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The North Crowley (Fort Worth, TX) varsity football team won Saturday's home playoff game against Westlake (Austin, TX) by a score of 50-21.

North Crowley141415750
Final score provided by Z. Poff.
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Game Stats



#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals1023154.43515.466.2
9Rees Wise (Jr)1023154.43515.466.2


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals331855.613
3Elijah Clark (Sr)6132.20
9Rees Wise (Jr)171066.212
36Grady Bartlett (Sr)10666.601


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals1015415.4
6Brody Wilhelm (Sr)47218.0
11Chase Bowen (Sr)24221.0
16Cash Robin (Sr)144.0
21Brandon Clark (Sr)144.0
36Grady Bartlett (Sr)23216.0

Offensive Fumbles and Pancake Blocks

#Athlete NameFumLostPnk Blk
Team Totals11
36Grady Bartlett (Sr)11

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals18515473412
3Elijah Clark (Sr)1313
6Brody Wilhelm (Sr)7272
9Rees Wise (Jr)106106
11Chase Bowen (Sr)423577
16Cash Robin (Sr)42630
21Brandon Clark (Sr)41216
36Grady Bartlett (Sr)663298

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals185154154339
3Elijah Clark (Sr)1313
6Brody Wilhelm (Sr)7272
9Rees Wise (Jr)106154260
11Chase Bowen (Sr)4242
16Cash Robin (Sr)44
21Brandon Clark (Sr)44
36Grady Bartlett (Sr)663298


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals3529644.0
0Mason Lastor (Jr)4261.0
5Payton Luther (Sr)336
7T. Bennett (Jr)639
13Connor Vasek (Sr)112
17Wylie Nichols (So)4261.0
21Brandon Clark (Sr)3141.0
23G. Jones lll (Sr)426
31Elliott Schaper (Sr)44
34Bo Massengale (Sr)4261.0
90Cullen Devine (Sr)123
91Ben Carrell (Sr)112
98Porter Patton (Sr)224
99Maddox Flynt (Jr)246


#Athlete NameSacksYdlHurs
Team Totals4
0Mason Lastor (Jr)1
99Maddox Flynt (Jr)3

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals2
23G. Jones lll (Sr)2


#Athlete NameKOYdsAvgLngTB
Team Totals33
93Nolan Bartley (Jr)33


#Athlete NamePYdsAvgLngIn 20
Team Totals312842.7512
14Joey Bravo (Sr)312842.7512

Kickoff and Punt Returns

#Athlete NameKO RetsYdsAvgLngP RetsYdsAvgLngFCKR Yds
Team Totals57314.62673
11Chase Bowen (Sr)33511.72135
16Cash Robin (Sr)12626.02626
21Brandon Clark (Sr)11212.01212


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals318321
9Rees Wise (Jr)21212
36Grady Bartlett (Sr)166
93Nolan Bartley (Jr)33

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals331.03
93Nolan Bartley (Jr)331.03


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals33
9Rees Wise (Jr)22
36Grady Bartlett (Sr)11
Stat Supplier Logo

Westlake's stats are presented by HudlHudl

North Crowley has not entered stats for this game.

Recap Video

Game Story

Texas High School Football - Westlake thwarted by North Crowley

December 21, 2024: Fort Worth, TX 76123

North Crowley Panthers (Fort Worth, TX) fans went home in high spirits Saturday as they saw their football team achieve victory over the visiting Westlake Chaparrals (Austin, TX), 50-21 in a non-league battle.

With the win, North Crowley improves its record to 16-0 on the season.

The Chaparrals now have a 14-2 record.

David GarciaChaparrals All-Star Reporter
Zack PoffPanthers Reporter
  • All
  • Q1
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  1. Check In

    0 - 0 The scorer has checked in. NCHS 0, Westlake 0
    Posted @ 6:24p
  2. Field Conditions

    Field Conditions Dry
    Posted @ 6:24p
  3. Game Attendance

    Attendance Over 5,000
    Posted @ 6:24p
  4. Weather Conditions

    Weather Conditions Fair
    Posted @ 6:24p
  5. Commentary

    Welcome from AT&T Stadium to the 6A-DI State Championship game.
    Posted @ 6:27p
  6. Commentary

    Trophy presentation ongoing for the 6A-DII game.
    Posted @ 6:28p
  7. Commentary

    Our game will kick at 7:30 PM
    Posted @ 6:28p
  8. Commentary

    Posted @ 6:34p
  9. Commentary

    Westlake will be in white pants, white jerseys with blue numerals and the classic silver helmets
    Posted @ 6:46p
  10. Commentary

    30 minutes until kick
    Posted @ 7:02p
  11. Commentary

    Grinch in the house …
    Posted @ 7:08p
  12. Commentary

    Drill teams take the field
    Posted @ 7:11p
  13. Commentary

    Your zebras for tonight
    Posted @ 7:16p
  14. Commentary

    Westlake cheer
    Posted @ 7:17p
  15. Commentary

    Posted @ 7:19p
  16. Commentary

    Posted @ 7:20p
  17. Commentary

    National anthem
    Posted @ 7:20p
  18. Commentary

    8 minutes to kick
    Posted @ 7:22p
  19. Commentary

    Westlake school song
    Posted @ 7:23p
  20. Commentary

    North Crowley school song
    Posted @ 7:24p
  21. Commentary

    Posted @ 7:25p
  22. Commentary

    Posted @ 7:26p
  23. Commentary

    North Crowley wins the toss and elects to receive.
    Posted @ 7:31p
  24. 0 - 0

