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The Wylie East (Wylie, TX) varsity football team lost Friday's neutral playoff game against DeSoto (TX) by a score of 42-20.

Wylie East3107020
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Box Score Stats

DeSoto (23-24)

Wylie East (23-24)

Total Plays
First Downs
Penalty Yards

Game Stats



#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals1323241.56518.53155114.3
5Darius Bailey (Sr)1323241.56518.53155114.3
Wylie East


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals1125172.44015.61164.1
4H. Fisher iv (Jr)921181.42920.11169.7
6Kason Atkins (Sr)010.00039.6
10Ethan Wall (Sr)121.5001.056.3
38Shawn Figueroa (Sr)11-101.000-10.097.9


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals463337.27423
1D. Riden jr. (Jr)231536.72511
5Darius Bailey (Sr)3206.71101
8Jaden Trawick (Sr)8405.01000
23J. Washington (Jr)4123.0700
27Marvin Duffey (Sr)810813.57411
Wylie East


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals271475.401
0Keveyon Thorne (So)23517.501
4H. Fisher iv (Jr)12625.20
5Rome Jeffers (Jr)100.00
6Kason Atkins (Sr)231.50
18Joseph Wyatt (Sr)144.00
21M. Henderson iii (Jr)9434.80


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals1324118.5553
7Ethan Feaster (Fr)12727.0271
7Antonio Pride (Sr)3206.7110
13D. Singleton (Jr)919421.6552
Wylie East


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals1117215.61
6Kason Atkins (Sr)111.0
7Alex Ainsworth (Sr)25728.51
11Amarean Porter (So)66711.2
18Joseph Wyatt (Sr)24723.5

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals3332410574
1D. Riden jr. (Jr)153153
5Darius Bailey (Sr)2020
7Ethan Feaster (Fr)2727
7Antonio Pride (Sr)2020
8Jaden Trawick (Sr)4040
13D. Singleton (Jr)194194
23J. Washington (Jr)1212
27Marvin Duffey (Sr)108108
Wylie East

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals147172319
0Keveyon Thorne (So)3535
4H. Fisher iv (Jr)6262
6Kason Atkins (Sr)314
7Alex Ainsworth (Sr)5757
11Amarean Porter (So)6767
18Joseph Wyatt (Sr)44751
21M. Henderson iii (Jr)4343

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals333241241574
1D. Riden jr. (Jr)153153
5Darius Bailey (Sr)20241261
7Ethan Feaster (Fr)2727
7Antonio Pride (Sr)2020
8Jaden Trawick (Sr)4040
13D. Singleton (Jr)194194
23J. Washington (Jr)1212
27Marvin Duffey (Sr)108108
Wylie East

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals147172172319
0Keveyon Thorne (So)3535
4H. Fisher iv (Jr)62181243
6Kason Atkins (Sr)3014
7Alex Ainsworth (Sr)5757
10Ethan Wall (Sr)11
11Amarean Porter (So)6767
18Joseph Wyatt (Sr)44751
21M. Henderson iii (Jr)4343
38Shawn Figueroa (Sr)-10-10


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals2326498.0
2Mario Buford (Sr)112
3Brandon Booker (Sr)347.0
6Caleb Holmes (Jr)2021.0
6Aundre Wisner (Sr)5382.0
9Jamari Laye (Sr)134.0
10Marshall Kirven (Jr)1121.0
10Makali Mckellar (Sr)101.0
11Antrone White (Jr)347.0
15Keylan Abrams (Jr)3693.0
20Akeem Rahsaan (Sr)101.0
21Jaylin Jones (Sr)011.0
33J. Williams (Jr)011.0
48Jason Douglas (Sr)123.0
90Jirus Guy jr (Sr)1011.0
Wylie East


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals4826742.0
3Jamal Olford (Jr)22
5Rome Jeffers (Jr)93121.0
8Kierre Wright (Sr)11
11Ki'neal Reed (Sr)549
14Sean Berry (Jr)7512
17Kory Boyd (Sr)33
19Zach Loftus (Sr)628
21M. Henderson iii (Jr)415
23Derrick Guzman (Sr)448
32Keith Robinson4261.0
54Jayden Janshego (Jr)134
90James Cano (Sr)314


#Athlete NameSacksYdlHurs
Team Totals3.022
6Aundre Wisner (Sr)1.08
10Marshall Kirven (Jr)1.09
90Jirus Guy jr (Sr)1.05
Wylie East


#Athlete NameSacksYdlHurs
Team Totals4.01
5Rome Jeffers (Jr)1.0
19Zach Loftus (Sr)2.0
32Keith Robinson1.0
90James Cano (Sr)1

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals200.0010100
3Brandon Booker (Sr)00010000
11Antrone White (Jr)100.0000000
20Akeem Rahsaan (Sr)100.0000000
31M. Contreras (Sr)00001
Wylie East

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals1311
3Jamal Olford (Jr)1
5Rome Jeffers (Jr)1
19Zach Loftus (Sr)1
21M. Henderson iii (Jr)11
22Jaxsen Vann (Sr)1


#Athlete NameKOYdsAvgLngTB
Team Totals740357.662
81Angel Diaz (Sr)740357.662


Wylie East has not entered any kickoffs stats.


