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The Milton (GA) varsity football team won Friday's home playoff game against Collins Hill (Suwanee, GA) by a score of 42-21.

Collins Hill077721
Final score provided by D. Frye.
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Box Score Stats

Collins Hill (23-24)

Milton (23-24)

Total Plays
First Downs
Penalty Yards
Possession Time

Game Stats

Collins Hill


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals1122145.50013.2186.4
12Tj Wilcox (Jr)1121145.52413.2190.4


#Athlete NameCAttYdsC%AvgTDIntLngQB Rate
Team Totals2027298.74114.94053149.4
5Luke Nickel (Jr)2027298.74114.94053149.4
Collins Hill


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals312086.702
0Jacari Thomas (Jr)7669.40
2Deuce Geralds (So)44912.30
4Chase Nash (Sr)5102.00
12Tj Wilcox (Jr)3-2-0.701
16Shamar Vick (Jr)100.00
20Cam Jones (Jr)66510.801
35S. Johnigan (Sr)122.00


#Athlete NameCarYdsAvgLng100+TD
Team Totals251335.34201
5Luke Nickel (Jr)8182.350
9AJ Benton (Jr)14242.04201
14Amauri Anderson (Jr)12453.8120
21Tj Lester (Jr)2157.5100
27Walker Davis (So)2136.5130
Collins Hill


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals1114513.21
4Chase Nash (Sr)351.7
4Alijah Patillo (Jr)11010.0
7Quentin Grambo (Sr)36220.7
15Katrell Webb (So)14848.01
19Kaden Christy (Sr)2126.0
20Cam Jones (Jr)188.0


#Athlete NameRecYdsAvgLngTD
Team Totals2029814.9534
1Debron Gatling (Sr)3258.315
2Marc Essley ii (Sr)3124.051
4CJ Wiley (Jr)717424.9533
14Amauri Anderson (Jr)11111.011
19Tristen Payne (Jr)46716.851
87Ryan Ghea (Jr)294.55
Collins Hill

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals2081456426443
0Jacari Thomas (Jr)6666
2Deuce Geralds (So)4949
4Chase Nash (Sr)10515
4Alijah Patillo (Jr)1010
6Atticus Joseph (So)2626
7Quentin Grambo (Sr)6262
12Tj Wilcox (Jr)-2-2
15Katrell Webb (So)4848
19Kaden Christy (Sr)1212
20Cam Jones (Jr)65864137
35S. Johnigan (Sr)22

All Purpose Yards

#Athlete NameRushRecKRPRIRTotal
Team Totals13329863494
1Debron Gatling (Sr)251439
2Marc Essley ii (Sr)123850
3M. Jones-purnell (Jr)1111
4CJ Wiley (Jr)174174
5Luke Nickel (Jr)1818
9AJ Benton (Jr)4242
14Amauri Anderson (Jr)451156
19Tristen Payne (Jr)6767
21Tj Lester (Jr)1515
27Walker Davis (So)1313
87Ryan Ghea (Jr)99
Collins Hill

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals208145145353
0Jacari Thomas (Jr)6666
2Deuce Geralds (So)4949
4Chase Nash (Sr)10515
4Alijah Patillo (Jr)1010
7Quentin Grambo (Sr)6262
12Tj Wilcox (Jr)-2145143
15Katrell Webb (So)4848
19Kaden Christy (Sr)1212
20Cam Jones (Jr)65873
35S. Johnigan (Sr)22

Total Yards

#Athlete NameRushPassRecTotal
Team Totals133298298431
1Debron Gatling (Sr)2525
2Marc Essley ii (Sr)1212
4CJ Wiley (Jr)174174
5Luke Nickel (Jr)18298316
9AJ Benton (Jr)4242
14Amauri Anderson (Jr)451156
19Tristen Payne (Jr)6767
21Tj Lester (Jr)1515
27Walker Davis (So)1313
87Ryan Ghea (Jr)99
Collins Hill