    Start of Game

    Westlake1st Quarter
    Westlake kicking off to North Crowley.
    Posted @ 7:31p
  25. 0 - 0

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    North Crowley1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Westlake kicked off to North Crowley. North Crowley has the ball on their own 25-yard line. NCHS 0, Westlake 0
    Posted @ 7:33p
  26. 6 - 0

    Passing Touchdown

    North Crowley1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    North Crowley - #12 Chris Jimerson 75 Yd pass completed to #6 Quentin Gibson for a TD. NCHS 6, Westlake 0
    Posted @ 7:34p
  27. 7 - 0

    Made Point After

    North Crowley1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    North Crowley - #41 MJ Wright PAT Good. NCHS 7, Westlake 0
    Posted @ 7:34p
  28. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Razzle dazzle on the handoff and pitch back to the QB for a long pass. Good start for NC
    Posted @ 7:35p
  29. 7 - 0

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Westlake1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    North Crowley kicked off to Westlake. Westlake has the ball on North Crowley's 42-yard line. NCHS 7, Westlake 0
    Posted @ 7:37p
  30. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    NC tried an inside kick. Recovered it, but was flagged for kick catch interference
    Posted @ 7:37p
  31. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    3 yard gain
    Posted @ 7:38p
  32. 7 - 0


    Westlake1st Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 19-yard line. NCHS 7, Westlake 0
    Posted @ 7:38p
  33. 7 - 0


    Westlake1st Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 7-yard line. NCHS 7, Westlake 0
    Posted @ 7:38p
  34. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    5 yard keeper
    Posted @ 7:39p
  35. 7 - 6

    Rushing Touchdown

    Westlake1st Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Westlake - #36 Grady Bartlett with a 2 Yd Rushing TD. NCHS 7, Westlake 6
    Posted @ 7:40p
  36. 7 - 7

    Made Point After

    Westlake1st Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Westlake - #93 Nolan Bartley PAT Good. NCHS 7, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:40p
  37. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Running game worked well for Westlake on that opening drive
    Posted @ 7:41p
  38. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Kick goes out of bounds. Westlake will kick again from the 35
    Posted @ 7:44p
  39. 7 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    North Crowley1st Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Westlake kicked off to North Crowley. North Crowley has the ball on their own 25-yard line. NCHS 7, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:44p
  40. 7 - 7


    North Crowley1st Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on their own 36-yard line. NCHS 7, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:45p
  41. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    No gain on the completion
    Posted @ 7:45p
  42. 7 - 7

    Big Play - Sack

    Westlake1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Westlake - #34 Bo Massengale with a sack. North Crowley has the ball on their own 32-yard line. NCHS 7, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:46p
  43. 7 - 7


    North Crowley1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on Westlake's 44-yard line. NCHS 7, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:47p
  44. 13 - 7

    Rushing Touchdown

    North Crowley1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    North Crowley - #12 Chris Jimerson with a 44 Yd Rushing TD. NCHS 13, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:48p
  45. 14 - 7

    Made Point After

    North Crowley1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    North Crowley - #41 MJ Wright PAT Good. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:48p
  46. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Posted @ 7:49p
  47. 14 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Westlake1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    North Crowley kicked off to Westlake. Westlake has the ball on their own 35-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:51p
  48. 14 - 7


    Westlake1st Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 46-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:52p
  49. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    5 yard run for Bartlett
    Posted @ 7:52p
  50. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    2 more yards on the handoff to Bartlett
    Posted @ 7:53p
  51. 14 - 7


    Westlake1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 43-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:53p
  52. 14 - 7


    Westlake1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 31-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:54p
  53. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    5 yard keeper
    Posted @ 7:55p
  54. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Pass incomplete. Batted down by the defense
    Posted @ 7:55p
  55. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Pass incomplete. 4th and . Offense stays on the field
    Posted @ 7:56p
  56. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    4th and 5
    Posted @ 7:56p
  57. 14 - 7

    Turnover on Downs

    North Crowley1st Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    Westlake has turned possession over on downs. North Crowley has the ball on their own 27-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:57p
  58. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    6 yard carry
    Posted @ 7:57p
  59. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Posted @ 7:58p
  60. 14 - 7


    North Crowley1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on their own 38-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 7:58p
  61. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Pass incomplete. QB threw it out of bounds
    Posted @ 7:59p
  62. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    6 yard carry for Warren III
    Posted @ 7:59p
  63. 14 - 7


    North Crowley1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on Westlake's 35-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8p
  64. 14 - 7


    North Crowley1st Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~2 minutes to go, ball on Westlake's 22-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:01p
  65. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    False start. 1st and 15
    Posted @ 8:01p
  66. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    4 yard carry
    Posted @ 8:02p
  67. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Pass incomplete. 3rd and 11
    Posted @ 8:03p
  68. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    4 yard keeper. 4th and 7
    Posted @ 8:03p
  69. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Timeout North Crowley (their first). 2:04 to go in the first quarter. 4th and 7 from the Westlake 19. NC appears they will go for it
    Posted @ 8:04p
  70. Scorer Dropped Out

    1st Quarter
    Posted @ 8:05p
  71. Check In

    1st Quarter
    14 - 7 The scorer has checked in. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:06p
  72. Game Attendance

    1st Quarter
    Attendance Over 5,000
    Posted @ 8:07p
  73. 14 - 7

    Turnover on Downs

    Westlake1st Quarter ~1 minute to go
    North Crowley has turned possession over on downs. Westlake has the ball on their own 20-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:07p
  74. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    15 yard completion. 2nd and 4
    Posted @ 8:07p
  75. 14 - 7