#Athlete NamePYdsAvgLngIn 20
Team Totals312842.7551
81Angel Diaz (Sr)312842.7551


Wylie East has not entered any punts stats.


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals63600642
1D. Riden jr. (Jr)1606
5Darius Bailey (Sr)1606
7Ethan Feaster (Fr)1606
13D. Singleton (Jr)212012
27Marvin Duffey (Sr)1606
81Angel Diaz (Sr)66
Wylie East


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals212820
0Keveyon Thorne (So)166
7Alex Ainsworth (Sr)166
99Michael Delaney (Jr)88

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals661.002.006
81Angel Diaz (Sr)661.002.006
Wylie East

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals221.0221.08
99Michael Delaney (Jr)221.0221.08


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals33006
1D. Riden jr. (Jr)11
5Darius Bailey (Sr)11
7Ethan Feaster (Fr)11
13D. Singleton (Jr)22
27Marvin Duffey (Sr)11
Wylie East


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals112
0Keveyon Thorne (So)11
7Alex Ainsworth (Sr)11
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DeSoto's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Game Story

Texas High School Football - DeSoto prevails Wylie East

November 17, 2023: DeSoto, TX 75115

The crowd at Friday's non-league contest between the DeSoto Eagles (DeSoto, TX) and the visiting Wylie East Raiders (Wylie, TX), observed DeSoto's football squad defeat Wylie East by a count of 42-20.

The Eagles now own a 11-0 record. They play next when they host Willis for a non-league contest on Friday, November 24. DeSoto will encounter a Wildkats squad coming off a 42-21 non-league win over Tomball Memorial (Tomball, TX). The Wildkats record now stands at 12-0.

Frank HawkinsEagles Reporter
Matthew RoutsonRaiders Reporter
  • All
  • Q1
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  • F
  1. Check In

    0 - 0 The scorer has checked in. DeSoto 0, Wylie East 0
    Posted @ 5:52p
  2. Game Attendance

    Attendance At least 1,000
    Posted @ 5:53p
  3. Field Conditions

    Field Conditions Dry
    Posted @ 5:53p
  4. Weather Conditions

    Weather Conditions Fair
    Posted @ 5:53p
  5. 0 - 0

    Start of Game

    DeSoto1st Quarter
    DeSoto kicking off to Wylie East.
    Posted @ 7p
  6. 0 - 0

    Long Run

    Wylie East1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Wylie East - #4 Howard Fisher iv with a long run. Wylie East has the ball on their own 50-yard line. DeSoto 0, Wylie East 0
    Posted @ 7:04p
  7. 0 - 0

    Red Zone Alert

    Wylie East1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Wylie East is inside DeSoto's 20. DeSoto 0, Wylie East 0
    Posted @ 7:10p
  8. 6 - 0

    Rushing Touchdown

    DeSoto1st Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    DeSoto - #27 Marvin Duffey with a 80 Yd Rushing TD. DeSoto 6, Wylie East 0
    Posted @ 7:22p
  9. 7 - 0

    Made Point After

    DeSoto1st Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    DeSoto - PAT Good. DeSoto 7, Wylie East 0
    Posted @ 7:25p
  10. 7 - 3

    Field Goal

    Wylie East1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Wylie East - Field Goal. DeSoto 7, Wylie East 3
    Posted @ 7:31p
  11. 7 - 3

    Red Zone Alert

    DeSoto1st Quarter ~1 minute to go
    DeSoto is inside Wylie East's 20. DeSoto 7, Wylie East 3
    Posted @ 7:35p
  12. 7 - 3

    Turnover on Downs

    Wylie East1st Quarter Under a minute
    DeSoto has turned possession over on downs. Wylie East has the ball on their own 19-yard line. DeSoto 7, Wylie East 3
    Posted @ 7:37p
  13. 7 - 3

    End of 1st Quarter

    2nd Quarter
    DeSoto 7, Wylie East 3
    Posted @ 7:38p
  14. 7 - 9

    Rushing Touchdown

    Wylie East2nd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Wylie East - #0 Keveyon Thorne with a 20 Yd Rushing TD. DeSoto 7, Wylie East 9
    Posted @ 7:43p
  15. 7 - 10

    Made Point After

    Wylie East2nd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Wylie East - PAT Good. DeSoto 7, Wylie East 10
    Posted @ 7:43p
  16. 7 - 10


