Baseball Game Recap: Saint James Comes Up Short

By Team Reports May 1, 2024, 11:23pm

Baseball Recap: Saint James Trojans vs. Opp Bobcats

Saint James and Opp squared off in some playoff action on Friday, but Saint James had to settle for second. They took a 7-4 hit to the loss column at the hands of the Opp Bobcats. Saint James was given a dose of their own medicine in this game as Opp apparently hadn't forgotten their loss the last time these teams played back in April of 2023.

Saint James' defeat dropped their record down to 20-11. As for Opp, they have been performing incredibly well recently as they've won 16 of their last 18 matchups, which provided a nice bump to their 20-7 record this season.

The teams didn't have to wait long for a rematch: they beat Saint James by a score of 7-2 later that day.

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