Football Game Preview: Napavine vs. South Bend

By Staff Report Nov 1, 2017, 5:23pm

Preview: Napavine vs. South Bend

The regular season was a success, but the real challenge begins now, in the postseason. This Friday Napavine takes on South Bend in the first playoff game of the year. Both teams enjoyed a wide margin in their previous games.

Napavine has added another blowout to its collection (now totaling seven) after its most recent game. It dominated last week, steamrollering Chief Leschi 48 - 0. At 48 points, that marked Napavine's largest margin of victory so far this year.

Meanwhile, South Bend breezed past Ocosta last week with a final score of 34 - 9. After a close halftime score (10 - 3), South Bend took command in the second half.

Their wins bumped South Bend to 7-2 and Napavine to 8-1. Of course, South Bend and Napavine can't both win again this week, so we'll learn on Friday which team falters and which extends its success.

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