Soccer Game Recap: Martin County vs. Suncoast

By Team Reports Jan 19, 2024, 4:53am

Recap: Martin County vs. Suncoast

If Martin County was feeling good off their 3-0 takedown of Lincoln Park Academy last Tuesday, their most recent game may have dampened their spirits a bit. Martin County took a 3-1 hit to the loss column at the hands of Suncoast on Thursday. Martin County was given a dose of their own medicine in this game as Suncoast apparently hadn't forgotten their defeat the last time these teams played back in November of 2021.

Martin County's goal came courtesy of Anderson Gribben, which was the first he's scored this season.

Martin County's loss dropped their record down to 8-4-3. As for Suncoast, their victory bumped their record up to an identical 8-4-3.

Martin County does not have any more games scheduled as of now. Suncoast also has no future games currently scheduled.