    Wylie East2nd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Wylie East intercepts a DeSoto pass and has the ball on their own 39-yard line. DeSoto 7, Wylie East 10
    Posted @ 7:46p
  17. 7 - 10


    DeSoto2nd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Wylie East has punted to DeSoto. DeSoto has the ball on Wylie East's 20-yard line. DeSoto 7, Wylie East 10
    Posted @ 7:49p
  18. 13 - 10

    Passing Touchdown

    DeSoto2nd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    DeSoto - Pass completed for a TD. DeSoto 13, Wylie East 10
    Posted @ 7:54p
  19. 14 - 10

    Made Point After

    DeSoto2nd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    DeSoto - PAT Good. DeSoto 14, Wylie East 10
    Posted @ 7:54p
  20. 14 - 10


    DeSoto2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Wylie East has punted to DeSoto. DeSoto has the ball on their own 5-yard line. DeSoto 14, Wylie East 10
    Posted @ 7:59p
  21. 14 - 10

    Turnover on Downs

    Wylie East2nd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    DeSoto has turned possession over on downs. Wylie East has the ball on DeSoto's 38-yard line. DeSoto 14, Wylie East 10
    Posted @ 8:02p
  22. 14 - 13

    Field Goal

    Wylie East2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Wylie East - Field Goal. DeSoto 14, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 8:06p
  23. 14 - 13

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    DeSoto2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Wylie East kicked off to DeSoto. DeSoto has the ball on their own 25-yard line. DeSoto 14, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 8:08p
  24. 14 - 13


    Wylie East2nd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    DeSoto has punted to Wylie East. Wylie East has the ball. DeSoto 14, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 8:15p
  25. 14 - 13


    DeSoto2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Wylie East has punted to DeSoto. DeSoto has the ball on their own 49-yard line. DeSoto 14, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 8:17p
  26. 20 - 13

    Passing Touchdown

    DeSoto2nd Quarter Under a minute
    DeSoto - Pass completed for a TD. DeSoto 20, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 8:18p
  27. 21 - 13

    Made Point After

    DeSoto2nd Quarter Under a minute
    DeSoto - PAT Good. DeSoto 21, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 8:19p
  28. 21 - 13


    DeSoto 21, Wylie East 13
    We noticed it's halftime, please enjoy this video while you wait for the action to resume.
    Posted @ 8:22p
  29. 21 - 13

    Start of 3rd Quarter

    Wylie East3rd Quarter
    Wylie East to kick off to DeSoto.
    Posted @ 8:52p
  30. 21 - 13

    Red Zone Alert

    DeSoto3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    DeSoto is inside Wylie East's 20. DeSoto 21, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 8:55p
  31. 27 - 13

    Rushing Touchdown

    DeSoto3rd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    DeSoto - Rushing TD. DeSoto 27, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 8:58p
  32. 28 - 13

    Made Point After

    DeSoto3rd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    DeSoto - PAT Good. DeSoto 28, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 8:58p
  33. 28 - 13

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Wylie East3rd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    DeSoto kicked off to Wylie East. Wylie East has the ball on their own 13-yard line. DeSoto 28, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 9:01p
  34. 28 - 13


    DeSoto3rd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    DeSoto intercepts a Wylie East pass. DeSoto 28, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 9:01p
  35. 28 - 13

    Fumble Recovery

    Wylie East3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Wylie East recovered a fumble by DeSoto. DeSoto 28, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 9:05p
  36. 28 - 13

    Turnover on Downs

    DeSoto3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Wylie East has turned possession over on downs. DeSoto has the ball on their own 29-yard line. DeSoto 28, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 9:10p
  37. 34 - 13

    Passing Touchdown

    DeSoto3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    DeSoto - Pass completed for a TD. DeSoto 34, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 9:15p
  38. 35 - 13

    Made Point After

    DeSoto3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    DeSoto - PAT Good. DeSoto 35, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 9:16p
  39. 35 - 13

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Wylie East3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    DeSoto kicked off to Wylie East. Wylie East has the ball. DeSoto 35, Wylie East 13
    Posted @ 9:18p
  40. 35 - 19

    Passing Touchdown

    Wylie East3rd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Wylie East - Pass completed for a TD. DeSoto 35, Wylie East 19
    Posted @ 9:19p
  41. 35 - 20

    Made Point After

    Wylie East3rd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Wylie East - PAT Good. DeSoto 35, Wylie East 20
    Posted @ 9:20p
  42. 35 - 20

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    DeSoto3rd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Wylie East kicked off to DeSoto. DeSoto has the ball. DeSoto 35, Wylie East 20
    Posted @ 9:22p
  43. 35 - 20

