Maddix Harrison leads a balanced attack to beat Oak Grove

By Team Reports Jan 30, 2024, 7:06pm

Recap: Dora Bulldogs vs. Oak Grove Tigers

The Dora Bulldogs won the last time they faced the Oak Grove Tigers, and things went their way on Tuesday too. Dora walked away with a 57-49 victory over the Tigers. The victory made it back-to-back wins for Dora.

Dora's win was a true team effort, with many players turning in solid performances. Perhaps the best among them was Maddix Harrison, who scored 12 points along with eight rebounds. Another player making a difference was Josh Williams, who scored ten points along with six assists and three steals.

Dora's win ended a five-game drought at home and bumped them up to 10-11. As for Oak Grove, they have traveled a rocky road recently having lost 11 of their last 14 games, which put a noticeable dent in their 7-15 record this season.

Both squads are looking forward to the support of their home crowds in their upcoming games. Dora will take on the Warriors at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday. West Point presents a significant challenge as they come into the match much higher ranked than the Bulldogs in Alabama (the Warriors are ranked 126th, while the Bulldogs are ranked 301st). As for Oak Grove, they will be playing in front of their home fans against the Yellowjackets at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday.