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Stats have been entered for the O'Donnell vs. Wellman-Union on Friday, Nov. 8, 2024.
On Friday, Nov 8, 2024, the O'Donnell Varsity Boys Football team won their O'donnell game against Wellman-Union High School by a score of 78-16.
Stats have been entered for the O'Donnell vs. Whiteface on Friday, Nov. 1, 2024.
On Friday, Nov 1, 2024, the O'Donnell Varsity Boys Football team lost their Whiteface High School game against Whiteface High School by a score of 8-60.
Stats have been entered for the O'Donnell vs. Borden County on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024.
On Friday, Oct 25, 2024, the O'Donnell Varsity Boys Football team lost their O'donnell game against Borden County High School by a score of 61-70.
Stats have been entered for the O'Donnell vs. Meadow on Friday, Oct. 11, 2024.
On Friday, Oct 11, 2024, the O'Donnell Varsity Boys Football team won their Meadow High School game against Meadow High School by a score of 88-56.
Stats have been entered for the O'Donnell vs. Spur on Friday, Oct. 4, 2024.
On Friday, Oct 4, 2024, the O'Donnell Varsity Boys Football team lost their Spur High School game against Spur High School by a score of 28-48.
Stats have been entered for the O'Donnell vs. Nazareth on Friday, Sep. 27, 2024.
On Friday, Sep 27, 2024, the O'Donnell Varsity Boys Football team lost their Nazareth High School game against Nazareth High School by a score of 8-42.
Stats have been entered for the O'Donnell vs. Ira on Friday, Sep. 20, 2024.
On Friday, Sep 20, 2024, the O'Donnell Varsity Boys Football team lost their O'donnell game against Ira High School by a score of 36-84.
Stats have been entered for the O'Donnell vs. Whitharral on Friday, Sep. 13, 2024.
On Friday, Sep 13, 2024, the O'Donnell Varsity Boys Football team lost their game against Whitharral High School by a score of 14-39.
Stats have been entered for the O'Donnell vs. Sands on Friday, Sep. 6, 2024.
On Friday, Sep 6, 2024, the O'Donnell Varsity Boys Football team lost their O'donnell game against Sands High School by a score of 18-65.
On Friday, Aug 30, 2024, the O'Donnell Varsity Boys Football team won their O'donnell game against Petersburg High School by a score of 58-55.
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