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The San Jacinto (CA) varsity football team lost Friday's home playoff game against Orange Vista (Perris, CA) by a score of 49-17.

Orange Vista3507749
San Jacinto1000717
Final score provided by C. Irving.
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Game Stats

Orange Vista


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals1017240.58824.05138118.3
1K. Abdul-aziz (So)1017240.58824.05138118.3
San Jacinto


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals71862.3898.9001448.8
1Denton Capell (Sr)71862.3898.9001448.8
Orange Vista


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals322317.23112
1K. Abdul-aziz (So)263.0300
10Jesse Anderson (Sr)9576.31301
11Sire Gaines (Sr)211688.03111
San Jacinto


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals412365.85312
1Denton Capell (Sr)12292.4210
6Victor Alvarez (Sr)1-3-3.00
8Dillon Gresham (Sr)5387.62701
9Damere Coleman (So)12828.0280
26Malachi Brown (Sr)221446.55311
Orange Vista


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals1024024.0385
0Dionte West (Jr)25929.5341
8J. Duffey-cooper (Sr)26834.0352
10Jesse Anderson (Sr)13232.0321
13Z. Washington (So)58116.2381
San Jacinto


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals7628.914
8Dillon Gresham (Sr)5459.014
18Daishaun Davis (So)2178.59
Orange Vista

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals2312400471
0Dionte West (Jr)5959
1K. Abdul-aziz (So)66
8J. Duffey-cooper (Sr)6868
10Jesse Anderson (Sr)5732089
11Sire Gaines (Sr)168168
13Z. Washington (So)8181
San Jacinto

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals23662298
1Denton Capell (Sr)2929
6Victor Alvarez (Sr)-3-3
8Dillon Gresham (Sr)384583
9Damere Coleman (So)2828
18Daishaun Davis (So)1717
26Malachi Brown (Sr)144144
Orange Vista

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals231240240471
0Dionte West (Jr)5959
1K. Abdul-aziz (So)6240246
8J. Duffey-cooper (Sr)6868
10Jesse Anderson (Sr)573289
11Sire Gaines (Sr)168168
13Z. Washington (So)8181
San Jacinto

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals2366262298
1Denton Capell (Sr)296291
6Victor Alvarez (Sr)-3-3
8Dillon Gresham (Sr)384583
9Damere Coleman (So)2828
18Daishaun Davis (So)1717
26Malachi Brown (Sr)144144
Orange Vista


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals35286310.0
0Dionte West (Jr)224
2D. Morton ii (Jr)22
4Calvin Moore (Sr)5381.0
4Devin Sandville (Fr)325
5Alofa Mageo (Jr)336
7Anthony Hymes (Sr)426
7Erick Romo (So)1231.0
9C. Dollarhide (Jr)1121.0
10Jesse Anderson (Sr)11
10Adam Gomez (Jr)4151.0
11Sire Gaines (Sr)2351.0
15Iese Magalei (Jr)2462.0
18Braylen Turner (So)11
19Dion West (So)11
22Dammien Bias (Fr)11
23Abijah Murphy (Sr)2241.0
55William Matthew (Sr)332.0
San Jacinto


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals262147
0Markus Jones (So)112
3Erik Gonzalez (Jr)33
4N. Norwood (Sr)11
5Solomon Kupu (Jr)213
6Victor Alvarez (Sr)33
8Dillon Gresham (Sr)213
9Damere Coleman (So)369
20B. McIntosh (So)235
21Jeremiah Brown (So)235
23Angel Jones (Sr)112
54Malakhy Siitia (Jr)123
57C. Tautolo (Jr)516
81Sydney Thomas (Jr)112
Orange Vista


#Athlete NameSacksYdlHurs
Team Totals5.0
5Alofa Mageo (Jr)1.0
7Anthony Hymes (Sr)1.0
15Iese Magalei (Jr)1.0
23Abijah Murphy (Sr)1.0
55William Matthew (Sr)1.0


San Jacinto has not entered any sacks stats.
Orange Vista

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals00110000
10Jesse Anderson (Sr)0010000
23Abijah Murphy (Sr)1
San Jacinto

