Football Game Recap: Vandebilt Catholic vs. Thibodaux

By Staff Report Aug 31, 2018, 9:45pm

Recap: Vandebilt Catholic vs. Thibodaux

Thibodaux had to travel to play their first game of the season, and the final result was worth the trip. They snuck past Vandebilt Catholic with a 14-10 win. Vandebilt Catholic can consider this payback for the 28-31 loss they dealt Thibodaux the last time the teams encountered one another. The game leaves both teams with the exact same record at 0-0.

Thibodaux will be defending their home turf for the first time next week when they go up against South Lafourche at 7:00 PM. Vandebilt Catholic will look to defend their home turf next week against Bourgeois at 7:00 PM.

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