Football Game Recap: North Panola vs. Coahoma Agricultural

By Staff Report Oct 7, 2017, 7:43pm

Recap: North Panola vs. Coahoma Agricultural

In their previous meeting, North Panola delivered Coahoma Agricultural a punishing 48 - 20 defeat. This time around? Just more of the same. The final score between North Panola and Coahoma Agricultural was a 52 - 12 blowout in North Panola's favor. The margin wasn't a surprise since North Panola is ranked many positions ahead of Coahoma Agricultural in the state.

The win bumped North Panola's record up to 7-0. Coahoma Agricultural's record fell to 1-7 after the loss.

The two teams have their sights set on raising those records in their upcoming games. Coahoma Agricultural will face off against Water Valley Friday at 7:00 PM. Coahoma Agricultural continues its travels as it hits the road for the 2nd straight game. As for North Panola, it will battle it out against Holly Springs on Friday at 7:00 PM. Holly Springs will need to watch out since North Panola has posted big point totals in its previous four matchups.

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