Football Game Preview: Memphis Nighthawks vs. St. Benedict at Auburndale

By Staff Report Oct 18, 2017, 11:59am

Preview: Memphis Nighthawks vs. St. Benedict at Auburndale

Memphis Nighthawks takes on St. Benedict at Auburndale this Friday at 4:00 AM. Each team is hoping that this match will help them forget substantial defeats in their prior games.

Memphis Nighthawks simply didn't have it last week, losing 41 - 6 to Tulsa NOAH HomeSchool.

Meanwhile, St. Benedict at Auburndale is still above.500 but has been slipping the past two games. Things didn't go well at all for it last week, where the team lost 50 - 6 to Christian Brothers. St. Benedict at Auburndale was in a tough position by the half, with the score sitting at 43 - 6.

After their losses, St. Benedict at Auburndale dropped to 6-2 and Memphis Nighthawks dropped to 3-5. Neither Memphis Nighthawks nor St. Benedict at Auburndale were very aggressive on the offensive side of the ball last game, so it might be up to the defense to decide this one.

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