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The Conestoga Valley (Lancaster, PA) varsity football team lost Friday's home playoff game against Exeter Township (Reading, PA) by a score of 48-14.

Exeter Township14720748
Conestoga Valley707014
Final score provided by B. D.
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Game Stats

Exeter Township


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals58127.62525.41046145.8
12Riley Martinez (Jr)11311.00031.01031177.1
15Jake Hafer (Jr)4796.57124.00046101.8
Conestoga Valley


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals815142.53317.81108.2
10S. Esbenshade (Jr)815142.53317.81108.2
Exeter Township


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals373228.77916
0G. Stutzman (Sr)252.5401
2Jayden Zandier (Sr)2626310.17914
3Justin Prizer (Sr)122.010
9Tyler Flanders (Sr)111.0101
26Leo Brown (Jr)7517.3220
Conestoga Valley


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals331594.801
1Jayden Johnson (Sr)6559.20
5Josiah Garcia (Jr)55010.00
10S. Esbenshade (Jr)14-1-0.101
22Teagan Ruble (Jr)8556.90
Exeter Township


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals512725.4461
5Carter Redding (Sr)48120.3311
10Jayden M ware (Jr)14646.046
Conestoga Valley


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals814217.81
1Jayden Johnson (Sr)3237.7
3Konner Fisher (Jr)11111.0
22Teagan Ruble (Jr)36321.01
84Jackson Byers (Sr)14545.0

Offensive Fumbles and Pancake Blocks

Exeter Township has not entered any offensive fumbles and pancake blocks stats.
Conestoga Valley

Offensive Fumbles and Pancake Blocks

#Athlete NameFumLostPnk Blk
Team Totals11
10S. Esbenshade (Jr)11
Exeter Township

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals32212736485
0G. Stutzman (Sr)55
2Jayden Zandier (Sr)263263
3Justin Prizer (Sr)22
5Carter Redding (Sr)8181
9Tyler Flanders (Sr)11
10Jayden M ware (Jr)463682
26Leo Brown (Jr)5151
Conestoga Valley

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals15914210614421
1Jayden Johnson (Sr)552378
2Isaiah Sensenig (Sr)9314107
3Konner Fisher (Jr)1111
5Josiah Garcia (Jr)5050
10S. Esbenshade (Jr)-1-1
22Teagan Ruble (Jr)5563118
80D. Salisbery (Fr)1313
84Jackson Byers (Sr)4545
Exeter Township

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals322127127449
0G. Stutzman (Sr)55
2Jayden Zandier (Sr)263263
3Justin Prizer (Sr)22
5Carter Redding (Sr)8181
9Tyler Flanders (Sr)11
10Jayden M ware (Jr)4646
12Riley Martinez (Jr)3131
15Jake Hafer (Jr)9696
26Leo Brown (Jr)5151
Conestoga Valley

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals159142142301
1Jayden Johnson (Sr)552378
3Konner Fisher (Jr)1111
5Josiah Garcia (Jr)5050
10S. Esbenshade (Jr)-1142141
22Teagan Ruble (Jr)5563118
84Jackson Byers (Sr)4545
Exeter Township


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals2736635.5
0G. Stutzman (Sr)2461.0
3Justin Prizer (Sr)22
4P. Caceres (Sr)224
5Carter Redding (Sr)213
8Braylon Reinert (So)33
9Tyler Flanders (Sr)112
10Jayden M ware (Jr)213
13Aidan Dauble (Jr)314
18Casey Gerhart (Sr)6172.0
19Jake Franek (Jr)213
20Dylan Donate (Jr)11
26Leo Brown (Jr)11
27Sam Johnson (So)11
28M. Livergood (Jr)213
30Donovyn Alvarez (So)33
32F. Pruitt- gooch (So)11
50Andre Osborne (Jr)11.5
52Cameron Aiken (Sr)2461.0
53Joel Ummarino (Jr)33.5
62Logan Wegman (Sr)224.5
71Eddie Farrar (So)11
75E. Davidheiser (Jr)11
Conestoga Valley


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals32323.0
2Isaiah Sensenig (Sr)44
3Konner Fisher (Jr)33
6Seth Morgan (Sr)77
19Garrett Daniels (Sr)221.0
45Jayden Conaway (So)11
50Samuel Matonti (Jr)221.0
55Justin Corson (Sr)221.0
61Tal Stoltzfus (Sr)55
62Connor High (Jr)11
84Jackson Byers (Sr)22
85Cordell Bair (Jr)33
Exeter Township