    Westlake1st Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~1 minute to go, ball on their own 35-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:08p
  76. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    2 yard keeper
    Posted @ 8:08p
  77. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Posted @ 8:09p
  78. 14 - 7

    End of 1st Quarter

    2nd Quarter
    NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:09p
  79. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    8 yard keeepr
    Posted @ 8:12p
  80. 14 - 7


    Westlake2nd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~11 minutes to go, ball on their own 47-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:12p
  81. 14 - 7


    Westlake2nd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 25-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:13p
  82. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    3 yard carry for Bartlett
    Posted @ 8:13p
  83. 14 - 7


    Westlake2nd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 15-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:14p
  84. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    7 yard carry for Bartlett
    Posted @ 8:14p
  85. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Play under review for a possible fumble
    Posted @ 8:15p
  86. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Call on the field reversed. NC recovers the fumble at their own 5 yard line.
    Posted @ 8:18p
  87. 14 - 7

    Fumble Recovery

    North Crowley2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    North Crowley recovered a fumble by Westlake and has the ball on their own 5-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:18p
  88. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    8 yard carry by Warren
    Posted @ 8:19p
  89. 14 - 7


    North Crowley2nd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on their own 26-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:20p
  90. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    6 yard carry
    Posted @ 8:20p
  91. 14 - 7


    North Crowley2nd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on their own 43-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:21p
  92. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    6 yard carry
    Posted @ 8:21p
  93. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    2 yard carry
    Posted @ 8:22p
  94. 14 - 7


    North Crowley2nd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on Westlake's 46-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:22p
  95. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    2 yard carry for Warren
    Posted @ 8:23p
  96. 14 - 7


    North Crowley2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on Westlake's 36-yard line. NCHS 14, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:24p
  97. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    3 yards for Warren
    Posted @ 8:25p
  98. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Loss of 1. 3rd and 8
    Posted @ 8:25p
  99. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Loss of 1. 3rd and 8
    Posted @ 8:25p
  100. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Holding wipes out a 6 yard gain. 3rd and 18 from the 44
    Posted @ 8:26p
  101. 20 - 7

    Passing Touchdown

    North Crowley2nd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    North Crowley - #12 Chris Jimerson 44 Yd pass completed to #6 Quentin Gibson for a TD. NCHS 20, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:27p
  102. 21 - 7

    Made Point After

    North Crowley2nd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    North Crowley - #41 MJ Wright PAT Good. NCHS 21, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:28p
  103. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Great run after the catch by Gibson for that TD
    Posted @ 8:28p
  104. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Early candidate for offensive MVP
    Posted @ 8:29p
  105. 21 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Westlake2nd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    North Crowley kicked off to Westlake. Westlake has the ball on their own 26-yard line. NCHS 21, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:31p
  106. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Clark carries for 7
    Posted @ 8:32p
  107. 21 - 7

    Big Play - Sack

    North Crowley2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    North Crowley - #21 Xavier Coleman with a sack. Westlake has the ball on their own 29-yard line. NCHS 21, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:32p
  108. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Pass incomplete. 4th and 7. Westlake to punt
    Posted @ 8:33p
  109. 21 - 7


    North Crowley2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Westlake has punted to North Crowley. North Crowley has the ball on their own 42-yard line. NCHS 21, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:34p
  110. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    TV timeout. 2:04 to go in the half. 1st and 10 NC at their own 41. They have 2 timeouts left. Westlake has all 3 timeouts left.
    Posted @ 8:35p
  111. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Posted @ 8:36p
  112. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    4 yard carry for Warren
    Posted @ 8:36p
  113. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Deep Pass incomplete.
    Posted @ 8:37p
  114. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Offsides Westlake. 3rd and 1.
    Posted @ 8:38p
  115. 21 - 7


    North Crowley2nd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~1 minute to go, ball on Westlake's 48-yard line. NCHS 21, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:38p
  116. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Deep pass incomplete.
    Posted @ 8:39p
  117. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    4 yard carry
    Posted @ 8:40p
  118. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Posted @ 8:40p
  119. 27 - 7

    Passing Touchdown

    North Crowley2nd Quarter Under a minute
    North Crowley - #12 Chris Jimerson 44 Yd pass completed to #5 Daniel Bray for a TD. NCHS 27, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:40p
  120. 28 - 7

    Made Point After

    North Crowley2nd Quarter Under a minute
    North Crowley - #41 MJ Wright PAT Good. NCHS 28, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:41p
  121. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Posted @ 8:41p
  122. 28 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Westlake2nd Quarter Under a minute
    North Crowley kicked off to Westlake. Westlake has the ball on their own 26-yard line. NCHS 28, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:43p
  123. 28 - 7


    Westlake2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Westlake - 1st down, Under a minute, ball on their own 42-yard line. NCHS 28, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:44p
  124. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    3 yard keeper. 0:20 to go in the half
    Posted @ 8:44p
  125. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Ineligible receiver downfield Westlake. 2nd amd 12
    Posted @ 8:46p
  126. 28 - 7


    Westlake2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Westlake - 1st down, Under a minute, ball on North Crowley's 43-yard line. NCHS 28, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 8:46p
  127. 28 - 7


    NCHS 28, Westlake 7
    We noticed it's halftime, please enjoy this video while you wait for the action to resume.
    Posted @ 8:46p
  128. Commentary

    Referee adds 1 second back on the clock
    Posted @ 8:47p
  129. Commentary

    Hilarious song choice in the stadium as the sound guy plays Baby Come Back. NC has left the field
    Posted @ 8:48p
  130. Commentary

