Football Game Recap: Freedom vs. Spoto

By Staff Report Sep 8, 2018, 12:46am

Recap: Freedom vs. Spoto

Spoto might have drawn first blood against Freedom on Friday, but it was Freedom who got the last laugh. Spoto and Freedom were almost perfectly matched up, but Spoto suffered an agonizing 6-7 loss. The defeat was a vexing one since Spoto were expected to win based on their state ranking. The contest pushed Spoto down to 2-1 and pulled Freedom up to the reverse at 1-2.

Next week Spoto take on Robinson at 7:30 PM. Freedom will look to defend their home turf against Gaither at 7:30 PM. Freedom come in off of 3 low-scoring performances in a row, a trend the squad is obviously eager to reverse.

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