#Athlete NameSacksYdlHurs
Team Totals3.5353
18Casey Gerhart (Sr)1.06
50Andre Osborne (Jr).531
52Cameron Aiken (Sr)1.020
53Joel Ummarino (Jr).531
62Logan Wegman (Sr).53
68Kevin Oswalt (So)1


Conestoga Valley has not entered any sacks stats.
Exeter Township

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals1102
4P. Caceres (Sr)1
13Aidan Dauble (Jr)1
52Cameron Aiken (Sr)1
68Kevin Oswalt (So)10

Defensive Statistics

Conestoga Valley has not entered any defensive statistics stats.
Exeter Township


#Athlete NameKOYdsAvgLngTB
Team Totals733848.358
19Jake Franek (Jr)733848.358


Conestoga Valley has not entered any kickoffs stats.
Exeter Township


#Athlete NamePYdsAvgLngIn 20
Team Totals27336.583
19Jake Franek (Jr)27336.583


Conestoga Valley has not entered any punts stats.
Exeter Township

Kickoff and Punt Returns

#Athlete NameKO RetsYdsAvgLngP RetsYdsAvgLngFCKR Yds
Team Totals23618.02536
10Jayden M ware (Jr)23618.02536
Conestoga Valley

Kickoff and Punt Returns

#Athlete NameKO RetsYdsAvgLngP RetsYdsAvgLngFCKR Yds
Team Totals810613.32147.0120
2Isaiah Sensenig (Sr)79313.32147.0107
80D. Salisbery (Fr)11313.013
Exeter Township


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals742648
0G. Stutzman (Sr)166
2Jayden Zandier (Sr)42424
5Carter Redding (Sr)166
9Tyler Flanders (Sr)166
19Jake Franek (Jr)66
Conestoga Valley


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals212214
10S. Esbenshade (Jr)166
22Teagan Ruble (Jr)166
44Colson Erb (Jr)22
Exeter Township

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals67.96
19Jake Franek (Jr)67.96
Conestoga Valley

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals221.02
44Colson Erb (Jr)221.02
Exeter Township


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals617
0G. Stutzman (Sr)11
2Jayden Zandier (Sr)44
5Carter Redding (Sr)11
9Tyler Flanders (Sr)11
Conestoga Valley


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals112
10S. Esbenshade (Jr)11
22Teagan Ruble (Jr)11
Stat Supplier Logo

Exeter Township's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Stat Supplier Logo

Conestoga Valley's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Game Story

Pennsylvania High School Football - Exeter Township wallops Conestoga Valley

November 15, 2024: Lancaster, PA 17601

The Exeter Township Eagles football squad scored 48 points and limited the host Conestoga Valley Buckskins to 14 in the Eagles non-league triumph on Friday.

The Eagles now hold a 12-1 record.

With the defeat, Conestoga Valley drops to 11-1 on the campaign.

B_Boulder DEagles Reporter
Marquise WashingtonBuckskins Reporter
  • All
  • Q1
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  1. Check In

    0 - 0 The scorer has checked in. ETHS 0, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 6:30p
  2. Game Attendance

    Attendance At least 1,000
    Posted @ 6:30p
  3. Field Conditions

    Field Conditions Dry
    Posted @ 6:30p
  4. Weather Conditions

    Weather Conditions Cold
    Posted @ 6:30p
  5. 0 - 0

    Start of Game

    Conestoga Valley1st Quarter
    Conestoga Valley kicking off to Exeter Township.
    Posted @ 7:03p
  6. 0 - 0

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Exeter Township1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley kicked off to Exeter Township. Exeter Township has the ball on Conestoga Valley's 40-yard line. ETHS 0, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 7:03p
  7. 6 - 0

    Rushing Touchdown

    Exeter Township1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #2 Jayden Zandier with a 40 Yd Rushing TD. ETHS 6, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 7:05p
  8. 7 - 0

    Made Point After

    Exeter Township1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - PAT Good. ETHS 7, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 7:05p
  9. 7 - 0

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Conestoga Valley1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Exeter Township kicked off to Conestoga Valley. Conestoga Valley has the ball on their own 30-yard line. ETHS 7, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 7:07p
  10. 7 - 0


    Exeter Township1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley has punted to Exeter Township. Exeter Township has the ball on their own 20-yard line. ETHS 7, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 7:13p
  11. 7 - 0


    Exeter Township1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - 1st down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on their own 40-yard line. ETHS 7, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 7:14p
  12. 7 - 0

