Football Game Preview: Montgomery County vs. McAdams

By Staff Report Oct 25, 2017, 4:52pm

Preview: Montgomery County vs. McAdams

McAdams (4-4) and Montgomery County (1-8) take on one another this Friday at 7:00 PM on McAdams's home turf. McAdams dropped a decent lead last game -- we'll see if that pushes the squad to a win or puts them in a funk.

McAdams finished a few points shy of Shaw three weeks ago, taking a 14 - 8 hit to the loss column. The defeat came about despite McAdams's dynamic duo of sophomore Kristopher Brown, who earned one touchdown and 110 yards rushing the ball, and senior Marquell Tinnie, who showed off his agility by splitting the defense to the tune of 120 yards. This also marked the 4th consecutive game in which Tinnie rushed for 100+ yards. Meanwhile, Montgomery County suffered a painful 46 - 14 defeat to Durant two weeks ago.

The last time they met, McAdams really took it to Montgomery County, winning 54 - 6. Can McAdams repeat its success? We'll find out this Friday.

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