    Hail Mary falls incomplete. Now it’s halftime
    Posted @ 8:49p
  131. Commentary

    Score is correct on my end
    Posted @ 8:50p
  132. Commentary

    Westlake Hyline
    Posted @ 8:55p
  133. Commentary

    Westlake band
    Posted @ 8:56p
  134. Commentary

    North Crowley Silver Stars
    Posted @ 9:03p
  135. Commentary

    North Crowley band
    Posted @ 9:05p
  136. Commentary

    2nd half will kick at 9:15 Central. Westlake will receive
    Posted @ 9:08p
  137. Commentary

    Posted @ 9:10p
  138. Commentary

    Posted @ 9:10p
  139. Commentary

    Teams back out on the field
    Posted @ 9:13p
  140. Commentary

    Posted @ 9:14p
  141. 28 - 7

    Start of 3rd Quarter

    North Crowley3rd Quarter
    North Crowley to kick off to Westlake.
    Posted @ 9:15p
  142. 28 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Westlake3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    North Crowley kicked off to Westlake. Westlake has the ball on their own 31-yard line. NCHS 28, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:16p
  143. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Clark carries for 2 yards
    Posted @ 9:17p
  144. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    6 yard keeper
    Posted @ 9:17p
  145. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Pass incomplete. Westlake to punt
    Posted @ 9:18p
  146. 28 - 7


    North Crowley3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Westlake has punted to North Crowley. North Crowley has the ball on their own 16-yard line. NCHS 28, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:19p
  147. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Facemask Westlake. 15 yard penalty
    Posted @ 9:20p
  148. 28 - 7


    North Crowley3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~10 minutes to go, ball on their own 41-yard line. NCHS 28, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:20p
  149. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Correction. 46 yard line
    Posted @ 9:20p
  150. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    2 yard carry for Warren
    Posted @ 9:21p
  151. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    3 yard carry for Warren
    Posted @ 9:21p
  152. 28 - 7


    North Crowley3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on Westlake's 20-yard line. NCHS 28, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:22p
  153. 28 - 7

    Big Play - Tackle For Loss

    Westlake3rd Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Westlake - #17 Wylie Nichols with a tackle for loss. North Crowley has the ball on Westlake's 22-yard line. NCHS 28, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:23p
  154. 28 - 7


    North Crowley3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on Westlake's 8-yard line. NCHS 28, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:24p
  155. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Pass incomplete
    Posted @ 9:24p
  156. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    7 yard carry for Bray.
    Posted @ 9:25p
  157. 34 - 7

    Rushing Touchdown

    North Crowley3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    North Crowley - #5 Daniel Bray with a 1 Yd Rushing TD. NCHS 34, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:25p
  158. 35 - 7

    Made Point After

    North Crowley3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    North Crowley - #41 MJ Wright PAT Good. NCHS 35, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:26p
  159. 35 - 7

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Westlake3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    North Crowley kicked off to Westlake. Westlake has the ball on their own 33-yard line. NCHS 35, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:29p
  160. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Pass incomplete
    Posted @ 9:30p
  161. 35 - 7


    Westlake3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 45-yard line. NCHS 35, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:31p
  162. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    4 yard keeper. Personal foul facemask on NC.
    Posted @ 9:31p
  163. 35 - 7


    Westlake3rd Quarter ~6 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~6 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 26-yard line. NCHS 35, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:32p
  164. 35 - 7


    Westlake3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 1-yard line. NCHS 35, Westlake 7
    Posted @ 9:32p
  165. 35 - 13

    Rushing Touchdown

    Westlake3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Westlake - #9 Rees Wise with a 1 Yd Rushing TD. NCHS 35, Westlake 13
    Posted @ 9:33p
  166. 35 - 14

    Made Point After

    Westlake3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Westlake - #93 Nolan Bartley PAT Good. NCHS 35, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:34p
  167. 35 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    North Crowley3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Westlake kicked off to North Crowley. North Crowley has the ball on their own 25-yard line. NCHS 35, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:36p
  168. 41 - 14

    Rushing Touchdown

    North Crowley3rd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    North Crowley - #1 Cornelius Warren III with a Rushing TD. NCHS 41, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:39p
  169. 41 - 14

    Missed Point After

    North Crowley3rd Quarter ~4 minutes to go
    North Crowley - PAT Missed. NCHS 41, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:39p
  170. 41 - 14

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Westlake3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    North Crowley kicked off to Westlake. Westlake has the ball on their own 40-yard line. NCHS 41, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:42p
  171. 41 - 14


    North Crowley3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Westlake has punted to North Crowley. North Crowley has the ball on their own 9-yard line. NCHS 41, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:43p
  172. 43 - 14

    Score Correction

    North Crowley3rd Quarter
    Score correction for North Crowley in 3rd Quarter. NCHS 43, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:43p
  173. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Apologies. Had a lost child. My focus was naturally off…I found her!
    Posted @ 9:44p
  174. 43 - 14


    North Crowley3rd Quarter ~1 minute to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~1 minute to go, ball on Westlake's 41-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:45p
  175. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Pass incomplete
    Posted @ 9:46p
  176. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    NC still trying the razzle dazzle plays.
    Posted @ 9:46p
  177. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    2 yard carry for Warren
    Posted @ 9:46p
  178. 43 - 14


    North Crowley3rd Quarter Under a minute
    North Crowley - 1st down, Under a minute, ball on Westlake's 39-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:47p
  179. 43 - 14