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals151
4N. Norwood (Sr)2
6Victor Alvarez (Sr)1
13Dejon Carter (Sr)1
20B. McIntosh (So)11
81Sydney Thomas (Jr)1
Orange Vista


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals742042
0Dionte West (Jr)1606
8J. Duffey-cooper (Sr)212012
10Jesse Anderson (Sr)212012
11Sire Gaines (Sr)1606
13Z. Washington (So)1606
San Jacinto


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals212517
8Dillon Gresham (Sr)166
26Malachi Brown (Sr)166
31J. Cubarrubias (Jr)55

PATs and Field Goals

Orange Vista has not entered any pats and field goals stats.
San Jacinto

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals221.0111.0335
31J. Cubarrubias (Jr)221.0111.0335
Orange Vista


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals25007
0Dionte West (Jr)11
8J. Duffey-cooper (Sr)22
10Jesse Anderson (Sr)11002
11Sire Gaines (Sr)11
13Z. Washington (So)11
San Jacinto


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals22
8Dillon Gresham (Sr)11
26Malachi Brown (Sr)11
Stat Supplier Logo

Orange Vista's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Stat Supplier Logo

San Jacinto's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Game Story

California High School Football - Orange Vista trounces San Jacinto

November 10, 2023: San Jacinto, CA 92583

In Friday's non-league game, the visiting Orange Vista Coyotes football team scored a decisive 49-17 triumph over the San Jacinto Tigers.

The Tigers now hold a 7-5 record.

Christen IrvingCoyotes Reporter
Nora DavisTigers Reporter
  • All
  • Q1
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  1. Check In

    0 - 0 The scorer has checked in. OVHS 0, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 6:46p
  2. Game Attendance

    Attendance Hundreds
    Posted @ 6:46p
  3. Field Conditions

    Field Conditions Dry
    Posted @ 6:46p
  4. Weather Conditions

    Weather Conditions Cold
    Posted @ 6:46p
  5. 0 - 0

    Start of Game

    Orange Vista1st Quarter
    Orange Vista kicking off to San Jacinto.
    Posted @ 7:08p
  6. 6 - 0

    Rushing Touchdown

    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - Rushing TD. OVHS 6, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:10p
  7. 7 - 0

    Made Point After

    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - PAT Good. OVHS 7, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:10p
  8. 7 - 0

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Orange Vista kicked off to San Jacinto. San Jacinto has the ball on Orange Vista's 32-yard line. OVHS 7, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:12p
  9. 7 - 0

    Turnover on Downs

    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    San Jacinto has turned possession over on downs. Orange Vista has the ball on their own 32-yard line. OVHS 7, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:13p
  10. 13 - 0

    Passing Touchdown

    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 25 Yd pass completed for a TD. OVHS 13, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:15p
  11. 14 - 0

    Made Point After

    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - PAT Good. OVHS 14, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:15p
  12. 14 - 0

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Orange Vista kicked off to San Jacinto. San Jacinto has the ball on their own 15-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:17p
  13. 14 - 0


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on their own 18-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:17p
  14. 14 - 0


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 1st down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 26-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:18p
  15. 14 - 0


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 32-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:18p
  16. 14 - 0


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 1st down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 46-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:19p
  17. 14 - 0


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 44-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:20p
  18. 14 - 0


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 1st down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 41-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:22p
  19. 14 - 0


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 35-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:22p
  20. 14 - 0


    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on their own 27-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 0
    Posted @ 7:23p
  21. 14 - 6

    Passing Touchdown

    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - Pass completed to #8 Dillon Gresham for a TD. OVHS 14, SJHS 6
    Posted @ 7:24p
  22. 14 - 7

    Made Point After

    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - #31 Josue Cubarrubias PAT Good. OVHS 14, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:24p
  23. 14 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    San Jacinto kicked off to Orange Vista. Orange Vista has the ball on their own 10-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:25p
  24. 14 - 7


    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 2nd down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on their own 16-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:26p
  25. 14 - 7


    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on their own 24-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:27p
  26. 14 - 7


    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 2nd down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on their own 30-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:28p
  27. 14 - 7


