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The South Beloit (IL) varsity football team lost Friday's home conference game against West Carroll (Savanna, IL) by a score of 36-26.

West Carroll6166836
South Beloit686626
Final score provided by D. Morgan II.
  • Recap
  • Box Score
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  • Matchup Info

Game Stats

West Carroll


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals31158.27319.3112941.5
7W. Harrington (Jr)31158.27319.3112941.5
South Beloit


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals514152.35730.41100.9
3Landen Reed (Jr)514152.35730.41100.9
West Carroll


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals622984.82223
4R. Pickard-schintgen (Sr)241024.3191
7W. Harrington (Jr)561.230
9Aden Buchholz (So)191337.02213
24Conner Townsend (Sr)11474.3140
30Tyler Mcginnis (Sr)3103.370
South Beloit


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals211065.002
1C. Herrington (So)11555.001
3Landen Reed (Jr)188.00
84T. Peterson (Sr)5112.201
Jacob Wilhite (Sr)4328.00
West Carroll


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals35819.3291
3Roger Laborn (Jr)12929.0291
4R. Pickard-schintgen (Sr)144.04
24Conner Townsend (Sr)12525.025
South Beloit


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals515230.41
4Cameron Meister (Jr)15555.01
82Kaden Cook (Jr)14040.0
84T. Peterson (Sr)23015.0
Jacob Wilhite (Sr)12727.0
West Carroll

Offensive Fumbles and Pancake Blocks

#Athlete NameFumLostPnk Blk
Team Totals21
4R. Pickard-schintgen (Sr)11
30Tyler Mcginnis (Sr)1

Offensive Fumbles and Pancake Blocks

South Beloit has not entered any offensive fumbles and pancake blocks stats.
West Carroll

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals2985842398
3Roger Laborn (Jr)2929
4R. Pickard-schintgen (Sr)102442148
7W. Harrington (Jr)66
9Aden Buchholz (So)133133
24Conner Townsend (Sr)472572
30Tyler Mcginnis (Sr)1010
South Beloit

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals106152258
1C. Herrington (So)5555
3Landen Reed (Jr)88
4Cameron Meister (Jr)5555
82Kaden Cook (Jr)4040
84T. Peterson (Sr)113041
Jacob Wilhite (Sr)322759
West Carroll

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals2985858356
3Roger Laborn (Jr)2929
4R. Pickard-schintgen (Sr)1024106
7W. Harrington (Jr)65864
9Aden Buchholz (So)133133
24Conner Townsend (Sr)472572
30Tyler Mcginnis (Sr)1010
South Beloit

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals106152152258
1C. Herrington (So)5555
3Landen Reed (Jr)8152160
4Cameron Meister (Jr)5555
82Kaden Cook (Jr)4040
84T. Peterson (Sr)113041
Jacob Wilhite (Sr)322759
West Carroll


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals1230422.0
2R. R budimlija (Jr)44
3Roger Laborn (Jr)112
5Jacoby Cropper (So)11
6Ayden Lahre (So)22
9Aden Buchholz (So)235
22Austin Behrens (Sr)224
24Conner Townsend (Sr)279
25Jonner Smith (Jr)11
30Tyler Mcginnis (Sr)11
33Cole Herrell (Jr)44
55A. Gregor wiest (Sr)2352.0
74Logan Thulen (Sr)224
South Beloit


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals5454
1C. Herrington (So)1111
4Cameron Meister (Jr)66
5Bj Pletcher (Jr)11
9D. Winterland (Jr)88
17Gabriel Najera (So)11
20Jonah Martinez (So)11
23Garrett Ludtke (So)44
64Logan Tennant (Sr)44
72Keyon Floyd (Sr)44
82Kaden Cook (Jr)66
84T. Peterson (Sr)33
Brody Weber (Sr)11
Jacob Wilhite (Sr)44
West Carroll


#Athlete NameSacksYdlHurs
Team Totals1.0
22Austin Behrens (Sr)1.0
South Beloit


#Athlete NameSacksYdlHurs
Team Totals1.0
Brody Weber (Sr)1.0
West Carroll

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals32
2R. R budimlija (Jr)2
3Roger Laborn (Jr)1
25Jonner Smith (Jr)1
60Malachi Lamm (Sr)1
South Beloit

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals12
5Bj Pletcher (Jr)11
84T. Peterson (Sr)1
West Carroll


#Athlete NameKOYdsAvgLngTB
Team Totals611619.337
8Francisco Ceja (Jr)611619.337


South Beloit has not entered any kickoffs stats.
West Carroll

Kickoff and Punt Returns

#Athlete NameKO RetsYdsAvgLngP RetsYdsAvgLngFCKR Yds
Team Totals24221.04242
2R. R budimlija (Jr)100.00
4R. Pickard-schintgen (Sr)14242.04242