    End of 3rd Quarter

    4th Quarter
    NCHS 43, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:47p
  180. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Pass complete for a 2 yard gain
    Posted @ 9:51p
  181. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Offsetting fouls. Replay 2nd down
    Posted @ 9:52p
  182. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Loss of 2 on the carry for Warren
    Posted @ 9:53p
  183. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Pass incomplete. NC to punt
    Posted @ 9:54p
  184. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Delay of game. 4th and 17
    Posted @ 9:54p
  185. 43 - 14

    Turnover on Downs

    Westlake4th Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    North Crowley has turned possession over on downs. Westlake has the ball on their own 32-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:55p
  186. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    NC trying a fake punt. It fails
    Posted @ 9:55p
  187. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    No gain
    Posted @ 9:55p
  188. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Pass incomplete
    Posted @ 9:56p
  189. 43 - 14


    Westlake4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 47-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:57p
  190. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Pass incomplete
    Posted @ 9:57p
  191. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Injury timeout. #0 for NC hops off the field
    Posted @ 9:58p
  192. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Personal foul NC.
    Posted @ 9:58p
  193. 43 - 14


    Westlake4th Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 37-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 9:59p
  194. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Pass interference NC.
    Posted @ 9:59p
  195. 43 - 14


    Westlake4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 27-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 10p
  196. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Correction. It was holding on NC
    Posted @ 10p
  197. 43 - 14


    Westlake4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 5-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 10:01p
  198. 43 - 14


    Westlake4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~8 minutes to go, ball on North Crowley's 3-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 14
    Posted @ 10:02p
  199. 43 - 20

    Rushing Touchdown

    Westlake4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Westlake - #9 Rees Wise with a 3 Yd Rushing TD. NCHS 43, Westlake 20
    Posted @ 10:02p
  200. 43 - 21

    Made Point After

    Westlake4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Westlake - #93 Nolan Bartley PAT Good. NCHS 43, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:02p
  201. 43 - 21

    Failed Onside Kick

    North Crowley4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    North Crowley recovered a failed onside kick by Westlake and has the ball on their own 49-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:06p
  202. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    5 yard carry by Warren
    Posted @ 10:07p
  203. 43 - 21


    North Crowley4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~7 minutes to go, ball on Westlake's 40-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:07p
  204. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Deep pass incomplete
    Posted @ 10:08p
  205. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    9 yard gain. 3rd and 1
    Posted @ 10:09p
  206. 43 - 21


    North Crowley4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on Westlake's 29-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:09p
  207. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    1 yard gain
    Posted @ 10:10p
  208. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Holding. 2nd and 19
    Posted @ 10:11p
  209. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    12 yard gain. 3:50 to go
    Posted @ 10:12p
  210. 43 - 21


    North Crowley4th Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    North Crowley - 1st down, ~3 minutes to go, ball on Westlake's 19-yard line. NCHS 43, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:13p
  211. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    4 yard carry
    Posted @ 10:13p
  212. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    No gain
    Posted @ 10:14p
  213. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Timeout Westlake (their first). 1:59 to go. 3rd and 7 for NC at the Westlake 15 yard line
    Posted @ 10:15p
  214. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Pass incomplete. 4th and 7
    Posted @ 10:16p
  215. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Delay of game. 4th and 12
    Posted @ 10:17p
  216. 49 - 21

    Passing Touchdown

    North Crowley4th Quarter ~1 minute to go
    North Crowley - #12 Chris Jimerson 20 Yd pass completed to #6 Quentin Gibson for a TD. NCHS 49, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:18p
  217. 50 - 21

    Made Point After

    North Crowley4th Quarter ~1 minute to go
    North Crowley - #41 MJ Wright PAT Good. NCHS 50, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:18p
  218. 50 - 21

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Westlake4th Quarter ~1 minute to go
    North Crowley kicked off to Westlake. Westlake has the ball on their own 28-yard line. NCHS 50, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:21p
  219. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Deep pass incomplete. 1:19 to go
    Posted @ 10:21p
  220. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Pass incomplete
    Posted @ 10:22p
  221. 50 - 21


    Westlake4th Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Westlake - 1st down, ~1 minute to go, ball on North Crowley's 42-yard line. NCHS 50, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:23p
  222. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    8 yard keeper. 0:50 to go
    Posted @ 10:23p
  223. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Pass incomplete. 0:36 to go
    Posted @ 10:24p
  224. 50 - 21


    Westlake4th Quarter Under a minute
    Westlake - 1st down, Under a minute, ball on North Crowley's 44-yard line. NCHS 50, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:24p
  225. 50 - 21


    Westlake4th Quarter Under a minute
    Westlake - 1st down, Under a minute, ball on North Crowley's 30-yard line. NCHS 50, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:24p
  226. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Premature celebration. 15 yard penalty on NC. 0:03 left
    Posted @ 10:25p
  227. 50 - 21


    Westlake4th Quarter Under a minute
    Westlake - 1st down, Under a minute, ball on North Crowley's 15-yard line. NCHS 50, Westlake 21
    Posted @ 10:26p
  228. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Last play
    Posted @ 10:26p
  229. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Incomplete pass
    Posted @ 10:26p
  230. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Posted @ 10:27p
  231. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Posted @ 10:27p

Highlight Videos

    1. MaxPreps Staff

      Beware of spam! Please do not follow links to third party sites. Report suspicious posts using the 'Report Spam' button.
    2. A. C

      It's game time
    3. A. C

      Its game time
    4. D. Thomas

      Is Auatin area taking over 6A in 2024
    5. d. craver

      who receives ball first
    6. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    7. J. Cortez

