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The Liberty (Bakersfield, CA) varsity football team won Friday's home non-conference game against Independence (Bakersfield, CA) by a score of 42-6.

Final score provided by R. Baiamonte.
  • Recap
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  • Matchup Info

Game Stats



#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals723113.30416.1112944.3
9G. Golla iii (Jr)723113.30416.1112944.3


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals69126.66721.0243149.3
6Robert Smith (Jr)2376.66738.0143149.3
19Gavin Parham (Jr)4650.66712.5127131.9


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals29822.8200
2Jakhai Ervin (So)510.230
9G. Golla iii (Jr)8273.4200
10J. Gutierrez (Jr)331.080
13Angel Corona (Sr)2-2-1.020
29Rayland Denweed (So)122.020
33Dylan Newfield (Jr)100.000
80I. Hernandez (Jr)9515.7130


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals272378.84814
7Elmo Whitten (Jr)35217.34301
19Gavin Parham (Jr)45313.32002
21Jalen Murphy (Sr)201326.64811


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals711316.129
2Jakhai Ervin (So)11515.015
6Damian Cortes (Sr)12929.029
12Amarius Rowel (Sr)33010.011
13Angel Corona (Sr)23919.526


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals612621.0732
2B. Wattenbarger (Sr)11313.013
11Luke Baiamonte (Jr)27638.0731
18Irvin Calloway (Jr)100.0
20Daviyon Day (Sr)23718.5271

Offensive Fumbles and Pancake Blocks

#Athlete NameFumLostPnk Blk
Team Totals11
9G. Golla iii (Jr)11

Offensive Fumbles and Pancake Blocks

Liberty has not entered any offensive fumbles and pancake blocks stats.

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals82113195
2Jakhai Ervin (So)11516
6Damian Cortes (Sr)2929
9G. Golla iii (Jr)2727
10J. Gutierrez (Jr)33
12Amarius Rowel (Sr)3030
13Angel Corona (Sr)-23937
29Rayland Denweed (So)22
80I. Hernandez (Jr)5151

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals237126411405
2B. Wattenbarger (Sr)1313
3B. Thrasher (Jr)2121
7Elmo Whitten (Jr)522072
11Luke Baiamonte (Jr)7676
19Gavin Parham (Jr)5353
20Daviyon Day (Sr)37138
21Jalen Murphy (Sr)132132

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals82113113195
2Jakhai Ervin (So)11516
6Damian Cortes (Sr)2929
9G. Golla iii (Jr)27113140
10J. Gutierrez (Jr)33
12Amarius Rowel (Sr)3030
13Angel Corona (Sr)-23937
29Rayland Denweed (So)22
80I. Hernandez (Jr)5151

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals237126126363
2B. Wattenbarger (Sr)1313
6Robert Smith (Jr)7676
7Elmo Whitten (Jr)5252
11Luke Baiamonte (Jr)7676
19Gavin Parham (Jr)5350103
20Daviyon Day (Sr)3737
21Jalen Murphy (Sr)132132


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals241640
2Jakhai Ervin (So)314
5Mason White (Sr)235
6Damian Cortes (Sr)224
7Mark Gonzalez (Sr)11
10J. Gutierrez (Jr)213
11Aamir Smith (Sr)415
19Kaden Adriance (Jr)11
20Angel Arceo (Sr)213
21Cam Jenkins (Sr)11
22Spencer Bell (So)314
29Rayland Denweed (So)134
55Jay Bates (Jr)11
80I. Hernandez (Jr)314


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals16345013.0
2B. Wattenbarger (Sr)2131.0
4Tyler Kimble (Sr)992.0
9Joaquin Whitten (Sr)1341.0
11Luke Baiamonte (Jr)111.0
13Essman Ryker (Jr)257
14Max Bolin (Jr)11
17B. Monsevais (Sr)1342.0
42Ronin Davis (Jr)1121.0
44Wade Brogdon (Sr)331.0
54Isaac Patron (Sr)11
55Sam Juarez (Jr)111.0
69Dakotah Garcia (Sr)1342.0
77Connor Mullen (Sr)2351.0


Independence has not entered any sacks stats.


#Athlete NameSacksYdlHurs
Team Totals3.01410
9Joaquin Whitten (Sr).53
17B. Monsevais (Sr)2
69Dakotah Garcia (Sr)1.583
77Connor Mullen (Sr)1.062

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals121
2Jakhai Ervin (So)1
7Mark Gonzalez (Sr)1
8Neil Anaya (Sr)1
80I. Hernandez (Jr)1

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals111.01
13Essman Ryker (Jr)1
20Daviyon Day (Sr)111.0


Independence has not entered any kickoffs stats.