Kickoff and Punt Returns

South Beloit has not entered any kickoff and punt returns stats.
West Carroll


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals424630
3Roger Laborn (Jr)166
9Aden Buchholz (So)31818
24Conner Townsend (Sr)22
30Tyler Mcginnis (Sr)44
South Beloit


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals42424
1C. Herrington (So)166
4Cameron Meister (Jr)166
84T. Peterson (Sr)21212
West Carroll


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals314
3Roger Laborn (Jr)11
9Aden Buchholz (So)33
South Beloit


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals2114
1C. Herrington (So)11
4Cameron Meister (Jr)11
84T. Peterson (Sr)112
West Carroll


#Athlete NameC RushC RecTotal
Team Totals33
24Conner Townsend (Sr)11
30Tyler Mcginnis (Sr)22


South Beloit has not entered any conversions stats.

Game Story

Illinois High School Football - West Carroll beat South Beloit

October 25, 2024: South Beloit, IL 61080

The West Carroll Thunder football squad scored 36 points and limited the host South Beloit Sobos to 26 in the Thunder league triumph on Friday.

The Thunder now sport a 7-2 record.

With the defeat, South Beloit drops to 6-3 on the campaign.

Dan Morgan IISobos Reporter
  • All
  • Q1
  • Q2
  • Q3
  • Q4
  • F
  1. Check In

    1st Quarter
    0 - 0 The scorer has checked in. WCHS 0, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:02p
  2. Game Attendance

    1st Quarter
    Attendance Hundreds
    Posted @ 7:02p
  3. Field Conditions

    1st Quarter
    Field Conditions Dry
    Posted @ 7:02p
  4. Weather Conditions

    1st Quarter
    Weather Conditions Cold
    Posted @ 7:02p
  5. 0 - 0

    Possession Update

    South Beloit1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    South Beloit takes over the ball on their own 50-yard line. WCHS 0, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:04p
  6. 0 - 0

    Fumble Recovery

    West Carroll1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    West Carroll recovered a fumble by South Beloit and has the ball on South Beloit's 50-yard line. WCHS 0, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:05p
  7. 0 - 0

    Long Run

    West Carroll1st Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    West Carroll with a long run. West Carroll has the ball on South Beloit's 30-yard line. WCHS 0, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:06p
  8. 0 - 0

    Turnover on Downs

    South Beloit1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    West Carroll has turned possession over on downs. South Beloit has the ball on their own 36-yard line. WCHS 0, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:11p
  9. 0 - 0

    Turnover on Downs

    West Carroll1st Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    South Beloit has turned possession over on downs. West Carroll has the ball on South Beloit's 37-yard line. WCHS 0, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:13p
  10. 0 - 0


    West Carroll1st Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 1st down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on South Beloit's 25-yard line. WCHS 0, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:14p
  11. 6 - 0

    Rushing Touchdown

    West Carroll1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 15 Yd Rushing TD. WCHS 6, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:15p
  12. 6 - 0

    Passing Two Point Conversion Failed

    West Carroll1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 2Pt Conversion Failed. WCHS 6, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:16p
  13. 6 - 0

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    South Beloit1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    West Carroll kicked off to South Beloit. South Beloit has the ball on West Carroll's 45-yard line. WCHS 6, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:18p
  14. 6 - 0


    West Carroll1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    West Carroll intercepts a South Beloit pass and has the ball on their own 45-yard line. WCHS 6, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:19p
  15. 6 - 0

    Big Play - Tackle For Loss

    West Carroll1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    West Carroll with a tackle for loss. South Beloit has the ball on West Carroll's 25-yard line. WCHS 6, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:23p
  16. 6 - 0

    Big Play - Blocked Punt

    South Beloit1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    South Beloit with a blocked punt! WCHS 6, SBHS 0
    Posted @ 7:24p
  17. 6 - 6

    Blocked Punt Returned for Touchdown

    South Beloit1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    South Beloit - Blocked Punt! 10-yard return. WCHS 6, SBHS 6
    Posted @ 7:25p
  18. 6 - 6

    Passing Two Point Conversion Failed

    South Beloit1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    South Beloit - 2Pt Conversion Failed. WCHS 6, SBHS 6
    Posted @ 7:25p
  19. 6 - 6

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    West Carroll1st Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    South Beloit kicked off to West Carroll. West Carroll has the ball on their own 41-yard line. WCHS 6, SBHS 6
    Posted @ 7:28p
  20. 6 - 6

    End of 1st Quarter

    2nd Quarter
    WCHS 6, SBHS 6
    Posted @ 7:31p
  21. 12 - 6

    Passing Touchdown

    West Carroll2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 25 Yd pass completed for a TD. WCHS 12, SBHS 6
    Posted @ 7:33p
  22. 14 - 6