      This finna be good one
    8. J. Anderson

      lets go westlake.
    9. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    10. J. Deane

      north Crowley got it fs
    11. J. Cortez

      Good luck to both teams
    12. S. Parker

    13. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    14. J. Cortez

      I thought the kickoff was at 7:30 why is the score saying 7-7
    15. b. harris

      no bs
    16. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    17. E. Beattie

      Where can you watch the game on
    18. J. Cortez

      Lol you should of seen the SV vs Dallas game
    19. D. Garcia

      Game has not started
    20. J. Cortez

      Im not sure most likely NFHS
    21. J. Easterling

      0 to 0 starts at 7:30
    22. J. Easterling

      Im here
    23. R. Donnell

      Why does it say 7-7
    24. J. Cortez

      *dallas highland
    25. J. Cortez

      Score bug the kickoff is 7:30 CST
    26. E. Bradley

      what a game
    27. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    28. J. Cortez

      Game hasn't even started yet lol
    29. J. Cortez

      Love NC's run through
    30. J. Bayona

      Who is win
    31. J. Cortez

      Nc prob has the advantage but this is westlake so it could be anyones game
    32. E. Jeffries

      Has the game started ?
    33. E. Jeffries

      What is the game on ?
    34. g. gafapas

      it hasnt started yet but if you want to Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    35. J. Cortez

      The game has NOT STARTED yet
    36. J. Calhoun

      Where can i watch it?
    37. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    38. D. Garcia

      no score yet. 12 minutes until we kick
    39. B. Kraft

      Its on whatever fox sports southwest calls itself now. FanDuel SW ir whatev.
    40. J. Cortez

      Its starts at 7:30
    41. B. Kraft

      or whatever*
    42. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    43. A. C

      I just hope this is a good game
    44. Z. Poff

      Game starts at 7:30
    45. A. C

      7 mine
    46. A. C

    47. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    48. R. hernandez

      Why is score showing 7-7
    49. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    50. E. Jeffries

      I thought it was on fubo or something
    51. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    52. K. Blane

      are yall streaming it
    53. A. Martinez

      Game starts in 5 minutes?
    54. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    55. A. Martinez

    56. K. Blane

      are yall gona start streaming now??
    57. A. C

      I can just watch it on my tv for free
    58. M. Jones

      Half of North Crowleys team is supposed to play for Crowley
    59. K. Howard

    60. K. Blane

      somebody said they were streaming it on insta
    61. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    62. A. C

      For me on my tv it is on channel 637
    63. K. Howard

      where are you watchig on ur TV
    64. B. Kraft

      FanDuel has a streaming thing that has a free trial thing but i havent tried it.
    65. A. C

      Xfinty stream 637
    66. A. Worthy

      Wats the score
    67. A. Martinez

      Channel 637?
    68. A. C

    69. A. C

      Channel 637 works for me
    70. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    71. A. Martinez

      Someone is gotta be streaming it on YouTube
    72. A. C

      It's Xfinity stream 637
    73. K. Blane

      A.C what app??
    74. B. Jefferson III

      Is there a youtube stream?
    75. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    76. M. Jones

      North crowley and Crowley highschools be west lake
    77. A. Martinez

      I got it
    78. A. C

      Xfinity stream 637
    79. A. C

      Did it work tor you
    80. A. Martinez

      Will glennapowlowskiekso on YouTube
    81. E. Jeffries

      Where ?
    82. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    83. A. C

      Ohh okay
    84. A. C

      Game just started
    85. J. Cortez

    86. E. Beattie

      What broadcast can I watch the game?
    87. A. C

    88. A. C

      Thats crazy
    89. A. Martinez

      Long username but they're streaming it
    90. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    91. I. Masouema

      Whos streaming and where?
    92. A. C

      What did you search up on youtube
    93. A. Martinez

      North Crowley scored a first play TD
    94. A. C

    95. C. Houston

      Why is it showing Westlake scored
    96. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    97. A. Martinez

      I guess search North Crowley vs Westlake live and the username should come out
    98. A. C

      Bc people like to mess around
    99. B. Jefferson III

      Search where?
    100. M. Franco

      Where do you watch
    101. A. Martinez

      On YouTube
    102. I. Masouema

      dont do it its a scam link
    103. p. Ronie

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    104. A. Martinez

      Look at my message from 5 minutes ago
    105. I. Masouema

      The score is on the wrong team
    106. C. Gilbert

      Early bta from nc
    107. B. Jefferson III

      I tried. They're all fake links, they'll steal your private info
    108. J. Jasseh

      am i tripping
    109. M. Jones

      North Crowley and Crowley highschools against west lake
    110. D. perkins

      what channel on youtube
    111. B. Jefferson III

      Score is backwords. It's 7-0 NC
    112. A. Hammond

      who controlling the score
    113. J. Jasseh

      its say 7-6 westlake
    114. J. Jasseh

      some unc
    115. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    116. B. Kraft

      fanduelsportsnetwork dot com for streaming.
    117. A. Martinez

      Westlake just scored a TD 6-7
    118. A. Hammond

      westlake just scored
    119. f. rodriguez

    120. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    121. f. rodriguez

      man north crowley qb just isnt quarterbackey enough and westlake has the grit
    122. A. Martinez

