Basketball Game Recap: Rolla HomeSchool vs. Lighthouse Prep Academy Eagles

By Team Reports Feb 1, 2024, 10:44am

Recap: Rolla HomeSchool vs. Lighthouse Prep Academy Eagles

Rolla HomeSchool's recent rough patch got a bit rougher on Tuesday after their third straight defeat. Their tough 42-17 loss to Lighthouse Prep Academy might stick with them for a while. Rolla HomeSchool was given a dose of their own medicine in this game as the Eagles apparently hadn't forgotten their loss the last time these teams played back in January of 2023.

Lighthouse Prep Academy's success was the result of a balanced attack that saw several players step up, but Savannah Sinnett led the charge by scoring ten points. Another player making a difference was Madeline Hutchison, who scored 11 points.

Rolla HomeSchool has not been sharp recently as the team's lost four of their last five matchups, which put a noticeable dent in their 2-5 record this season. As for Lighthouse Prep Academy, the win (which was their third in a row) raised their record to 4-6.

Rolla HomeSchool does not have any more games scheduled as of now. Lighthouse Prep Academy will look to defend their home court on Saturday against the at 11:00 a.m.