    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on their own 36-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:28p
  28. 14 - 7


    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 38-yard line. OVHS 14, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:29p
  29. 20 - 7

    Passing Touchdown

    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 60 Yd pass completed for a TD. OVHS 20, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:30p
  30. 21 - 7

    Made Point After

    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - PAT Good. OVHS 21, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:30p
  31. 21 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Orange Vista kicked off to San Jacinto. San Jacinto has the ball on their own 39-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:32p
  32. 21 - 7


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 1st down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on their own 44-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:33p
  33. 21 - 7

    Long Run

    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - #8 Dillon Gresham with a long run. San Jacinto has the ball on Orange Vista's 3-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:33p
  34. 21 - 7


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 13-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:35p
  35. 21 - 7


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 9-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:35p
  36. 21 - 7


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 3rd down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 10-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:36p
  37. 21 - 7


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~1 minute to go
    San Jacinto - 3rd down, ~1 minute to go, ball on Orange Vista's 16-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:36p
  38. 21 - 7


    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~1 minute to go
    San Jacinto - 4th down, ~1 minute to go, ball on Orange Vista's 16-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 7
    Posted @ 7:37p
  39. 21 - 10

    Field Goal

    San Jacinto1st Quarter ~1 minute to go
    San Jacinto - #31 Josue Cubarrubias kicks a Field Goal. OVHS 21, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:39p
  40. 21 - 10

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~1 minute to go
    San Jacinto kicked off to Orange Vista. Orange Vista has the ball on their own 20-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:40p
  41. 21 - 10


    Orange Vista1st Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~1 minute to go, ball on their own 31-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:40p
  42. 21 - 10


    Orange Vista1st Quarter Under a minute
    Orange Vista - 2nd down, Under a minute, ball on their own 31-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:41p
  43. 21 - 10

    End of 1st Quarter

    2nd Quarter
    OVHS 21, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:43p
  44. 21 - 10


    Orange Vista2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 43-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:43p
  45. 21 - 10


    Orange Vista2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 33-yard line. OVHS 21, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:44p
  46. 27 - 10

    Passing Touchdown

    Orange Vista2nd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - Pass completed for a TD. OVHS 27, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:45p
  47. 28 - 10

    Made Point After

    Orange Vista2nd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - PAT Good. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:45p
  48. 28 - 10

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    San Jacinto2nd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Orange Vista kicked off to San Jacinto. San Jacinto has the ball on their own 28-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:47p
  49. 28 - 10


    San Jacinto2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on their own 25-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:48p
  50. 28 - 10


    San Jacinto2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 3rd down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on their own 25-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:49p
  51. 28 - 10


    San Jacinto2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 4th down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on their own 25-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:50p
  52. 28 - 10


    Orange Vista2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    San Jacinto has punted to Orange Vista. Orange Vista has the ball on their own 35-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:51p
  53. 28 - 10

    Big Play - Sack

    San Jacinto2nd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - #57 Christopher Tautolo with a sack. Orange Vista has the ball on their own 35-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:52p
  54. 28 - 10


    San Jacinto2nd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - #20 Brandon McIntosh intercepts a Orange Vista pass and has the ball on their own 24-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:53p
  55. 28 - 10


    San Jacinto2nd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 27-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:54p
  56. 28 - 10


    San Jacinto2nd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 41-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:55p
  57. 28 - 10


    San Jacinto2nd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 3rd down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 41-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:56p
  58. 28 - 10


    San Jacinto2nd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 4th down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on their own 41-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:56p
  59. 28 - 10


    Orange Vista2nd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on their own 33-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:58p
  60. 28 - 10


    Orange Vista2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 31-yard line. OVHS 28, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 7:59p
  61. 34 - 10

    Passing Touchdown

    Orange Vista2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - Pass completed for a TD. OVHS 34, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8p
  62. 35 - 10

    Made Point After

    Orange Vista2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - PAT Good. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8p
  63. 35 - 10


    OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    We noticed it's halftime, please enjoy this video while you wait for the action to resume.
    Posted @ 8:43p
  64. 35 - 10