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals1915342.0
2Deuce Geralds (So)112
15Nigel Gist (Jr)325
15Katrell Webb (So)1121.0
21Courtez Hayes (Sr)527
29Stephen Barjolo (So)314
33Javyon Hatch (Jr)4371.0
54Jadon Martin (Jr)112
57Nick Igbeare (Sr)123
58Cameron Daniels (Jr)22


#Athlete NameSoloAsstTot TcklsTFL
Team Totals5121727.0
3M. Jones-purnell (Jr)628
7Jack Lawson (Sr)5161.0
7Hayden Tumminia (Jr)7310
8Ty Redmond (Jr)2022.0
9AJ Benton (Jr)73102.0
12Tristan Lester (So)325
15Caleb Bell (Jr)538
18Jacorey Stewart (Sr)6171.0
28Faisal Sokoya (Sr)303
44B. Battaglia (Fr)202
50Caleb Ellis (Jr)224
95Drew Cohen (Sr)1341.0
98C. Hunter (Fr)011
99T. Spencer jr (Jr)202
Collins Hill


#Athlete NameSacksYdlHurs
Team Totals1.08
2Deuce Geralds (So)3
15Katrell Webb (So)1.0
57Nick Igbeare (Sr)5


#Athlete NameSacksYdlHurs
Team Totals2.02510
7Jack Lawson (Sr)1.02
9AJ Benton (Jr)1.025
15Caleb Bell (Jr)3
18Jacorey Stewart (Sr)1
95Drew Cohen (Sr)1
98C. Hunter (Fr)1
99T. Spencer jr (Jr)2
Collins Hill

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals1
2Deuce Geralds (So)1

Defensive Statistics

#Athlete NameIntInt YdsAvgPDFmb RecFR YdsCausBlk PntsBlk FGs
Team Totals4
0Dylan Lewis (Jr)1
3M. Jones-purnell (Jr)1
9AJ Benton (Jr)1
28Faisal Sokoya (Sr)1
Collins Hill


#Athlete NameKOYdsAvgLngTB
Team Totals316454.758
84Phillip Bonacci (So)316454.758


#Athlete NameKOYdsAvgLngTB
Team Totals847659.5636
25Alex Nover (Jr)847659.5636
Collins Hill


#Athlete NamePYdsAvgLngIn 20
Team Totals519238.4542
12Tj Wilcox (Jr)519238.4542


#Athlete NamePYdsAvgLngIn 20
Team Totals312040.043
38Noah Weiser (Sr)312040.043
Collins Hill

Kickoff and Punt Returns

#Athlete NameKO RetsYdsAvgLngP RetsYdsAvgLngFCKR Yds
Team Totals26432.04422613.01690
6Atticus Joseph (So)22613.01626
20Cam Jones (Jr)26432.04464

Kickoff and Punt Returns

#Athlete NameKO RetsYdsAvgLngP RetsYdsAvgLngFCKR Yds
Team Totals46315.83863
1Debron Gatling (Sr)2147.01114
2Marc Essley ii (Sr)13838.03838
3M. Jones-purnell (Jr)11111.01111
Collins Hill


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals318321
12Tj Wilcox (Jr)166
15Katrell Webb (So)166
20Cam Jones (Jr)166
84Phillip Bonacci (So)33


#Athlete NameTDsTD PtsConvSKick PtsTot Pts
Team Totals53021042
2Marc Essley ii (Sr)1628
4CJ Wiley (Jr)31818
9AJ Benton (Jr)166
25Alex Nover (Jr)1010
Collins Hill

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals331.001.03
84Phillip Bonacci (So)331.001.03

PATs and Field Goals

#Athlete NamePATAtt%FGAtt%LngTot Pts
Team Totals441.0221.03210
25Alex Nover (Jr)441.0221.03210
Collins Hill


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals213
12Tj Wilcox (Jr)11
15Katrell Webb (So)11
20Cam Jones (Jr)11


#Athlete NameTD RushTD RecTD FRTD IRTD PRTD KORTotal
Team Totals145
2Marc Essley ii (Sr)11
4CJ Wiley (Jr)33
9AJ Benton (Jr)11


Collins Hill has not entered any conversions stats.


