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On Friday, Nov 1, 2024, the Hamburg Varsity Boys Football team lost their North Pocono Middle School game against North Pocono High School by a score of 0-41.
Football Game Preview: Hamburg Hawks vs. North Pocono Trojans
Football Recap: Hamburg Skates Past Columbia with Ease
On Friday, Oct 25, 2024, the Hamburg Varsity Boys Football team won their HAMBURG HIGH SCHOOL game against Columbia High School by a score of 59-0.
Football Game Preview: Hamburg Hawks vs. Columbia Crimson Tide
Football Recap: Hamburg Comes Up Short
Stats have been entered for the Hamburg vs. Berks Catholic on Friday, Oct. 18, 2024.
On Friday, Oct 18, 2024, the Hamburg Varsity Boys Football team lost their BERKS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL game against Berks Catholic High School by a score of 14-48.
Football Game Preview: Hamburg Hawks vs. Berks Catholic Saints
Photographer Bill Snook has posted a new gallery Schuylkill Valley @ Hamburg containing 47 photos.
On Friday, Oct 11, 2024, the Hamburg Varsity Boys Football team lost their HAMBURG HIGH SCHOOL game against Schuylkill Valley High School by a score of 21-30.
Football Game Preview: Hamburg Hawks vs. Schuylkill Valley Panthers
On Friday, Oct 4, 2024, the Hamburg Varsity Boys Football team lost their Pequea Valley High School game against Pequea Valley High School by a score of 17-24.
Football Game Preview: Hamburg Hawks vs. Pequea Valley Braves
On Friday, Sep 27, 2024, the Hamburg Varsity Boys Football team won their Lancaster Catholic High School Stadium Complex game against Lancaster Catholic High School by a score of 28-13.
Football Game Preview: Hamburg Hawks vs. Lancaster Catholic Crusaders
Football Game Preview: Hamburg Hawks vs. Lancaster Catholic Crusaders
Football Game Preview: Hamburg Hawks vs. Lancaster Catholic Crusaders
Football Game Preview: Hamburg Hawks vs. Lancaster Catholic Crusaders
Football Game Preview: Hamburg Hawks vs. Lancaster Catholic Crusaders
Pennsylvania#432 | -- |
Pennsylvania Division AAAA#78 | -- |
Philadelphia#131 | -- |