Football Game Preview: Kingsbury vs. Southwind

By Staff Report Aug 31, 2018, 12:57am

Preview: Kingsbury vs. Southwind

Kingsbury will be defending their home turf for the first time on Thursday when they go up against Southwind at Melrose Stadium at 7:00 PM. Both teams will be looking for a pick-me-up after considerable defeats in their previous games.

It's never fun to lose, and it's even less fun to lose 0-44, which was the final score in Kingsbury's tilt against Memphis University last Friday.

Meanwhile, Southwind took a serious blow against Cordova last week, falling 0-42.

With both teams hitting sour notes in their previous games, they will no doubt be looking to produce a better score. Hopefully the teams can find a way to make up for their last outings by putting some points on the board this time.

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