Basketball Game Recap: The Classical Academy of Sarasota Patriots vs. Babcock Trailblazers

By Team Reports Feb 4, 2024, 12:10am

Basketball Recap: The Classical Academy of Sarasota Patriots vs. Babcock Trailblazers

The Classical Academy of Sarasota Patriots pushed their score all the way to 56 on Friday, but even that wasn't enough to win. They suffered a rough 76-56 defeat at the hands of Babcock. The Classical Academy of Sarasota was in a tough position after the first half, with the score already sitting at 39-19.

Jameson Habing was his usual excellent self, dropping a double-double on 31 points and 11 rebounds for Babcock. As a matter of fact, that's the most points Habing has scored all season. Nathan Allen was another key contributor, almost dropping a double-double on nine points and nine rebounds.

The Classical Academy of Sarasota dropped their record down to 7-14 with that defeat, which was their eighth straight on the road. As for Babcock, the victory (which was their 11th in a row) raised their record to 12-9.

The Classical Academy of Sarasota is on the road again on Tuesday and plays the Falcons at 7:00 p.m. on February 6th. The matchup should be an exciting one, as these teams are closely ranked in Florida (Saint Stephen's Episcopal is ranked 678th, while the Patriots are ranked 690th). Babcock does not have any more games scheduled as of now.