#Athlete NameC RushC RecTotal
Team Totals011
2Marc Essley ii (Sr)011
Stat Supplier Logo

Collins Hill's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Stat Supplier Logo

Milton's stats are presented by HudlHudl

Game Story

Georgia High School Football - Milton victorious over Collins Hill

November 17, 2023: Milton, GA 30004

The Milton Eagles (Milton, GA) football overcame the visiting Collins Hill Eagles (Suwanee, GA), 42-21 in Friday's non-league bout.

In their next game, the Eagles face the Colquitt County Packers (Norman Park, GA) in a non-league bout, on Friday, November 24. Milton will attempt to move on its 10-2 season record. The Packers enter the bout with a 12-0 record after their 38-19 non-league win over Westlake (Atlanta, GA).

Rick MalbaryEagles Reporter
Dale FryeEagles Reporter
  • All
  • Q1
  • Q2
  • Q3
  • Q4
  • F
  1. Check In

    0 - 0 The scorer has checked in. CHHS 0, Milton 0
    Posted @ 7:28p
  2. Game Attendance

    Attendance At least 1,000
    Posted @ 7:28p
  3. Field Conditions

    Field Conditions Dry
    Posted @ 7:28p
  4. Weather Conditions

    Weather Conditions Fair
    Posted @ 7:28p
  5. 0 - 0

    Start of Game

    Collins Hill1st Quarter
    Collins Hill kicking off to Milton.
    Posted @ 7:30p
  6. 0 - 0

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Milton1st Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Collins Hill kicked off to Milton. Milton has the ball on their own 48-yard line. CHHS 0, Milton 0
    Posted @ 7:31p
  7. 0 - 0

    Red Zone Alert

    Milton1st Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Milton is inside Collins Hill's 20. CHHS 0, Milton 0
    Posted @ 7:34p
  8. 0 - 3

    Field Goal

    Milton1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Milton - Field Goal. CHHS 0, Milton 3
    Posted @ 7:37p
  9. 0 - 3

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Collins Hill1st Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Milton kicked off to Collins Hill. Collins Hill has the ball on their own 6-yard line. CHHS 0, Milton 3
    Posted @ 7:39p
  10. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    3 and out
    Posted @ 7:41p
  11. 0 - 3


    Milton1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Collins Hill has punted to Milton. Milton has the ball on Collins Hill's 33-yard line. CHHS 0, Milton 3
    Posted @ 7:42p
  12. 0 - 9

    Passing Touchdown

    Milton1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Milton - 33 Yd pass completed to #4 Zac Allen for a TD. CHHS 0, Milton 9
    Posted @ 7:43p
  13. 0 - 10

    Made Point After

    Milton1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Milton - PAT Good. CHHS 0, Milton 10
    Posted @ 7:43p
  14. 0 - 10

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Collins Hill1st Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Milton kicked off to Collins Hill. Collins Hill has the ball on their own 20-yard line. CHHS 0, Milton 10
    Posted @ 7:44p
  15. 0 - 10

    Long Pass

    Collins Hill1st Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Collins Hill with a long pass. Collins Hill has the ball on Milton's 29-yard line. CHHS 0, Milton 10
    Posted @ 7:49p
  16. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    Timeout Collin Hill
    Posted @ 7:52p
  17. Commentary

    1st Quarter
    FG no good
    Posted @ 7:54p
  18. 0 - 10

    Missed FG

    Milton1st Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Collins Hill turned over possession on a missed field goal. Milton has the ball on their own 20-yard line. CHHS 0, Milton 10
    Posted @ 7:55p
  19. 0 - 10


    Collins Hill1st Quarter Under a minute
    Milton has punted to Collins Hill. Collins Hill has the ball on their own 37-yard line. CHHS 0, Milton 10
    Posted @ 7:57p
  20. 0 - 10