    Long Pass

    Exeter Township1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #15 Jake Hafer with a long pass to #10 Jayden M ware. Exeter Township has the ball on Conestoga Valley's 17-yard line. ETHS 7, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 7:16p
  13. 7 - 0


    Exeter Township1st Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - 1st down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on Conestoga Valley's 7-yard line. ETHS 7, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 7:18p
  14. 13 - 0

    Rushing Touchdown

    Exeter Township1st Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #2 Jayden Zandier with a 7 Yd Rushing TD. ETHS 13, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 7:19p
  15. 14 - 0

    Made Point After

    Exeter Township1st Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #19 Jake Franek PAT Good. ETHS 14, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 7:19p
  16. 14 - 0

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Conestoga Valley1st Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Exeter Township kicked off to Conestoga Valley. Conestoga Valley has the ball on their own 25-yard line. ETHS 14, CVHS 0
    Posted @ 7:21p
  17. 14 - 6

    Passing Touchdown

    Conestoga Valley1st Quarter Under a minute
    Conestoga Valley - Pass completed for a TD. ETHS 14, CVHS 6
    Posted @ 7:26p
  18. 14 - 7

    Made Point After

    Conestoga Valley1st Quarter Under a minute
    Conestoga Valley - PAT Good. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:27p
  19. 14 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Exeter Township1st Quarter Under a minute
    Conestoga Valley kicked off to Exeter Township. Exeter Township has the ball on their own 37-yard line. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:28p
  20. 14 - 7

    End of 1st Quarter

    2nd Quarter
    ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:29p
  21. 14 - 7

    Long Run

    Exeter Township2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #2 Jayden Zandier with a long run. Exeter Township has the ball on Conestoga Valley's 30-yard line. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:31p
  22. 14 - 7

    Red Zone Alert

    Exeter Township2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Exeter Township is inside Conestoga Valley's 20. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:32p
  23. 14 - 7


    Exeter Township2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - 1st down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on Conestoga Valley's 5-yard line. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:32p
  24. 14 - 7


    Exeter Township2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - 4th down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on Conestoga Valley's 1-yard line. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:34p
  25. 14 - 7

    Turnover on Downs

    Conestoga Valley2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Exeter Township has turned possession over on downs. Conestoga Valley has the ball on their own 1-yard line. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:35p
  26. 14 - 7


    Exeter Township2nd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley has punted to Exeter Township. Exeter Township has the ball on Conestoga Valley's 49-yard line. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:40p
  27. 14 - 7

    Big Play - Other

    Exeter Township2nd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Exeter Township with a big play. Exeter Township has the ball on Conestoga Valley's 38-yard line. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:44p
  28. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    4th and 4 Exeter fake punt converts for a first down
    Posted @ 7:45p
  29. 14 - 7


    Conestoga Valley2nd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Exeter Township has punted to Conestoga Valley. Conestoga Valley has the ball on their own 25-yard line. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:48p
  30. 14 - 7


    Conestoga Valley2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley - 3rd down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on their own 29-yard line. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:51p
  31. 14 - 7


    Exeter Township2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley has punted to Exeter Township. Exeter Township has the ball on Conestoga Valley's 35-yard line. ETHS 14, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:53p
  32. 20 - 7

    Passing Touchdown

    Exeter Township2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Exeter Township - #12 Riley Martinez 38 Yd pass completed to #5 Carter Redding for a TD. ETHS 20, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:55p
  33. 21 - 7

    Made Point After

    Exeter Township2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Exeter Township - #19 Jake Franek PAT Good. ETHS 21, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:56p
  34. 21 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Conestoga Valley2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Exeter Township kicked off to Conestoga Valley. Conestoga Valley has the ball on their own 26-yard line. ETHS 21, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 7:57p
  35. 21 - 7


    ETHS 21, CVHS 7
    We noticed it's halftime, please enjoy this video while you wait for the action to resume.
    Posted @ 7:58p
  36. 21 - 7

    Start of 3rd Quarter

    Exeter Township3rd Quarter
    Exeter Township to kick off to Conestoga Valley.
    Posted @ 8:19p
  37. 21 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Conestoga Valley3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Exeter Township kicked off to Conestoga Valley. Conestoga Valley has the ball on their own 25-yard line. ETHS 21, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 8:20p
  38. 21 - 7


    Conestoga Valley3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley - 1st down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on their own 41-yard line. ETHS 21, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 8:22p
  39. 21 - 7