      7-7 now
    123. f. last

      North Crowley has already scored according to Texas Football.
    124. J. Jasseh

      bro how are they messing up the score on the biggest game of the year
    125. A. Hammond

      nahh fr
    126. A. C

      Nah it is tied
    127. A. Martinez

      The app glitches a lot
    128. A. C

      Yeah i could not watch it on youtube it glitches to much
    129. J. Jasseh

      anyways back to fortnite
    130. I. Masouema

      anyone streaming it on insta?
    131. f. rodriguez

      North Crowley quarterback is not quarterbackby enough
    132. A. Martinez

      No but on YouTube
    133. S. Parker

      Westlake gon win 50-7
    134. p. Ronie

      Yes you have Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    135. f. rodriguez

      ngl put the fries in the bag
    136. I. Masouema

      nah thats a scam
    137. J. Jasseh

      who yall got?
    138. I. Masouema

    139. f. rodriguez

      Ay J.Jasseh omm you a hoe
    140. S. Parker

      Westlake on top
    141. A. C

      This game a scam
    142. J. Smith

      Who yall got
    143. J. Smith

    144. J. Jasseh

      crashing out on maxpreps
    145. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    146. a. Hem

      Whats the yt live
    147. f. rodriguez

      put the fries in the bag
    148. J. Jasseh

    149. A. Martinez

      North Crowley 45 - Westlake 31
    150. f. rodriguez

      ay J. Jasseh
    151. A. Martinez

    152. J. Jasseh

      put the fries in the bag
    153. f. rodriguez

      is north crowley qb quaterbackey ?
    154. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    155. A. C

      The refs are going to make this a close game
    156. K. Fluellen

      whats the score?
    157. f. rodriguez

      on EVERYONES SOULS but mine westlake is scoring 100
    158. A. C

    159. A. Bobe

      Westlake on top
    160. S. Parker

      Westlake is teed
    161. S. Parker

      Big sack
    162. f. rodriguez

      A. Bobe shut ur hoe assi up
    163. p. Ronie

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    164. f. rodriguez

      ngl S. Parker yo a hoe
    165. S. Parker

    166. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    167. A. C

    168. J. Jasseh

      rodriguez put the fries in the bag bro
    169. f. rodriguez

      put the fries in the bag
    170. J. Jasseh

      yapping just to yap
    171. f. rodriguez

      Im empuzzled wat dis mean (crying emoji with peace sign)
    172. J. Jasseh

      fries in the bag
    173. f. rodriguez

      J. Jasseh omm u wont spin bout it
    174. K. frr

      dont put nun on us lil bro
    175. p. Ronie

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    176. f. rodriguez

      K. frr who ARE YOU (crying emoji)
    177. I. Masouema

      Who keep messing up the score
    178. S. Parker

      Who knows?
    179. A. C

      No one its 14-7
    180. p. Ronie

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    181. A. Martinez

      NorthCrowley just scored again 14-7
    182. A. C

      Nvm you right
    183. D. Thomas

      So who got 14 WL or NC
    184. A. Martinez

      Westlake defense in trouble already
    185. J. Jasseh

    186. A. Martinez

    187. A. C

      North crowley is wining
    188. f. rodriguez

      i mean there is a CLEAR diffrence
    189. K. frr

      i mean u putting stuff on us put it on u
    190. J. Jasseh

      where are yall watching it?
    191. S. Parker

      Nah they gon lock in for 2nd half
    192. g. gafapas

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    193. A. Martinez

      Nah NC will run through them
    194. C. Stokes

      is it on demand?
    195. J. Jasseh

      dawg what
    196. f. rodriguez

      north crowley too B.... and fast
    197. H. Thaheem

      Where can i watch game
    198. J. Jasseh

      where yall streaming it
    199. S. Parker

      They cant stop westlake offense
    200. J. Jasseh

      rodriguez dawg
    201. N. Nity

    202. A. C

      Its on xfinity stream
    203. f. rodriguez

      sybau Jasseh
    204. f. rodriguez

      817 on top
    205. f. rodriguez

    206. A. Martinez

      I found another stream on YouTube
    207. p. Ronie

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    208. A. Martinez

      Thung Nguyen
    209. N. pooh

      fix the score!!
    210. n. nerer

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    211. S. Parker

      Westlake is frying nc defense
    212. A. Martinez

      F off you bot
    213. n. nerer

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    214. S. Parker

    215. p. Ronie

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    216. M. Jones

      Crowley and north Crowley vs west lake
    217. A. Davis

      I hope westlake puts BTA
    218. n. nerer

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    219. I. Masouema

      FIX THE SCORE!!!
    220. M. Jones

      Imagine if duncanville and Desoto stacked a team like Crowley and north Crowley did
    221. p. Ronie

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    222. F. Cortez

    223. W. Otwell Otwell

      Its 7-14 Not 14-7
    224. A. Davis

      Duncanville and desoto would be crazy combined together
    225. A. Eusebio

      Whos winninf
    226. S. Parker

      Is westlake still up?
    227. n. nerer

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    228. M. Barrett

    229. p. Ronie

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    230. M. Barrett

      Open enrollment helps
    231. D. Thomas

      Only Texas teams in top 25 public the ones in FL or Cali private abd recruit
    232. J. Jasseh

