Basketball Game Recap: King's Academy Lions vs. Grace Christian Academy Rams

By Team Reports Jan 27, 2024, 8:04pm

Recap: King's Academy Lions vs. Grace Christian Academy Rams

The King's Academy Lions's recent rough patch got a bit rougher on Tuesday after their fourth straight loss. They fell to Grace Christian Academy 57-52. King's Academy was given a dose of their own medicine in this game as Grace Christian Academy apparently hadn't forgotten their defeat the last time these teams played back in December of 2023.

King's Academy lost despite a true team effort on the offense, the best among them being Harrison Rollins, who scored 18 points along with seven rebounds. That was a full 34.6% of King's Academy's points, marking the third time in a row he's earned more than a third of the team's points. The team also got some help courtesy of Luka Horvatic, who scored 12 points along with six rebounds.

King's Academy has not been sharp recently, as they've lost seven of their last eight matchups, which put a noticeable dent in their 5-17 record this season. As for Grace Christian Academy, they pushed their record up to 13-6 with that win, which was their tenth straight at home.

Both teams are looking forward to the support of their home crowds in their upcoming games. King's Academy will take on Berean Christian at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Berean Christian will be looking to extend their current 13-game winning streak. As for Grace Christian Academy, they will be playing in front of their home fans against Oakdale at 7:30 p.m. on Monday.