Football Game Preview: Flint Creek co-op [Drummond/Granite] vs. Charlo

By Staff Report Oct 11, 2017, 3:40pm

Preview: Flint Creek co-op [Drummond/Granite] vs. Charlo

Flint Creek co-op [Drummond/Granite] may have come out ahead in its last game, but it shouldn't get too cocky given who is up next. This Friday at 7:00 PM, it faces Charlo. Flint Creek co-op [Drummond/Granite] has been tearing up the endzone with big points in its last six contests.

The state rankings suggested a blowout in Flint Creek co-op [Drummond/Granite]'s previous game, and that is exactly what happened. Everything went its way against Seeley-Swan last week as it secured a 70 - 16 win. The game was pretty much decided by the half: the score was 48 - 8 going into the third quarter.

Meanwhile, Charlo can now show off six landslide victories after its game last week. It crushed Troy last week, winning 66 - 8. Junior Garett Vaughan was a big part of the win as his strong performance led the charge (he earned three touchdowns and 59 yards rushing the ball).

Their wins bumped Flint Creek co-op [Drummond/Granite] to 6-0 and Charlo to 7-0. With both Charlo and Flint Creek co-op [Drummond/Granite] swaggering in after impressive performances, we'll find out which team will step up to teach the other some humility.

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