      pa football brrrr
    233. S. Parker

      Crowley folding
    234. A. Eusebio

      Texas whoops cali
    235. K. Haywood

      North Crowley is up the max prep score is wrong
    236. D. Thomas

      North Crowley going fir it on 4th and 7 inside the red zone
    237. S. Parker

      Wth is happening wit scorer bru
    238. S. Parker

    239. D. Thomas

      Westlake stops NC on fourth down
    240. S. Parker

      I think westlake d is adjusting
    241. p. Ronie

      Strea- ming V1s1t Insta- Gram BIWIRHSTV
    242. E. Jackson

      NC already done more than NS did all game last week
    243. D. Garcia

      Someone tried to take scoring from me. All good now
    244. S. Parker

    245. S. Parker

      Offense looking better than last drive
    246. M. McBride

      but are the refs calling everything?
    247. D. Orso

      This stinks
    248. S. Parker

      Go westlake
    249. J. Buscar

      wheres the stream at
    250. K. Fluellen

      whos wining?
    251. S. Parker

      Westlake boutta tie ts up
    252. A. Thorton

      Is nc winning ?
    253. B. Jefferson III

      YT copyrighted both the streams
    254. J. Jasseh

      westlake fumble
    255. B. Garcia

      Who live streaming in insta
    256. J. Jasseh

      anyone need the stream?
    257. S. Parker

      Possible fumble??
    258. A. Damon

    259. J. Chavez

      Where to watch this i cant find antwhere
    260. H. Forrest

      Westlake fumbled
    261. J. Chavez

    262. J. Garcia

      Yea whats the stream!
    263. J. Garcia

    264. B. Garcia

      I need the stream
    265. J. Garcia

      Whats your youtube?
    266. A. Damon

      What's your YouTube
    267. J. Jasseh

      who needs the stream?
    268. J. Jasseh

      ShameziVlogs on youtube
    269. J. Jasseh

      there you go
    270. M. Lumpkin

      North Crowley needa lock in on run plays
    271. S. Parker

      Stream down
    272. J. Jasseh

      ShameziVlogs on youtube to watch the game live
    273. J. Chavez

      I dont see austin#2 on yt
    274. J. Jasseh

      ShameziVlogs on youtube for the game
    275. T. Barrera

      The game scored is swapped North Crowley is winning 14-7
    276. J. Garcia

      Found it ty
    277. L. Puente

      I dont see it
    278. L. Puente

      Austin#2 is the channel name?
    279. C. Parman

      AC where are you streaming
    280. A. Thorton

      Paste the link
    281. A. Aaron

      Sko Buffs 🦬
    282. I. Masouema

      Wth wrong with the score
    283. S. Lopez

      Is the score wrong?
    284. N. pooh

      L team
    285. A. Martinez

      score fliped
    286. F. Olds

      Austin#2 set uour camera up or something dawg
    287. L. Puente

      Yesh its 21-7 north crowley winning
    288. d. diaz

      idk man all that westlake gone put bta
    289. D. Garcia

      Score is never wrong when I keep score
    290. d. diaz

      was all cap
    291. C. Belshe

      wrong score
    292. J. B

    293. D. Orso

      Too much team speed warm up bus 512 the 817 has this one
    294. C. Belshe

      im here rn its NC 21 WHS 7
    295. L. Puente

      Austin-nn2ou has it live on yt
    296. N. pooh

      Its def wrong lmaoo
    297. L. Puente

      The score is 21-7 north crowley
    298. M. Jones

      Crowley and north Crowley vs West lake
    299. D. Garcia

      21-7. As it shows.
    300. N. pooh

      North crowley is winning
    301. J. B

      What score
    302. J. B

      Westlake 21-7 NC?
    303. D. Hibbler

      David Garcia Fix the score FN
    304. D. Hibbler

      Make it snappy
    305. D. Garcia

      It shows NC 21-7. Nothing to fix
    306. J. J

      flip the score
    307. J. J

      it shows westlake 21-7
    308. J. Hunter

      If he dont flip the score imma switch cheese him
    309. T. Smith

      This score is wrong
    310. T. Smith

      Change it now
    311. J. Fall

      Whos winning
    312. D. Garcia

      I see it correct. 28-7 NC
    313. J. Hunter

    314. J. Deane

      straight belt to westlake
    315. T. Smith

      westlake is booty
    316. D. Hibbler

      Teddy smith
    317. T. Smith

      for the dumb people convinced westlake is winning dave campells texas football says the score is 28-7 in favor of North crowley
    318. M. Barrett

      Diddy likes booty
    319. D. Brooks

      That score is wrong. Should be NC 28, Westlake 7
    320. T. Smith

      Yes D.Hibbler?
    321. T. Smith

      Lol d.brooks thats what i said
    322. D. Sprinkle

      28 - 7 North Crowley
    323. D. Brooks

      Why are they posting the wrong score?
    324. A. Del Cid

      Score is wronf
    325. T. Smith

      D.brooks because david garcia is sad his white boys are getting bta
    326. C. Whitehead

      Bunch of dumb F*** score keepers
    327. B. Jefferson III

      28-7 NC
    328. M. Allen

      No one else can take control of it??
    329. T. White

      Jeez. I thought NC would crush them.
    330. Z. Haymond

      Score is wrong max preps
    331. G. Fres

      They are
    332. D. Hibbler

    333. D. Garcia

      I am scoring. I see it correct. Everyone please report it to maxpreps if you see it wrong
    334. A. Martinez

      Statement by North Crowley in the first half
    335. M. Barrett

      One school has open enrollment and the other has zoned enrollment
    336. D. Garcia

      Look at my score feed. You can see why I see
    337. D. Brooks

      Zack Poff is the scorekeeper. Correct the score sir
    338. A. Martinez

      shamezi on YouTube is live streaming the game
    339. A. jones

      Which schooll got zone
    340. J. Cortez

      Chaps getting handed to them oof
    341. T. Smith

      interesting david
    342. C. Mclaughlin

      Anyone who actually wants a legit stream. Add SirUnicornIV on discord. You have until halftime is done before I stopped adding to GC
    343. T. Smith

      sorry for the trouble
    344. A. Martinez

      #6 Gibson from N Crowley has that Tavon Austin speed
    345. D. Ceasar

    346. D. Ceasar