    Start of 3rd Quarter

    San Jacinto3rd Quarter
    San Jacinto to kick off to Orange Vista.
    Posted @ 8:43p
  65. 35 - 10


    Orange Vista3rd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 3rd down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 31-yard line. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:45p
  66. 35 - 10

    Big Play - Sack

    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    San Jacinto with a sack. Orange Vista has the ball on San Jacinto's 31-yard line. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:45p
  67. 35 - 10


    Orange Vista3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 4th down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 30-yard line. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:46p
  68. 35 - 10

    Turnover on Downs

    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Orange Vista has turned possession over on downs. San Jacinto has the ball on their own 30-yard line. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:46p
  69. 35 - 10


    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on their own 30-yard line. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:47p
  70. 35 - 10


    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 3rd down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 30-yard line. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:47p
  71. 35 - 10


    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 4th down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 30-yard line. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:48p
  72. 35 - 10


    Orange Vista3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    San Jacinto has punted to Orange Vista. Orange Vista has the ball on San Jacinto's 49-yard line. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:49p
  73. 35 - 10


    Orange Vista3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 35-yard line. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:50p
  74. 35 - 10

    Big Play - Sack

    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - #57 Christopher Tautolo with a sack. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:51p
  75. 35 - 10


    Orange Vista3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 2nd down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 35-yard line. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:51p
  76. 35 - 10


    Orange Vista3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 3rd down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 35-yard line. OVHS 35, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:51p
  77. 41 - 10

    Passing Touchdown

    Orange Vista3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - Pass completed for a TD. OVHS 41, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:52p
  78. 42 - 10

    Made Point After

    Orange Vista3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - PAT Good. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:52p
  79. 42 - 10

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Orange Vista kicked off to San Jacinto. San Jacinto has the ball on their own 43-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:54p
  80. 42 - 10


    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 42-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:56p
  81. 42 - 10


    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 3rd down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on their own 39-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:57p
  82. 42 - 10


    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 1st down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 29-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:58p
  83. 42 - 10


    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 1st down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 22-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:58p
  84. 42 - 10


    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 22-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 8:59p
  85. 42 - 10


    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 3rd down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 22-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9p
  86. 42 - 10


    San Jacinto3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 4th down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 22-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:01p
  87. 42 - 10

    Turnover on Downs

    Orange Vista3rd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    San Jacinto has turned possession over on downs. Orange Vista has the ball on their own 25-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:02p
  88. 42 - 10


    Orange Vista3rd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Orange Vista - 2nd down, ~1 minute to go, ball on their own 24-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:02p
  89. 42 - 10


    Orange Vista3rd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Orange Vista - 3rd down, ~1 minute to go, ball on their own 29-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:03p
  90. 42 - 10


    Orange Vista3rd Quarter Under a minute
    Orange Vista - 4th down, Under a minute, ball on their own 29-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:03p
  91. 42 - 10

    End of 3rd Quarter

    4th Quarter
    OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:04p
  92. 42 - 10


    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Orange Vista has punted to San Jacinto. San Jacinto has the ball on Orange Vista's 48-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:06p
  93. 42 - 10


    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 1st down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 46-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:07p
  94. 42 - 10


    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 3rd down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 46-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:07p
  95. 42 - 10


    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 4th down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 46-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:08p
  96. 42 - 10

    Turnover on Downs

    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    San Jacinto has turned possession over on downs. Orange Vista has the ball on their own 46-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:09p
  97. 42 - 10


    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 2nd down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 47-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:09p
  98. 42 - 10


    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 47-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:10p
  99. 42 - 10


    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 17-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:11p
  100. 42 - 10


    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 2nd down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 9-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:12p
  101. 42 - 10


    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 5-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:12p
  102. 42 - 10

    Red Zone Alert

    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Orange Vista is inside San Jacinto's 20. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:13p
  103. 42 - 10


    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 1st down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 10-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:13p
  104. 42 - 10


    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 2nd down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 10-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:14p
  105. 42 - 10


    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - 3rd down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on San Jacinto's 9-yard line. OVHS 42, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:15p
  106. 48 - 10

    Rushing Touchdown

    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - Rushing TD. OVHS 48, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:16p
  107. 49 - 10

