Ayaprun suffers sixth straight loss on the road

By Team Reports Jan 29, 2024, 9:35pm

Recap: Ayaprun Jaegers vs. Nuniwarmiut Herders

The Ayaprun Jaegers's recent rough patch got a bit rougher on Friday after their sixth straight loss dating back to last season. They took a 39-33 hit to the loss column at the hands of Nuniwarmiut. Ayaprun was given a dose of their own medicine in this game as Nuniwarmiut apparently hadn't forgotten their defeat the last time these teams played back in January of 2023.

Nuniwarmiut found their leader in underclassman Rochelle Paul, who scored 20 points. Angelina Olrun was another key contributor, scoring nine points.

Ayaprun's defeat was their sixth straight on the road dating back to last season, which dropped their record down to 0-1. As for Nuniwarmiut, their victory ended a three-game drought at home dating back to last season and bumped them up to 1-0.

Ayaprun does not have any more games scheduled as of now. Nuniwarmiut will be playing in front of their home fans against Chaputnguak at 9:00 p.m. on Friday.