    End of 1st Quarter

    2nd Quarter
    CHHS 0, Milton 10
    Posted @ 7:58p
  21. 6 - 10

    Rushing Touchdown

    Collins Hill2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Collins Hill - Rushing TD. CHHS 6, Milton 10
    Posted @ 8:04p
  22. 7 - 10

    Made Point After

    Collins Hill2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Collins Hill - PAT Good. CHHS 7, Milton 10
    Posted @ 8:04p
  23. 7 - 10

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Milton2nd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Collins Hill kicked off to Milton. Milton has the ball on their own 20-yard line. CHHS 7, Milton 10
    Posted @ 8:07p
  24. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Time out Milton
    Posted @ 8:11p
  25. 7 - 10


    Collins Hill2nd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Milton has punted to Collins Hill. Collins Hill has the ball on their own 37-yard line. CHHS 7, Milton 10
    Posted @ 8:15p
  26. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Sack for 6 yards
    Posted @ 8:16p
  27. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    3 and out
    Posted @ 8:18p
  28. 7 - 10


    Milton2nd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Collins Hill has punted to Milton. Milton has the ball on their own 26-yard line. CHHS 7, Milton 10
    Posted @ 8:19p
  29. 7 - 10

    Red Zone Alert

    Milton2nd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Milton is inside Collins Hill's 20. CHHS 7, Milton 10
    Posted @ 8:22p
  30. 7 - 13

    Field Goal

    Milton2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Milton - #2 Marc Essley ii kicks a Field Goal. CHHS 7, Milton 13
    Posted @ 8:25p
  31. 7 - 13

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Collins Hill2nd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Milton kicked off to Collins Hill. Collins Hill has the ball on their own 45-yard line. CHHS 7, Milton 13
    Posted @ 8:26p
  32. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Ref timeout score board issue
    Posted @ 8:28p
  33. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Scoreboard is now out. Play clock is also out
    Posted @ 8:31p
  34. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    3 and out
    Posted @ 8:32p
  35. 7 - 13


    Milton2nd Quarter Under a minute
    Collins Hill has punted to Milton. Milton has the ball on their own 2-yard line. CHHS 7, Milton 13
    Posted @ 8:33p
  36. Commentary

    2nd Quarter
    Scoreboard back up
    Posted @ 8:34p
  37. 7 - 13


    CHHS 7, Milton 13
    We noticed it's halftime, please enjoy this video while you wait for the action to resume.
    Posted @ 8:37p
  38. Commentary

    Milton golf team on the field receiving championship rings. 3rd year in a row!
    Posted @ 8:43p
  39. Commentary

    1 min to start of 3rd quarter
    Posted @ 8:56p
  40. 7 - 13

    Start of 3rd Quarter

    Milton3rd Quarter
    Milton to kick off to Collins Hill.
    Posted @ 9:01p
  41. 7 - 13

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Collins Hill3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Milton kicked off to Collins Hill. Collins Hill has the ball on their own 20-yard line. CHHS 7, Milton 13
    Posted @ 9:02p
  42. 7 - 13

    Long Run

    Collins Hill3rd Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Collins Hill with a long run. Collins Hill has the ball on Milton's 37-yard line. CHHS 7, Milton 13
    Posted @ 9:02p
  43. 7 - 13

    Red Zone Alert

    Collins Hill3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Collins Hill is inside Milton's 20. CHHS 7, Milton 13
    Posted @ 9:05p
  44. 13 - 13

    Rushing Touchdown

    Collins Hill3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Collins Hill - Rushing TD. CHHS 13, Milton 13
    Posted @ 9:06p
  45. 14 - 13

    Made Point After

    Collins Hill3rd Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Collins Hill - #84 Phillip Bonacci PAT Good. CHHS 14, Milton 13
    Posted @ 9:07p
  46. 14 - 13

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Milton3rd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Collins Hill kicked off to Milton. Milton has the ball on their own 6-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 13
    Posted @ 9:09p
  47. 14 - 13


