Football Game Preview: Winnebago vs. Homer

By Staff Report Oct 18, 2017, 12:03pm

Preview: Winnebago vs. Homer

Winnebago (2-5) and Homer (2-5) take on one another this Friday at 4:00 AM on Winnebago's home turf. Each team is hoping that this match will help them forget substantial defeats in their prior games.

Things didn't go well at all for Winnebago last week, where the team lost 66 - 28 to Guardian Angels Central Catholic.

Meanwhile, Homer was outplayed 56 - 15 in its contest against Howells-Dodge last week. The defeat came about despite a quality game from senior Austin Pies, who ran for 116 yards and also punched in one touchdown.

The last time they met, Winnebago was the 42 - 12 victor. This time, their match is expected to be much closer since they have similar state rankings (Winnebago at 76th, Homer at 73rd). Can Winnebago repeat its success? We'll find out this Friday.

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