    Exeter Township3rd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley has punted to Exeter Township. Exeter Township has the ball on their own 12-yard line. ETHS 21, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 8:25p
  40. 21 - 7


    Conestoga Valley3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Exeter Township has punted to Conestoga Valley. Conestoga Valley has the ball on Exeter Township's 42-yard line. ETHS 21, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 8:28p
  41. 21 - 7


    Conestoga Valley3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley - 1st down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on Exeter Township's 9-yard line. ETHS 21, CVHS 7
    Posted @ 8:29p
  42. 21 - 13

    Rushing Touchdown

    Conestoga Valley3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley - Rushing TD. ETHS 21, CVHS 13
    Posted @ 8:31p
  43. 21 - 14

    Made Point After

    Conestoga Valley3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley - PAT Good. ETHS 21, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:31p
  44. 21 - 14

    Long Run

    Exeter Township3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #2 Jayden Zandier with a long run. Exeter Township has the ball on Conestoga Valley's 1-yard line. ETHS 21, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:34p
  45. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Jayden Z with 80 yrd run
    Posted @ 8:35p
  46. 27 - 14

    Rushing Touchdown

    Exeter Township3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #0 Genuine Stutzman with a 1 Yd Rushing TD. ETHS 27, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:35p
  47. 28 - 14

    Made Point After

    Exeter Township3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - PAT Good. ETHS 28, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:36p
  48. 28 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Conestoga Valley3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Exeter Township kicked off to Conestoga Valley. Conestoga Valley has the ball on their own 35-yard line. ETHS 28, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:37p
  49. 28 - 14

    Fumble Recovery

    Exeter Township3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #68 Kevin Oswalt recovered a fumble by Conestoga Valley and has the ball on Conestoga Valley's 12-yard line. ETHS 28, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:42p
  50. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Exeter front 4 with huge sack and fumble recovery at Conestoga 12 yrd line
    Posted @ 8:43p
  51. 34 - 14

    Rushing Touchdown

    Exeter Township3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #2 Jayden Zandier with a 12 Yd Rushing TD. ETHS 34, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:44p
  52. 34 - 14

    Missed Point After

    Exeter Township3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - PAT Missed. ETHS 34, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:44p
  53. 34 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Conestoga Valley3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Exeter Township kicked off to Conestoga Valley. Conestoga Valley has the ball on their own 35-yard line. ETHS 34, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:45p
  54. 34 - 14

    Big Play - Sack

    Exeter Township3rd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #18 Casey Gerhart with a sack. Conestoga Valley has the ball on their own 24-yard line. ETHS 34, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:47p
  55. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    4th down for conestoga valley at their 35
    Posted @ 8:49p
  56. 34 - 14

    Turnover on Downs

    Exeter Township3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley has turned possession over on downs. Exeter Township has the ball on Conestoga Valley's 35-yard line. ETHS 34, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:50p
  57. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    First down pass to Carter Redding.
    Posted @ 8:52p
  58. 34 - 14


    Exeter Township3rd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Exeter Township - 1st down, ~1 minute to go, ball on Conestoga Valley's 14-yard line. ETHS 34, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:53p
  59. 40 - 14

    Rushing Touchdown

    Exeter Township3rd Quarter Under a minute
    Exeter Township - #2 Jayden Zandier with a 7 Yd Rushing TD. ETHS 40, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:54p
  60. 41 - 14

    Made Point After

    Exeter Township3rd Quarter Under a minute
    Exeter Township - #19 Jake Franek PAT Good. ETHS 41, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:55p
  61. 41 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Conestoga Valley3rd Quarter Under a minute
    Exeter Township kicked off to Conestoga Valley. Conestoga Valley has the ball on their own 23-yard line. ETHS 41, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:58p
  62. 41 - 14

    End of 3rd Quarter

    4th Quarter
    ETHS 41, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 8:58p
  63. 41 - 14


    Conestoga Valley4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley - 1st down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on Exeter Township's 26-yard line. ETHS 41, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 9:01p
  64. 41 - 14


    Conestoga Valley4th Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley - 2nd down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on Exeter Township's 30-yard line. ETHS 41, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 9:04p
  65. 41 - 14

    Big Play - Sack

    Exeter Township4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #53 Joel Ummarino with a sack. Conestoga Valley has the ball on Exeter Township's 40-yard line. ETHS 41, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 9:05p
  66. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Conestoga Valley going for it on fourth down and 26 on Exeter’s 45 yard line
    Posted @ 9:06p
  67. 41 - 14