    Milton3rd Quarter ~9 minutes to go
    Milton - 1st down, ~9 minutes to go, ball on their own 29-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 13
    Posted @ 9:11p
  48. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Milton had a long run called back for holding
    Posted @ 9:12p
  49. 14 - 19

    Passing Touchdown

    Milton3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Milton - Pass completed to #4 Zac Allen for a TD. CHHS 14, Milton 19
    Posted @ 9:14p
  50. 14 - 21

    Two Point Pass Completed

    Milton3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Milton - Pass completed for a 2Pt Conversion. CHHS 14, Milton 21
    Posted @ 9:15p
  51. 14 - 21

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Collins Hill3rd Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Milton kicked off to Collins Hill. Collins Hill has the ball on their own 20-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 21
    Posted @ 9:16p
  52. Commentary

    3rd Quarter
    Timeout C Hill
    Posted @ 9:20p
  53. 14 - 21


    Collins Hill3rd Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Collins Hill - 1st down, ~5 minutes to go, ball on Milton's 30-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 21
    Posted @ 9:21p
  54. 14 - 21


    Milton3rd Quarter ~3 minutes to go
    Collins Hill has punted to Milton. Milton has the ball on their own 28-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 21
    Posted @ 9:26p
  55. 14 - 21

    Long Pass

    Milton3rd Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Milton - Long pass to #19 Tristen Payne. Milton has the ball on Collins Hill's 18-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 21
    Posted @ 9:28p
  56. 14 - 27

    Passing Touchdown

    Milton3rd Quarter Under a minute
    Milton - 5 Yd pass completed to #2 Marc Essley ii for a TD. CHHS 14, Milton 27
    Posted @ 9:31p
  57. 14 - 28

    Made Point After

    Milton3rd Quarter Under a minute
    Milton - PAT Good. CHHS 14, Milton 28
    Posted @ 9:31p
  58. 14 - 28

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Collins Hill3rd Quarter Under a minute
    Milton kicked off to Collins Hill. Collins Hill has the ball on their own 20-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 28
    Posted @ 9:32p
  59. 14 - 28

    End of 3rd Quarter

    4th Quarter
    CHHS 14, Milton 28
    Posted @ 9:34p
  60. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Timeout C Hill
    Posted @ 9:37p
  61. 14 - 28


    Milton4th Quarter ~11 minutes to go
    Collins Hill has punted to Milton. Milton has the ball on Collins Hill's 49-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 28
    Posted @ 9:38p
  62. 14 - 34

    Rushing Touchdown

    Milton4th Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Milton - #9 AJ Benton with a 40 Yd Rushing TD. CHHS 14, Milton 34
    Posted @ 9:42p
  63. 14 - 35

    Made Point After

    Milton4th Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Milton - PAT Good. CHHS 14, Milton 35
    Posted @ 9:42p
  64. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Milton faked a 4th down punt to score
    Posted @ 9:42p
  65. 14 - 35

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Collins Hill4th Quarter ~10 minutes to go
    Milton kicked off to Collins Hill. Collins Hill has the ball on their own 20-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 35
    Posted @ 9:44p
  66. 14 - 35

    Turnover on Downs

    Milton4th Quarter ~8 minutes to go
    Collins Hill has turned possession over on downs. Milton has the ball on Collins Hill's 47-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 35
    Posted @ 9:47p
  67. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Timeout Milton
    Posted @ 9:48p
  68. 14 - 41

    Passing Touchdown

    Milton4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Milton - 35 Yd pass completed to #4 Zac Allen for a TD. CHHS 14, Milton 41
    Posted @ 9:50p
  69. 14 - 42

    Made Point After

    Milton4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Milton - PAT Good. CHHS 14, Milton 42
    Posted @ 9:51p
  70. 14 - 42

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Collins Hill4th Quarter ~7 minutes to go
    Milton kicked off to Collins Hill. Collins Hill has the ball on their own 20-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 42
    Posted @ 9:52p
  71. 14 - 42


    Milton4th Quarter ~5 minutes to go
    Collins Hill has punted to Milton. Milton has the ball on their own 34-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 42
    Posted @ 9:57p
  72. 14 - 42


