Football Game Preview: Fredonia/Westfield/Brocton vs. Albion

By Staff Report Sep 15, 2017, 5:24am

Preview: Fredonia/Westfield/Brocton vs. Albion

This week, Albion (2-0) and Fredonia/Westfield/Brocton (1-1) square off against each other on Friday at 7:00 PM. Albion continue their travels as they hit the road for the 2nd straight game.

Last week, Albion took on Depew. Albion had a sluggish start, posting zero total points in the first half. That put it down 7 - 0. The offense took control in the second half, however, scoring 28 points. At the end of the day, Albion walked away with a breezy 28 - 7 win. Meanwhile, Fredonia/Westfield/Brocton received a tough blow as it fell 28 - 13 to Olean.

We'll see if Albion can snag another victory or if Fredonia/Westfield/Brocton will turn things around for itself.

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