Football Game Recap: Port St. Lucie vs. Lake Placid

By Staff Report Aug 24, 2018, 11:14pm

Recap: Port St. Lucie vs. Lake Placid

Lake Placid had to travel to play their first game of the season, and the final result was worth the trip. They took their game against Port St. Lucie on Friday 28-21. Port St. Lucie can consider this payback for the 8-25 loss they dealt Lake Placid the last time the teams encountered one another. This was the first game for both teams, giving Lake Placid a 1-0 record and starting Port St. Lucie off at 0-1.

Next week, Lake Placid take on Moore Haven at Roger Scarborough Stadium at 7:00 PM. As for Port St. Lucie, they will face of against Westwood.

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