    Two Point Pass Completed

    West Carroll2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    West Carroll - Pass completed for a 2Pt Conversion. WCHS 14, SBHS 6
    Posted @ 7:33p
  23. 14 - 6

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    South Beloit2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    West Carroll kicked off to South Beloit. South Beloit has the ball on their own 47-yard line. WCHS 14, SBHS 6
    Posted @ 7:35p
  24. 14 - 12

    Passing Touchdown

    South Beloit2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    South Beloit - 65 Yd pass completed for a TD. WCHS 14, SBHS 12
    Posted @ 7:35p
  25. 14 - 14

    Two Point Rush Completed

    South Beloit2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    South Beloit - Rushed for a 2Pt Conversion. WCHS 14, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 7:36p
  26. 14 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    West Carroll2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    South Beloit kicked off to West Carroll. West Carroll has the ball on their own 35-yard line. WCHS 14, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 7:37p
  27. 14 - 14


    West Carroll2nd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 2nd down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on their own 40-yard line. WCHS 14, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 7:45p
  28. 14 - 14


    West Carroll2nd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 2nd down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on South Beloit's 45-yard line. WCHS 14, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 7:48p
  29. 14 - 14


    West Carroll2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 2nd down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on South Beloit's 25-yard line. WCHS 14, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 7:54p
  30. 20 - 14

    Rushing Touchdown

    West Carroll2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 6 Yd Rushing TD. WCHS 20, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 7:57p
  31. 22 - 14

    Two Point Rush Completed

    West Carroll2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    West Carroll - Rushed for a 2Pt Conversion. WCHS 22, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 7:57p
  32. 22 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    South Beloit2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    West Carroll kicked off to South Beloit. South Beloit has the ball on their own 47-yard line. WCHS 22, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 7:59p
  33. 22 - 14


    South Beloit2nd Quarter Under a minute
    South Beloit - 3rd down, Under a minute, ball on their own 46-yard line. WCHS 22, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 8:04p
  34. 22 - 14

    Turnover on Downs

    West Carroll2nd Quarter Under a minute
    South Beloit has turned possession over on downs. West Carroll has the ball on South Beloit's 30-yard line. WCHS 22, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 8:07p
  35. 22 - 14


    WCHS 22, SBHS 14
    We noticed it's halftime, please enjoy this video while you wait for the action to resume.
    Posted @ 8:07p
  36. 22 - 14

    Start of 3rd Quarter

    West Carroll3rd Quarter
    West Carroll to kick off to South Beloit.
    Posted @ 8:25p
  37. 22 - 14


    South Beloit3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    South Beloit - 1st down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on West Carroll's 48-yard line. WCHS 22, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 8:25p
  38. 22 - 14

    Long Pass

    South Beloit3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    South Beloit with a long pass. South Beloit has the ball on West Carroll's 20-yard line. WCHS 22, SBHS 14
    Posted @ 8:27p
  39. 22 - 20

    Rushing Touchdown

    South Beloit3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    South Beloit - 20 Yd Rushing TD. WCHS 22, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:28p
  40. 22 - 20

    Passing Two Point Conversion Failed

    South Beloit3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    South Beloit - 2Pt Conversion Failed. WCHS 22, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:29p
  41. 22 - 20

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    West Carroll3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    South Beloit kicked off to West Carroll. West Carroll has the ball on their own 41-yard line. WCHS 22, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:32p
  42. 22 - 20


    West Carroll3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 4th down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on their own 39-yard line. WCHS 22, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:36p
  43. 22 - 20


    West Carroll3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 1st down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on South Beloit's 46-yard line. WCHS 22, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:37p
  44. 22 - 20


    West Carroll3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 2nd down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on South Beloit's 10-yard line. WCHS 22, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:40p
  45. 22 - 20

    Red Zone Alert

    South Beloit3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    South Beloit is inside West Carroll's 20. WCHS 22, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:41p
  46. 28 - 20

    Rushing Touchdown

    West Carroll3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 2 Yd Rushing TD. WCHS 28, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:43p
  47. 28 - 20

    Rushing Two Point Conversion Failed

    West Carroll3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 2Pt Conversion Failed. WCHS 28, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:43p
  48. 28 - 20

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    South Beloit3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    West Carroll kicked off to South Beloit. South Beloit has the ball on their own 32-yard line. WCHS 28, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:45p
  49. 28 - 20


    South Beloit3rd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    South Beloit - 1st down, ~1 minute to go, ball on their own 47-yard line. WCHS 28, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:48p
  50. 28 - 20

    Long Pass

    South Beloit3rd Quarter Under a minute
    South Beloit with a long pass. South Beloit has the ball on West Carroll's 12-yard line. WCHS 28, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:50p
  51. 28 - 20

