Football Game Preview: Seabury Hall vs. Molokai

By Staff Report Oct 27, 2016, 12:48am

Thursday, 6:00 PM

Seabury Hall is five games into its season, but it hasn't met anyone harder than the team challenging it next. It and Molokai go head to head this Thursday at 6:00 PM. Both teams enjoyed a wide margin in their previous games.

Seabury Hall had all the answers against Lanai last week, winning 57 - 30. At 27 points, that marked Seabury Hall's largest margin of victory so far this year.

Meanwhile, Molokai breezed past Seabury Hall three weeks ago with a final score of 49 - 21. Molokai put its faith in the run, sticking to the ground for the majority of its offensive plays.

Their wins bumped Seabury Hall to 3-1 and Molokai to 3-0. Seabury Hall and Molokai had some big point totals in their last games, so we'll see if they bring that energy into this game.

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