Football Game Preview: Clayton vs. Mercer/Butternut

By Staff Report Sep 20, 2017, 9:23pm

Preview: Clayton vs. Mercer/Butternut

Clayton and Mercer/Butternut take on one another this Saturday at 4:00 PM on Clayton's home turf. Neither team wants a repeat from last game, where each was handed a considerable defeat.

Clayton simply didn't have it last week, losing 50 - 0 to Northwood/Solon Springs. Clayton wasn't expected to win (the team is 19 ranks behind in the state), but no loss is easy. Meanwhile, Mercer/Butternut was crushed by Prairie Farm 60 - 26 last week.

After their losses, Mercer/Butternut dropped to 1-4 and Clayton dropped to 0-5. We'll find out which team can get past their defeat and step into the winner's circle.

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