Tecumseh lost against Weatherford last Thursday and unfortunately they wound up with the same result on Saturday. The Tecumseh Savages might be feeling deja-vu: they lost 95-35 to the Weatherford Eagles, which was the same score (and result) they got the week prior. While losing is never fun, the Savages can't take it too hard given the team's big disadvantage in MaxPreps' Oklahoma basketball rankings (they are ranked 237th, while the Eagles are ranked first).
Tecumseh's loss dropped their record down to 3-7. As for Weatherford, they pushed their record up to 14-1 with the win, which was their 16th straight at home dating back to last season.
Both squads are looking forward to the support of their home crowds in their upcoming games. Tecumseh will host Piedmont at 2:30 p.m. on Monday. One thing working in Piedmont's favor is that they have posted at least 55 points in their last three contests. As for Weatherford, they will have some time to savor their victory since their next game is a little ways off: they'll take on Anadarko at 8:00 p.m. on January 21st.
Article generated by infoSentience based on data entered on MaxPreps