Michael has the ball on their own 35-yard line. Plaquemine 28, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 8:56p
  34. 28 - 14


    Plaquemine3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    St. Michael has punted to Plaquemine. Plaquemine has the ball on their own 20-yard line. Plaquemine 28, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 9:03p
  35. 34 - 14

    Passing Touchdown

    Plaquemine3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #2 Nico Victorian 75 Yd pass completed to #20 for a TD. Plaquemine 34, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 9:04p
  36. 34 - 14

    Missed Point After

    Plaquemine3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - PAT Missed. Plaquemine 34, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 9:06p
  37. 34 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    St. Michael3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Plaquemine kicked off to St. Michael. St. Michael has the ball on their own 40-yard line. Plaquemine 34, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 9:08p
  38. 34 - 14

    Missed FG

    Plaquemine3rd Quarter Under a minute
    St. Michael turned over possession on a missed field goal. Plaquemine has the ball on their own 22-yard line. Plaquemine 34, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 9:13p
  39. 34 - 14

    End of 3rd Quarter

    4th Quarter
    Plaquemine 34, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 9:14p
  40. 40 - 14

    Rushing Touchdown

    Plaquemine4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #8 Darrell Tate with a 15 Yd Rushing TD. Plaquemine 40, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 9:22p
  41. 41 - 14

    Made Point After

    Plaquemine4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #26 Jacobi Collor PAT Good. Plaquemine 41, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 9:22p
  42. 41 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    St. Michael4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Plaquemine kicked off to St. Michael. St. Michael has the ball on their own 49-yard line. Plaquemine 41, SMHS 14
    Posted @ 9:24p
  43. 41 - 20

    Passing Touchdown

    St. Michael4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    St. Michael - #8 Damian Willett 51 Yd pass completed to #2 Nathan Saylor for a TD. Plaquemine 41, SMHS 20
    Posted @ 9:26p
  44. 41 - 21

    Made Point After

    St. Michael4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    St. Michael - #26 Benjamin Jones PAT Good. Plaquemine 41, SMHS 21
    Posted @ 9:26p
  45. 47 - 21

    Rushing Touchdown

    Plaquemine4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #4 Tyrese Mosby with a 80 Yd Rushing TD. Plaquemine 47, SMHS 21
    Posted @ 9:30p
  46. 48 - 21

    Made Point After

    Plaquemine4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #26 Jacobi Collor PAT Good. Plaquemine 48, SMHS 21
    Posted @ 9:32p
  47. 48 - 21

    Fumble Recovery

    Plaquemine4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #6 Roderick Bingham recovered a fumble by St. Michael and has the ball on St. Michael's 45-yard line. Plaquemine 48, SMHS 21
    Posted @ 9:44p
  48. 54 - 21

    Passing Touchdown

    Plaquemine4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #2 Nico Victorian 45 Yd pass completed to #14 John Walker v for a TD. Plaquemine 54, SMHS 21
    Posted @ 9:45p
  49. 54 - 21

    Missed Point After

    Plaquemine4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - PAT Missed. Plaquemine 54, SMHS 21
    Posted @ 9:45p
  50. 54 - 21

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    St. Michael4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Plaquemine kicked off to St. Michael. St. Michael has the ball on their own 35-yard line. Plaquemine 54, SMHS 21
    Posted @ 9:48p
  51. 54 - 27

    Passing Touchdown

    St. Michael4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    St. Michael - #9 Brock Hamilton 22 Yd pass completed to #8 Damian Willett for a TD. Plaquemine 54, SMHS 27
    Posted @ 9:51p
  52. 54 - 28

    Made Point After

    St. Michael4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    St. Michael - #26 Benjamin Jones PAT Good. Plaquemine 54, SMHS 28
    Posted @ 9:52p
  53. 54 - 28

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    St. Michael4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Plaquemine kicked off to St. Michael. St. Michael has the ball. Plaquemine 54, SMHS 28
    Posted @ 9:57p
  54. 60 - 28

    Fumble Recovery Returned for Touchdown

    Plaquemine4th Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #5 Derion D'ryan bosley with a 90-yard fumble return touchdown. Plaquemine 60, SMHS 28
    Posted @ 10:01p
  55. 61 - 28

    Made Point After

    Plaquemine4th Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Plaquemine - #26 Jacobi Collor PAT Good. Plaquemine 61, SMHS 28
    Posted @ 10:02p
  56. 61 - 28

    End of Game

    Plaquemine 61, SMHS 28
    Posted @ 10:15p

Plaquemine @ St. Michael Football Game Info

Fri., Oct. 18, 2024 @ 7p
The St. Michael (Baton Rouge, LA) varsity football team lost Friday's home conference game against Plaquemine (LA) by a score of 61-28.

Scoretracker Providers

John WatsonGreen Devils Reporter

Rankings & Records

Plaquemine (24-25)

OverallDistrictHomeAwayWin %District %PFPA

St. Michael (24-25)

OverallDistrictHomeAwayWin %District %PFPA

Team Scoring Averages

St. Michael

Plaquemine Videos

St. Michael Videos

St. Michael doesn't have any videos.

Team Stat Comparison

PlaquemineSt. Michael
203.2Rushing Yards Per Game145.9
151.5Passing Yards Per Game121.0
133.1Receiving Yards Per Game119.8
354.7Total Yards Per Game266.9
5.9Tackles Per Game48.6
0.1Sacks Per Game0.6
32.1Points Per Game21.6

Team Leaders

PlaquemineSt. MichaelNational Avg.
#4 Tyrese Mosby185.9Rushing Yards Per Game#20 Deontae Camel124.020.4
#2 Nico Victorian168.8Passing Yards Per Game#9 Brock Hamilton112.651.0
#14 John Walker v64.2Receiving Yards Per Game#0 Johnny Mccarty69.517.4
#4 Tyrese Mosby194.7Total Yards Per Game#9 Brock Hamilton124.436.6
#7 Cameron Rogers6.0Tackles Per Game#27 Brady Patt9.02.7
#5 Derion D'ryan bosley0.3Sacks Per Game#7 Jackson Samson0.20.2
#4 Tyrese Mosby19.3Points Per Game#24 John Martinez8.62.2

Record Breakdown

Plaquemine (24-25)

St. Michael (24-25)

Head to Head
Common Opponent