Football Game Recap: Boyd County vs. West Holt

By Staff Report Oct 5, 2018, 10:14pm

Recap: Boyd County vs. West Holt

The last time they met, West Holt were the 55-8 winner over Boyd County. This time around? They had no such luck. West Holt fell to Boyd County 15-28. West Holt were down by 7-28 at the end of the third quarter, which was just too much to recover from.

Senior Garrett Boetcher, who rushed for 71 yards and 2 touchdowns, was a major factor in Boyd County's success. In fact, with 11 tackles Boetcher was a force on both sides of the ball. Additional support came from defensive powerhouse senior Lane Carson, who racked up nine tackles.

West Holt will be playing at home against Creighton at at 7:00 PM next week. Creighton have averaged 56 points over the course of their past six games, so West Holt might be in for a challenge. As for Boyd County, they will face off against Ainsworth. Both of those teams seek to continue their momentum from their previous wins.

Follow along with the Boyd County vs. West Holt matchup here

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