    Collins Hill4th Quarter ~2 minutes to go
    Milton has punted to Collins Hill. Collins Hill has the ball on their own 35-yard line. CHHS 14, Milton 42
    Posted @ 10:01p
  73. Commentary

    4th Quarter
    Timeout C Hill
    Posted @ 10:04p
  74. 20 - 42

    Passing Touchdown

    Collins Hill4th Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Collins Hill - Pass completed for a TD. CHHS 20, Milton 42
    Posted @ 10:05p
  75. 21 - 42

    Made Point After

    Collins Hill4th Quarter ~1 minute to go
    Collins Hill - PAT Good. CHHS 21, Milton 42
    Posted @ 10:06p
  76. 21 - 42

    Possession Update - Kickoff

    Milton4th Quarter Under a minute
    Collins Hill kicked off to Milton. Milton has the ball on their own 23-yard line. CHHS 21, Milton 42
    Posted @ 10:10p
  77. 21 - 42

    End of Game

    CHHS 21, Milton 42
    Posted @ 10:12p

Players of the Game

Collins Hill (23-24)

Collins Hill has not selected any Players of the Game.

Milton (23-24)

Congratulations to #14 Amauri Anderson (offensive), #3 Ma'khi Jones-purnell (defensive) and #9 AJ Benton (special teams) for being selected the Milton Football Players of the Game.

Collins Hill @ Milton Football Game Info

Fri., Nov. 17, 2023 @ 7:30p
Milton High School
The Milton (GA) varsity football team won Friday's home playoff game against Collins Hill (Suwanee, GA) by a score of 42-21.

Scoretracker Providers

Rick MalbaryEagles Reporter
Dale FryeEagles Reporter

Rankings & Records

Collins Hill (23-24)

OverallRegionHomeAwayNeutralWin %Region %PFPA

Milton (23-24)

OverallRegionHomeAwayWin %Region %PFPA

Team Scoring Averages

Collins Hill

Collins Hill Videos

Collins Hill doesn't have any videos.

Milton Videos


  • Milton won on 8/17/2023
    8/17 @ 7:30pQ1Q2Q3Q4Final
    Collins Hill007613

    The Collins Hill (Suwanee, GA) varsity football team lost Thursday's away non-conference game against Milton (GA) by a score of 27-13.

  • Milton won on 11/17/2023
    11/17 @ 7:30pQ1Q2Q3Q4Final
    Collins Hill077721

    The Collins Hill (Suwanee, GA) varsity football team lost Friday's away playoff game against Milton (GA) by a score of 42-21.

Team Stat Comparison

Collins HillMilton
105.7Rushing Yards Per Game116.9
147.8Passing Yards Per Game271.3
147.8Receiving Yards Per Game271.3
253.4Total Yards Per Game388.1
46.3Tackles Per Game67.9
2.8Sacks Per Game3.0
17.0Points Per Game35.8

Team Leaders

Collins HillMiltonNational Avg.
#20 Cam Jones59.0Rushing Yards Per Game#21 Tj Lester57.220.6
#12 Tj Wilcox155.1Passing Yards Per Game#5 Luke Nickel260.950.5
#7 Quentin Grambo38.5Receiving Yards Per Game#4 CJ Wiley98.217.5
#12 Tj Wilcox158.7Total Yards Per Game#5 Luke Nickel273.036.9
#2 Deuce Geralds6.8Tackles Per Game#7 Hayden Tumminia7.72.7
#2 Deuce Geralds1.2Sacks Per Game#15 Caleb Bell0.60.2
#20 Cam Jones4.4Points Per Game#25 Alex Nover7.42.1

Common Opponents

SchoolCommon Opp. Rec.SchoolCommon Opp. Rec.
Collins Hill1-0Milton0-1
11/10/23North CobbCollins Hill(W) 45-149/22/23North CobbMilton(L) 42-27

Record Breakdown

Collins Hill (23-24)

Milton (23-24)

Head to Head
Common Opponent