#Athlete NameKOYdsAvgLngTB
Team Totals741058.6674
47Julian Struzyna (Jr)741058.6674


Independence has not entered any punts stats.


#Athlete NamePYdsAvgLngIn 20
Team Totals15353.0531
31Ethan Aronson (Sr)15353.0531

Kickoff and Punt Returns

Independence has not entered any kickoff and punt returns stats.

Kickoff and Punt Returns

#Athlete NameKO RetsYdsAvgLngP RetsYdsAvgLngFCKR Yds
Team Totals24120.5211141
2B. Wattenbarger (Sr)11
3B. Thrasher (Jr)12121.02121
7Elmo Whitten (Jr)12020.02020


Independence has not entered any points stats.


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals636642
7Elmo Whitten (Jr)166
11Luke Baiamonte (Jr)166
19Gavin Parham (Jr)21212
20Daviyon Day (Sr)166
21Jalen Murphy (Sr)166
47Julian Struzyna (Jr)66

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals01.00
16Davian Medrano (Jr)01.00

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals661.06
47Julian Struzyna (Jr)661.06


Independence has not entered any touchdowns stats.


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals426
7Elmo Whitten (Jr)11
11Luke Baiamonte (Jr)11
19Gavin Parham (Jr)22
20Daviyon Day (Sr)11
21Jalen Murphy (Sr)11
Stat Supplier Logo

Independence's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Stat Supplier Logo

Liberty's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Game Story

California High School Football - Independence crushed by Liberty

September 27, 2024: Bakersfield, CA 93312

Liberty Patriots (Bakersfield, CA) fans went home in high spirits Friday as they saw their football team triumph over the visiting Independence Falcons (Bakersfield, CA), 42-6 in a non-league battle.

With the win, Liberty improves its record to 3-3 on the season. The Patriots travel to Frontier (Bakersfield, CA) to play the Titans in a Southwest Yosemite - River battle on Friday, October 11. The Titans go into the battle with a record of 2-3.

The Falcons now have a 3-3 record. They play next when they host Ridgeview for a Southwest Yosemite - Valley battle on Thursday, October 10.

Roy BaiamontePatriots Reporter
  • All
  • Q1
  • Q2
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  • F
  1. Check In

    0 - 0 The scorer has checked in. IHS 0, Liberty 0
    Posted @ 7:14p
  2. Game Attendance

    Attendance At least 1,000
    Posted @ 7:15p
  3. Field Conditions

    Field Conditions Dry
    Posted @ 7:15p
  4. Weather Conditions

    Weather Conditions Hot
    Posted @ 7:15p
  5. Commentary

    Getting ready for Patriots to get back on track tonight!!
    Posted @ 7:16p
  6. Commentary

    Thoughts and prayers going out to the Maldonado family !
    Posted @ 7:25p
  7. 0 - 0

    Start of Game

    Liberty1st Quarter
    Liberty kicking off to Independence.
    Posted @ 7:32p
  8. 0 - 0


    Independence1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Independence - 3rd down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on their own 26-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 0
    Posted @ 7:35p
  9. 0 - 0


    Independence1st Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Independence - 3rd down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on their own 30-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 0
    Posted @ 7:38p
  10. 0 - 0


    Liberty1st Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Independence has punted to Liberty. Liberty has the ball on Independence's 45-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 0
    Posted @ 7:40p
  11. 0 - 6

    Passing Touchdown

    Liberty1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Liberty - #6 Robert Smith 45 Yd pass completed to #11 Luke Baiamonte for a TD. IHS 0, Liberty 6
    Posted @ 7:43p
  12. 0 - 7

    Made Point After

    Liberty1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Liberty - #47 Julian Struzyna PAT Good. IHS 0, Liberty 7
    Posted @ 7:43p
  13. 0 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Independence1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Liberty kicked off to Independence. Independence has the ball on their own 30-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 7
    Posted @ 7:46p
  14. 0 - 7


    Independence1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Independence - 1st down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on Liberty's 35-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 7
    Posted @ 7:49p
  15. 0 - 7


    Independence1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Independence - 1st down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on Liberty's 22-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 7
    Posted @ 7:52p
  16. 0 - 7


    Liberty1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Liberty intercepts a Independence pass and has the ball on their own 24-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 7
    Posted @ 7:54p
  17. 0 - 7

    Long Run

    Liberty1st Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Liberty - #21 Jalen Murphy with a long run. Liberty has the ball on Independence's 32-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 7
    Posted @ 7:55p
  18. 0 - 7


