Preview: West-Oak vs. Landrum

By Staff Report Sep 15, 2016, 2:35pm

Thursday, 6:30 PM

This week, West-Oak faces off against Landrum on Thursday at 6:30 PM. West-Oak comes in off of three low-scoring performances in a row, a trend it is eager to reverse.

There's no need to mince words: it lost to Pickens last week, and it lost bad. The score wound up at 42 - 6. As for Landrum, it and Polk County were almost perfectly matched up this week, but it suffered an agonizing 27 - 26 defeat.

After their losses, Landrum dropped to 0-2 and dropped West-Oak to 1-2. We'll see which team manages to turn its luck around when they battle it out this week.

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