Video: Mountain Brook High School football team does single-file huddle

By Stephen Spiewak Oct 22, 2014, 12:00am

Mountain Brook (Ala.) has nation's most unique huddle, or perhaps, pre-snap formation.

The thought of a huddle in high school football conjures up an image of players gathered in a crowded circle before scattering and heading to the line of scrimmage.

At Mountain Brook (Birmingham, Ala.), the team takes a much more linear approach to the huddle -- literally.

Head coach Chris Yeager told MaxPreps that the team has been using its "Stampede Huddle" for about the last 10 years.

Originally called the "Lunch line", the Stampede Huddle is designed as a countermeasure to opposing teams honing in on their assignments.

"Defensive game plans have become centered around matchups," Yeager told MaxPreps. "We started using the huddle to make it a little more difficult to locate key personnel in our offense."

The players line up in one straight line, then with just a few seconds remaining on the play clock, sprint to their places on the line.

The Stampede Huddle seems to be working. Mountain Brook has a record of 89-41 since 2004.