League recap: Tidewater Educators for Christian HomeSchooling losing skid hits seven games

By Staff Report May 7, 2012, 12:00am

Seven Cities league recap: 5/7/12

Tidewater Educators for Christian HomeSchooling has now lost seven straight games, currently the longest losing streak in the league.

Summit Christian Academy currently leads Seven Cities with a 2-3 record overall and a 1-0 mark during league play. First Baptist Christian sits -0.50 game back in second, with a 2-0 record in league play.

Tidewater Educators for Christian HomeSchooling's pitching was especially stingy this week, allowing 36 hits and 14 walks to lead the league in both categories. Tidewater Educators for Christian HomeSchooling's pitchers have been charged with only 43 hits and have struck out 70 batters. Seth Perry is tops on the staff with 52 Ks.

Tidewater Educators for Christian HomeSchooling had trouble finding a groove at the plate as a team this week, racking up a league-leading 55 strikeouts. The league's worst in that category with 55 strikeouts on the season are Tidewater Educators for Christian HomeSchooling.