Basketball Game Recap: Warren Bears vs. Lynwood Knights

By Team Reports Jan 22, 2024, 5:27pm

Recap: Warren Bears vs. Lynwood Knights

The Warren Bears's recent rough patch got a bit rougher on Friday after their fifth straight loss. They had to suffer through a rough 56-12 loss at the hands of Lynwood. The result shouldn't come as a shock considering that's the fewest points Warren has scored all season.

Lynwood's win was the result of several impressive offensive performances. One of the most notable came from Taliyah Mcferson, who scored ten points. Shanilah Ewing was another key contributor, scoring seven points along with seven steals.

Warren has been struggling recently, as they've lost seven of their last nine matchups, which put a noticeable dent in their 7-12 record this season. As for Lynwood, they pushed their record up to 11-11 with that win, which was their fourth straight at home.

Warren will take on Paramount at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesday. Paramount presents a significant challenge as they come into the match much higher ranked than Warren in California (Paramount is ranked 49th, while Warren is ranked 479th). Lynwood won't have much time to rest: their next game is against Long Beach Poly at 5:00 p.m. on January 20th. Hopefully Long Beach Poly focused on turnovers this week since the team gave up 18 on Friday.