Football Game Preview: Boston Latin Academy vs. New Mission/Boston Community Leadership Academy

By Staff Report Nov 3, 2016, 1:38am

Friday, 7:00 PM

Boston Latin Academy is six games into its season, but it hasn't met anyone harder than the team challenging it this week. It is set to face off against New Mission/Boston Community Leadership Academy in a playoff match this Friday at 7:00 PM. So far, Boston Latin Academy has not lost a single game.

Boston Latin Academy had all the answers against West Roxbury/Urban Science Academy last week, winning 34 - 12.

As for New Mission/Boston Community Leadership Academy, it brought some tenacious defense (the best it has had all year) into its match. It claimed a 16 - 8 victory over Boston English/Muniz Academy/Community Academy last week.

Their wins bumped Boston Latin Academy to 6-1 and New Mission/Boston Community Leadership Academy to 3-4. We'll find out which team can carry over its success and which team inevitably falls when Boston Latin Academy and New Mission/Boston Community Leadership Academy clash.

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