    End of 3rd Quarter

    4th Quarter
    DeSoto 35, Wylie East 20
    Posted @ 9:25p
  44. 35 - 20

    Red Zone Alert

    DeSoto4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    DeSoto is inside Wylie East's 20. DeSoto 35, Wylie East 20
    Posted @ 9:33p
  45. 35 - 20

    Missed FG

    Wylie East4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    DeSoto turned over possession on a missed field goal. Wylie East has the ball on their own 25-yard line. DeSoto 35, Wylie East 20
    Posted @ 9:34p
  46. 35 - 20


    DeSoto4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Wylie East has punted to DeSoto. DeSoto has the ball. DeSoto 35, Wylie East 20
    Posted @ 9:40p
  47. 41 - 20

    Rushing Touchdown

    DeSoto4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    DeSoto - Rushing TD. DeSoto 41, Wylie East 20
    Posted @ 9:42p
  48. 42 - 20

    Made Point After

    DeSoto4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    DeSoto - PAT Good. DeSoto 42, Wylie East 20
    Posted @ 9:43p
  49. 42 - 20

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Wylie East4th Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    DeSoto kicked off to Wylie East. Wylie East has the ball. DeSoto 42, Wylie East 20
    Posted @ 9:45p
  50. 42 - 20


    DeSoto4th Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Wylie East has punted to DeSoto. DeSoto has the ball. DeSoto 42, Wylie East 20
    Posted @ 9:49p
  51. 42 - 20

    End of Game

    DeSoto 42, Wylie East 20
    Posted @ 10:04p

Players of the Game

DeSoto (23-24)

Congratulations to #13 Daylon Singleton (overall), #1 Deondrae Riden jr. (offensive), #6 Aundre Wisner (defensive) and #3 Brandon Booker (special teams) for being selected the DeSoto Football Players of the Game.

Wylie East (23-24)

Wylie East has not selected any Players of the Game.
  1. MaxPreps Staff

    Beware of spam! Please do not follow links to third party sites. Report suspicious posts using the 'Report Spam' button.
  2. G. Reviano

    Dont miss the latest updtes to iG daytonn1_
  3. F. Hawkins

    Cant check in
  4. D. Langosh

    youre curious about latest updates,check Ig :sprite_fb98
  5. F. Hawkins

    Desoto defense looks confused a lot of point and talking before the ball is in play. wow
  6. F. Hawkins

    Desoto at this point doesnt look like they are ready to play
  7. J. Neal

    How about you get on there and play since you got so much to say
  8. H. Hiemer

    No way Wiley actually doin sum
  9. T. Jones

    DeSoto is going to win
  10. d. waffer

    Easy work Desoto remember that!!! Wish I was there
  11. F. Hawkins

    This has to be the worst game of the year for The U. They have qork to do if they pull this one out. To many mistakes. QB plz throw it away
  12. F. Hawkins

    This game was very painful. Play like this next week. Season will be over

DeSoto vs Wylie East Football Game Info

Fri., Nov. 17, 2023 @ 7p
Choctaw Stadium
The Wylie East (Wylie, TX) varsity football team lost Friday's neutral playoff game against DeSoto (TX) by a score of 42-20.

Scoretracker Providers

Frank HawkinsEagles Reporter
Matthew RoutsonRaiders Reporter

Rankings & Records

DeSoto (23-24)

NationalTXSectionState Div.
OverallDistrictHomeAwayNeutralWin %District %PFPA

Wylie East (23-24)

TXSectionState Div.
OverallDistrictHomeAwayNeutralWin %District %PFPA

Team Scoring Averages

Wylie East

DeSoto Videos

Wylie East Videos

Wylie East doesn't have any videos.

Team Stat Comparison

DeSotoWylie East
282.3Rushing Yards Per Game176.2
217.4Passing Yards Per Game150.8
217.8Receiving Yards Per Game152.8
499.6Total Yards Per Game326.9
63.4Tackles Per Game46.3
4.0Sacks Per Game2.4
45.4Points Per Game33.3

Team Leaders

DeSotoWylie EastNational Avg.
#1 Deondrae Riden jr.104.4Rushing Yards Per Game#21 Michael Henderson iii59.720.6
#5 Darius Bailey224.4Passing Yards Per Game#4 Howard Fisher iv147.250.5
#13 Daylon Singleton86.4Receiving Yards Per Game#11 Amarean Porter55.217.5
#5 Darius Bailey244.1Total Yards Per Game#4 Howard Fisher iv201.936.9
#3 Brandon Booker7.8Tackles Per Game#14 Sean Berry6.82.7
#15 Keylan Abrams1.6Sacks Per Game#19 Zach Loftus1.20.2
#27 Marvin Duffey8.8Points Per Game#21 Michael Henderson iii7.12.1

Record Breakdown

DeSoto (23-24)

Wylie East (23-24)

Head to Head
Common Opponent