    Turnover on Downs

    Exeter Township4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Conestoga Valley has turned possession over on downs. Exeter Township has the ball on their own 33-yard line. ETHS 41, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 9:07p
  68. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Leo brown with 20 yd run for Exeter
    Posted @ 9:08p
  69. 41 - 14


    Exeter Township4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - 2nd down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on Conestoga Valley's 42-yard line. ETHS 41, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 9:08p
  70. 41 - 14


    Exeter Township4th Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - 1st down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on Conestoga Valley's 49-yard line. ETHS 41, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 9:13p
  71. 41 - 14


    Exeter Township4th Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - 4th down, ~4 minutes to go, ball on Conestoga Valley's 32-yard line. ETHS 41, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 9:15p
  72. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Exeter has a fourth down at nine from Conestoga Valley 32 yard line. 342 left on the clock.
    Posted @ 9:17p
  73. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Jake Hafer with a 31 yard pass to Carter Redding down to Conestoga Valley 1 yard line
    Posted @ 9:18p
  74. 47 - 14

    Rushing Touchdown

    Exeter Township4th Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #0 Genuine Stutzman with a 1 Yd Rushing TD. ETHS 47, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 9:18p
  75. 48 - 14

    Made Point After

    Exeter Township4th Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Exeter Township - #19 Jake Franek PAT Good. ETHS 48, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 9:19p
  76. 48 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Conestoga Valley4th Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Exeter Township kicked off to Conestoga Valley. Conestoga Valley has the ball on their own 8-yard line. ETHS 48, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 9:21p
  77. 48 - 14

    End of Game

    ETHS 48, CVHS 14
    Posted @ 9:24p
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    48-14 final?

ETHS @ CVHS Football Game Info

Fri., Nov. 15, 2024 @ 7p
Conestoga Valley Senior High School
The Conestoga Valley (Lancaster, PA) varsity football team lost Friday's home playoff game against Exeter Township (Reading, PA) by a score of 48-14.
This game is a part of the "2024 PIAA Football Championship - 5A" tournament.

Scoretracker Providers

B_Boulder DEagles Reporter
Marquise WashingtonBuckskins Reporter

Rankings & Records

Exeter Township (24-25)

OverallConferenceHomeAwayWin %Conference %PFPA

Conestoga Valley (24-25)

OverallConferenceHomeAwayWin %Conference %PFPA

Team Scoring Averages

Exeter Township
Conestoga Valley


  • Conestoga Valley won on 10/18/2024
    10/18 @ 7pQ1Q2Q3Q4Final
    Conestoga Valley14140028
    Exeter Township0210627

    The Conestoga Valley (Lancaster, PA) varsity football team won Friday's away conference game against Exeter Township (Reading, PA) by a score of 28-27.

  • Exeter Township won on 11/15/2024
    11/15 @ 7pQ1Q2Q3Q4Final
    Exeter Township14720748
    Conestoga Valley707014

    The Exeter Township (Reading, PA) varsity football team won Friday's away playoff game against Conestoga Valley (Lancaster, PA) by a score of 48-14.

Team Stat Comparison

Exeter TownshipConestoga Valley
231.0Rushing Yards Per Game180.4
119.0Passing Yards Per Game175.4
118.2Receiving Yards Per Game174.5
350.0Total Yards Per Game355.8
62.7Tackles Per Game51.8
1.4Sacks Per Game1.3
42.2Points Per Game34.8
3Pancake Blocks-

Team Leaders

Exeter TownshipConestoga ValleyNational Avg.
#2 Jayden Zandier149.0Rushing Yards Per Game#22 Teagan Ruble53.020.4
#12 Riley Martinez112.9Passing Yards Per Game#10 Sawyer Esbenshade173.251.0
#5 Carter Redding48.3Receiving Yards Per Game#1 Jayden Johnson54.417.4
#2 Jayden Zandier163.9Total Yards Per Game#10 Sawyer Esbenshade208.136.6
#18 Casey Gerhart7.2Tackles Per Game#6 Seth Morgan11.32.7
#50 Andre Osborne0.3Sacks Per Game#55 Justin Corson0.50.2
#2 Jayden Zandier15.1Points Per Game#1 Jayden Johnson7.32.2
#0 Genuine Stutzman2Pancake Blocks

Record Breakdown

Exeter Township (24-25)

Conestoga Valley (24-25)

Head to Head
Common Opponent