Football Game Recap: Delta Charter vs. St. Frederick

By Staff Report Oct 20, 2018, 12:07am

Recap: Delta Charter vs. St. Frederick

St. Frederick brought a two-game winning streak into their contest against Delta Charter next week; they left with a three-game streak. St. Frederick snuck past Delta Charter with a 31-26 win.

St. Frederick's offense had trouble getting into gear in the first half and closed the half with zero points. Delta Charter couldn't get anything started offensively, either, which meant the halftime score sat untouched at 0-0. The offense for St. Frederick put that tie to bed by coming up with 31 points in the second half to win the game. The match pushed Delta Charter down to 2-6 and pulled St. Frederick up to the reverse at 6-2.

Both teams are staying within the conference for their upcoming matches. St. Frederick will square off against Ouachita Christian at 7:00 PM next week. Ouachita Christian have averaged 44 points over the course of their past four games, so St. Frederick might be in for a challenge. As for Delta Charter, they will go up against Cedar Creek. Cedar Creek stagger in eager to bring about an end to their three-game losing streak.

See how Delta Charter vs. St. Frederick plays out in the box score here

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