Football Game Preview: Plymouth vs. Manteo

By Staff Report Nov 1, 2017, 3:16pm

Preview: Plymouth vs. Manteo

This Friday at 7:30 PM, Plymouth (5-5) is pitted against Manteo (8-2). Plymouth is probably hoping the momentum from its comeback win last game is still alive.

Plymouth didn't have too many spare points last week in its contest with Gates County, but it still walked away with a 30 - 24 win. The win came about thanks to a strong surge after the half to overcome a deficit of 13 points.

As for Manteo, last game was the first rocky defensive outing for it this year. There's no need to mince words: it lost to John A. Holmes last week, and it lost bad. The score wound up at 50 - 7. Unfortunately, Manteo could not reproduce its 49-point effort from the game before, which might not have made for a win but would have at least kept things closer.

The last time they met, Plymouth really took it to Manteo, winning 42 - 7. Their game was over by halftime, with Plymouth up 42 - 7. Can it repeat its success? We'll find out this Friday.

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