    Independence1st Quarter Under a minute
    Liberty has punted to Independence. Independence has the ball on their own 16-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 7
    Posted @ 7:59p
  19. 0 - 7

    End of 1st Quarter

    2nd Quarter
    IHS 0, Liberty 7
    Posted @ 8p
  20. 0 - 7


    Liberty2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Independence has punted to Liberty. Liberty has the ball on Independence's 50-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 7
    Posted @ 8:03p
  21. 0 - 13

    Passing Touchdown

    Liberty2nd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Liberty - #19 Gavin Parham 25 Yd pass completed to #20 Daviyon Day for a TD. IHS 0, Liberty 13
    Posted @ 8:11p
  22. 0 - 14

    Made Point After

    Liberty2nd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Liberty - #47 Julian Struzyna PAT Good. IHS 0, Liberty 14
    Posted @ 8:11p
  23. 0 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Independence2nd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Liberty kicked off to Independence. Independence has the ball on their own 20-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 14
    Posted @ 8:13p
  24. 0 - 14


    Independence2nd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Independence - 2nd down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 35-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 14
    Posted @ 8:18p
  25. 0 - 14


    Liberty2nd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Independence has punted to Liberty. Liberty has the ball on their own 22-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 14
    Posted @ 8:22p
  26. 0 - 14


    Liberty2nd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Liberty - 1st down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on Independence's 37-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 14
    Posted @ 8:28p
  27. 0 - 14

    Red Zone Alert

    Liberty2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Liberty is inside Independence's 20. IHS 0, Liberty 14
    Posted @ 8:30p
  28. 0 - 14


    Liberty2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Liberty - 2nd down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on Independence's 13-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 14
    Posted @ 8:31p
  29. 0 - 20

    Rushing Touchdown

    Liberty2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Liberty - #19 Gavin Parham with a 13 Yd Rushing TD. IHS 0, Liberty 20
    Posted @ 8:32p
  30. 0 - 21

    Made Point After

    Liberty2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Liberty - #47 Julian Struzyna PAT Good. IHS 0, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 8:32p
  31. 0 - 21

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Independence2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Liberty kicked off to Independence. Independence has the ball on their own 20-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 8:34p
  32. 0 - 21

    Long Run

    Independence2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Independence - #13 Angel Corona with a long run. Independence has the ball on their own 46-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 8:35p
  33. 0 - 21


    Liberty2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Independence has punted to Liberty. Liberty has the ball on their own 20-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 8:39p
  34. 0 - 21


    IHS 0, Liberty 21
    We noticed it's halftime, please enjoy this video while you wait for the action to resume.
    Posted @ 8:40p
  35. 0 - 21

    Start of 3rd Quarter

    Independence3rd Quarter
    Independence to kick off to Liberty.
    Posted @ 8:58p
  36. 0 - 21


    Liberty3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Liberty - 1st down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on Independence's 45-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 8:59p
  37. 0 - 21

    Fumble Recovery

    Independence3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Independence recovered a fumble by Liberty and has the ball on their own 45-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 9:01p
  38. 0 - 21


    Independence3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Independence - 1st down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on Liberty's 40-yard line. IHS 0, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 9:01p
  39. 6 - 21

    Passing Touchdown

    Independence3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Independence - 40 Yd pass completed to #6 Damian Cortes for a TD. IHS 6, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 9:03p
  40. 6 - 21

    Missed Point After

    Independence3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Independence - PAT Missed. IHS 6, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 9:03p
  41. 6 - 21

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Liberty3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Independence kicked off to Liberty. Liberty has the ball on their own 40-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 9:05p
  42. 6 - 21

    Fumble Recovery

    Independence3rd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Independence recovered a fumble by Liberty and has the ball on Liberty's 12-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 9:07p
  43. 6 - 21


    Independence3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Independence - 4th down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on their own 44-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 9:13p
  44. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Time out Falcons….. 4th and 1 coming up
    Posted @ 9:13p
  45. 6 - 21

    Turnover on Downs

    Liberty3rd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Independence has turned possession over on downs. Liberty has the ball on Independence's 42-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 21
    Posted @ 9:14p
  46. 6 - 27

    Rushing Touchdown

    Liberty3rd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Liberty - #7 Elmo Whitten with a 42 Yd Rushing TD. IHS 6, Liberty 27
    Posted @ 9:15p
  47. 6 - 28

    Made Point After

    Liberty3rd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Liberty - #47 Julian Struzyna PAT Good. IHS 6, Liberty 28
    Posted @ 9:15p
  48. 6 - 28

