Basketball Game Recap: Fredericktown Black Cats vs. Hillsboro Hawks

By Team Reports Dec 5, 2023, 7:26am

Recap: Fredericktown Black Cats vs. Hillsboro Hawks

If the Fredericktown Black Cats were riding high off their 55-19 takedown of the Salem Tigers on Tuesday, their most recent game may have dampened their spirits a bit. Fredericktown took a 41-34 hit to the loss column at the hands of Hillsboro on Thursday. Fredericktown was given a dose of their own medicine in this game as Hillsboro apparently hadn't forgotten their loss the last time these teams played back in February of 2016.

Despite the defeat, Fredericktown had strong showings from Amelia Miller, who dropped a double-double on 11 points and 11 rebounds, and Ava Penuel, who scored 10 points along with 7 rebounds and 5 steals. Penuel scored a full 29.4% of Fredericktown's points, the second time in a row she's earned more than a third of the team's points.

Fredericktown's defeat dropped their record down to 2-2. As for Hillsboro, the win got them back to even at 1-1.

Both teams are looking forward to the support of their home crowds in their upcoming games. Fredericktown will take on Cuba at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday. Hillsboro will have some time to savor their victory since their next game is a little ways off: they'll take on Perryville at 7:00 p.m. on December 11th.