Football Game Recap: Patrick Henry vs. Minneapolis Southwest

By Staff Report Sep 8, 2018, 1:04am

Recap: Patrick Henry vs. Minneapolis Southwest

After having lost a blowout to Fridley in their previous contest, Minneapolis Southwest were happy to find some success on Friday. Everything went Minneapolis Southwest's way against Patrick Henry as the team secured a 62-12 victory. Minneapolis Southwest have a history of success against Patrick Henry, winning their last head-to-head 62-12.

Minneapolis Southwest's offense came in ready to rumble, picking up 35 points in the first half. Patrick Henry came up with 6 to make it 35-6 heading into the break. The Minneapolis Southwest defense stood its ground in the third quarter, giving up 6 and all but finishing the match. The win got them back to even at 1-1. The loss dropped Patrick Henry's record to 0-2.

Both teams are staying within the conference for their upcoming matches. Minneapolis Southwest will be defending their home turf for the first time next week when they go up against Providence Academy at 7:00 PM. Patrick Henry will stay at home against Mound-Westonka at 7:00 PM.

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