    Made Point After

    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Orange Vista - PAT Good. OVHS 49, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:16p
  108. 49 - 10

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Orange Vista kicked off to San Jacinto. San Jacinto has the ball on their own 40-yard line. OVHS 49, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:18p
  109. 49 - 10


    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on their own 40-yard line. OVHS 49, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:19p
  110. 49 - 10


    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 1st down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on their own 40-yard line. OVHS 49, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:19p
  111. 49 - 10


    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 2nd down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on their own 46-yard line. OVHS 49, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:20p
  112. 49 - 10


    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 3rd down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 41-yard line. OVHS 49, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:21p
  113. 49 - 10


    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 1st down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 23-yard line. OVHS 49, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:21p
  114. 49 - 10


    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    San Jacinto - 1st down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on Orange Vista's 15-yard line. OVHS 49, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:22p
  115. 49 - 10


    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~1 minute to go
    San Jacinto - 1st down, ~1 minute to go, ball on Orange Vista's 9-yard line. OVHS 49, SJHS 10
    Posted @ 9:22p
  116. 49 - 16

    Rushing Touchdown

    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~1 minute to go
    San Jacinto - #26 Malachi Brown with a Rushing TD. OVHS 49, SJHS 16
    Posted @ 9:23p
  117. 49 - 17

    Made Point After

    San Jacinto4th Quarter ~1 minute to go
    San Jacinto - #31 Josue Cubarrubias PAT Good. OVHS 49, SJHS 17
    Posted @ 9:23p
  118. 49 - 17

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Orange Vista4th Quarter ~1 minute to go
    San Jacinto kicked off to Orange Vista. Orange Vista has the ball on their own 37-yard line. OVHS 49, SJHS 17
    Posted @ 9:25p
  119. 49 - 17

    End of Game

    OVHS 49, SJHS 17
    Posted @ 9:27p
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Orange Vista @ San Jacinto Football Game Info

Fri., Nov. 10, 2023 @ 7p
The San Jacinto (CA) varsity football team lost Friday's home playoff game against Orange Vista (Perris, CA) by a score of 49-17.

Scoretracker Providers

Christen IrvingCoyotes Reporter
Nora DavisTigers Reporter

Rankings & Records

Orange Vista (23-24)

CASectionSec. Div.
OverallLeagueHomeAwayWin %League %PFPA

San Jacinto (23-24)

CASectionSec. Div.
OverallLeagueHomeAwayWin %League %PFPA

Team Scoring Averages

Orange Vista
San Jacinto

Orange Vista Videos

San Jacinto Videos

San Jacinto doesn't have any videos.

Team Stat Comparison

Orange VistaSan Jacinto
165.4Rushing Yards Per Game242.3
240.6Passing Yards Per Game116.6
240.8Receiving Yards Per Game116.6
406.0Total Yards Per Game358.9
49.7Tackles Per Game70.8
3.1Sacks Per Game1.3
34.4Points Per Game40.8

Team Leaders

Orange VistaSan JacintoNational Avg.
#11 Sire Gaines129.6Rushing Yards Per Game#26 Malachi Brown137.720.6
#1 Khalil Abdul-aziz240.6Passing Yards Per Game#2 Sebastian Wood85.950.5
#0 Dionte West62.4Receiving Yards Per Game#8 Dillon Gresham68.317.5
#1 Khalil Abdul-aziz244.5Total Yards Per Game#26 Malachi Brown147.436.9
#5 Alofa Mageo4.9Tackles Per Game#9 Damere Coleman8.72.7
#15 Iese Magalei0.8Sacks Per Game#42 Jayden Cruz1.00.2
#11 Sire Gaines14.3Points Per Game#26 Malachi Brown13.82.1

Common Opponents

SchoolCommon Opp. Rec.SchoolCommon Opp. Rec.
Orange Vista1-0San Jacinto1-0
10/27/23Rancho VerdeOrange Vista(W) 35-279/8/23San JacintoRancho Verde(W) 21-16

Record Breakdown

Orange Vista (23-24)

San Jacinto (23-24)

Head to Head
Common Opponent