Football Game Preview: Richwood vs. Valley

By Staff Report Oct 18, 2017, 12:35pm

Preview: Richwood vs. Valley

Richwood (4-3) and Valley (3-5) take on one another this Friday at 7:30 PM on Richwood's home turf. Each team will be battling to keep its three-game winning streak alive.

Last week, Richwood took on Greenbrier West. Richwood had a poor defensive performance in the first half, giving up 19 points. That left it at a 19 - 12 disadvantage. In the second half, however, Richwood's defense made a stand, allowing a meager zero points. That gave it just enough oomph to take the game with a final score of 26 - 19. Meanwhile, Valley breezed past Buffalo last week with a final score of 28 - 7.

We'll find out on Friday which team can carry over its success and which team inevitably falls when Richwood and Valley clash.

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