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Independence3rd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Liberty kicked off to Independence. Independence has the ball on their own 20-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 28
    Posted @ 9:17p
  49. 6 - 28

    Big Play - Sack

    Liberty3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Liberty - #77 Connor Mullen with a sack. Independence has the ball on their own 15-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 28
    Posted @ 9:19p
  50. 6 - 28


    Liberty3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Independence has punted to Liberty. Liberty has the ball on Independence's 37-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 28
    Posted @ 9:20p
  51. 6 - 28

    End of 3rd Quarter

    4th Quarter
    IHS 6, Liberty 28
    Posted @ 9:23p
  52. 6 - 28


    Liberty4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Liberty - 3rd down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on Independence's 20-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 28
    Posted @ 9:25p
  53. 6 - 34

    Rushing Touchdown

    Liberty4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Liberty - #19 Gavin Parham with a 20 Yd Rushing TD. IHS 6, Liberty 34
    Posted @ 9:26p
  54. 6 - 35

    Made Point After

    Liberty4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Liberty - #47 Julian Struzyna PAT Good. IHS 6, Liberty 35
    Posted @ 9:26p
  55. 6 - 35

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Independence4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Liberty kicked off to Independence. Independence has the ball on their own 20-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 35
    Posted @ 9:29p
  56. 6 - 35


    Independence4th Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Independence - 3rd down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on their own 25-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 35
    Posted @ 9:32p
  57. 6 - 35

    Big Play - Sack

    Liberty4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Liberty - #69 Dakotah Garcia with a sack. Independence has the ball on their own 30-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 35
    Posted @ 9:34p
  58. 6 - 35

    Turnover on Downs

    Liberty4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Independence has turned possession over on downs. Liberty has the ball on Independence's 30-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 35
    Posted @ 9:34p
  59. 6 - 41

    Rushing Touchdown

    Liberty4th Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Liberty - #21 Jalen Murphy with a 10 Yd Rushing TD. IHS 6, Liberty 41
    Posted @ 9:38p
  60. 6 - 42

    Made Point After

    Liberty4th Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Liberty - #47 Julian Struzyna PAT Good. IHS 6, Liberty 42
    Posted @ 9:38p
  61. 6 - 42

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Independence4th Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Liberty kicked off to Independence. Independence has the ball on their own 20-yard line. IHS 6, Liberty 42
    Posted @ 9:39p
  62. 6 - 42

    End of Game

    IHS 6, Liberty 42
    Posted @ 9:44p

Independence @ Liberty Football Game Info

Fri., Sep. 27, 2024 @ 7:30p
The Liberty (Bakersfield, CA) varsity football team won Friday's home non-conference game against Independence (Bakersfield, CA) by a score of 42-6.

Scoretracker Providers

Roy BaiamontePatriots Reporter

Rankings & Records

Independence (24-25)

CASectionSec. Div.
OverallLeagueHomeAwayWin %League %PFPA

Liberty (24-25)

CASectionSec. Div.
OverallLeagueHomeAwayWin %League %PFPA

Team Scoring Averages


Team Stat Comparison

119.5Rushing Yards Per Game181.8
145.7Passing Yards Per Game126.0
137.4Receiving Yards Per Game124.7
265.2Total Yards Per Game307.8
54.7Tackles Per Game41.5
1.3Sacks Per Game0.9
20.0Points Per Game27.2

Team Leaders

IndependenceLibertyNational Avg.
#3 Rickey Johnson53.7Rushing Yards Per Game#21 Jalen Murphy108.620.4
#9 Gunter Golla iii145.7Passing Yards Per Game#6 Robert Smith108.451.0
#13 Angel Corona32.5Receiving Yards Per Game#11 Luke Baiamonte31.717.4
#9 Gunter Golla iii163.5Total Yards Per Game#6 Robert Smith115.636.6
#3 Rickey Johnson9.7Tackles Per Game#15 Matthew Maldonaldo6.52.7
#80 Izrael Hernandez0.3Sacks Per Game#15 Matthew Maldonaldo0.50.2
#3 Rickey Johnson4.0Points Per Game#21 Jalen Murphy7.32.2

Common Opponents

SchoolCommon Opp. Rec.SchoolCommon Opp. Rec.
9/6/24CentennialIndependence(L) 44-2710/18/24CentennialLiberty(W) 38-14
9/13/24StockdaleIndependence(W) 49-710/31/24StockdaleLiberty(W) 49-0

Record Breakdown

Independence (24-25)

Liberty (24-25)

Head to Head
Common Opponent