    End of 3rd Quarter

    4th Quarter
    WCHS 28, SBHS 20
    Posted @ 8:50p
  52. 28 - 26

    Rushing Touchdown

    South Beloit4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    South Beloit - 10 Yd Rushing TD. WCHS 28, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 8:52p
  53. 28 - 26

    Rushing Two Point Conversion Failed

    South Beloit4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    South Beloit - 2Pt Conversion Failed. WCHS 28, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 8:52p
  54. 28 - 26

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    West Carroll4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    South Beloit kicked off to West Carroll. West Carroll has the ball on their own 39-yard line. WCHS 28, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 8:54p
  55. 28 - 26


    South Beloit4th Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    South Beloit - #5 Bj Pletcher intercepts a West Carroll pass and has the ball on their own 45-yard line. WCHS 28, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 8:56p
  56. 28 - 26

    Long Run

    South Beloit4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    South Beloit with a long run. South Beloit has the ball on West Carroll's 35-yard line. WCHS 28, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 8:58p
  57. 28 - 26


    West Carroll4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    West Carroll intercepts a South Beloit pass and has the ball on their own 25-yard line. WCHS 28, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 8:59p
  58. 28 - 26


    West Carroll4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 1st down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on their own 38-yard line. WCHS 28, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:02p
  59. 28 - 26

    Long Run

    West Carroll4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    West Carroll with a long run. West Carroll has the ball on South Beloit's 41-yard line. WCHS 28, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:02p
  60. 28 - 26

    Red Zone Alert

    West Carroll4th Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    West Carroll is inside South Beloit's 20. WCHS 28, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:04p
  61. 28 - 26


    West Carroll4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 1st down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on South Beloit's 11-yard line. WCHS 28, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:06p
  62. 34 - 26

    Rushing Touchdown

    West Carroll4th Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    West Carroll - 4 Yd Rushing TD. WCHS 34, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:08p
  63. 36 - 26

    Two Point Rush Completed

    West Carroll4th Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    West Carroll - Rushed for a 2Pt Conversion. WCHS 36, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:08p
  64. 36 - 26

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    South Beloit4th Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    West Carroll kicked off to South Beloit. South Beloit has the ball on their own 36-yard line. WCHS 36, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:10p
  65. 36 - 26

    Turnover on Downs

    West Carroll4th Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    South Beloit has turned possession over on downs. West Carroll has the ball on South Beloit's 38-yard line. WCHS 36, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:15p
  66. 36 - 26

    Two-Minute Warning

    West Carroll4th Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    West Carroll has the ball on South Beloit's 35-yard line. WCHS 36, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:19p
  67. 36 - 26

    Turnover on Downs

    South Beloit4th Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    West Carroll has turned possession over on downs. South Beloit has the ball on their own 37-yard line. WCHS 36, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:20p
  68. 36 - 26


    West Carroll4th Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    West Carroll intercepts a South Beloit pass and has the ball on their own 36-yard line. WCHS 36, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:22p
  69. 36 - 26

    End of Game

    WCHS 36, SBHS 26
    Posted @ 9:40p

West Carroll @ South Beloit Football Game Info

Fri., Oct. 25, 2024 @ 7p
The South Beloit (IL) varsity football team lost Friday's home conference game against West Carroll (Savanna, IL) by a score of 36-26.

Scoretracker Providers

Dan Morgan IISobos Reporter

Rankings & Records

West Carroll (24-25)

OverallConferenceHomeAwayWin %Conference %PFPA

South Beloit (24-25)

OverallConferenceHomeAwayWin %Conference %PFPA

Team Scoring Averages

West Carroll
South Beloit

Team Stat Comparison

West CarrollSouth Beloit
250.2Rushing Yards Per Game209.5
62.7Passing Yards Per Game94.6
70.5Receiving Yards Per Game94.2
312.9Total Yards Per Game304.1
49.0Tackles Per Game35.3
0.5Sacks Per Game1.1
31.7Points Per Game22.2
-Pancake Blocks2

Team Leaders

West CarrollSouth BeloitNational Avg.
#9 Aden Buchholz93.7Rushing Yards Per Game#84 Trudane Peterson95.620.4
#7 Winter Harrington62.4Passing Yards Per Game#3 Landen Reed93.851.0
#3 Roger Laborn35.8Receiving Yards Per Game#82 Kaden Cook51.717.4
#4 Raef Pickard-schintgen102.4Total Yards Per Game#84 Trudane Peterson107.036.6
#9 Aiden Buchholz11.0Tackles Per Game#72 Keyon Floyd4.82.7
#22 Austin Behrens0.4Sacks Per GameBrody Weber0.50.2
#9 Aden Buchholz12.0Points Per Game#84 Trudane Peterson7.32.2
Pancake Blocks#68 Max Bartholme16

Record Breakdown

West Carroll (24-25)

South Beloit (24-25)

Head to Head
Common Opponent