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The St. Amant (LA) varsity football team won Thursday's home conference game against Denham Springs (LA) by a score of 38-8.
In Thursday's league match, the host St. Amant Gators football squad scored a good 38-8 triumph over the Denham Springs Yellowjackets.
False start on St. Amant 2nd and 15
Taunting penalty on St. amant First down Jackets
PI on St. Amant first down jackets. 57 Seconds till Half
12 seconds left 2nd down ball on Denham 35
PI on St. Amant 1 second left till half 1st down Jackets
Goldman pass to gasped for a first down
Personal Foul Unnecessary Roughness on St. amant 3 rd down
3rd and 24
Update: Screen pass to the 22 of Denham
Holding offense ball on Denham 30 2nd down